
2019-09-10 07:22莫小阡
一带一路报道 2019年1期



















In the past five years, the Belt and Road Initiative has grown from a vision into reality, through opportunities and challenges, gaining fruits while going through hard times. It started from scratch to involve more and more countries through unremitting efforts and continuous trials.In this process, China's centrally- radministeredstate -owned enterprises (central SOEs) havebeen the practitioners and pioneers in promoting the Belt and Road Initiative, and have gained remarkable achievements.

Practitioners that turn visions into reality

In the "going global" layout, the central SOEsfocus on building and operating infrastructure, so as to promote the connectivity of the countries along the Belt and Road. Weng Jieming, ViceChairman of State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (SASAC),PRC pointed out that with their strength and experience in infrastructure construction and operation, China's central SOEs have proactively played their roles in building and operating the infrastructure in the countries and regions along the Belt and Road in multipleareas, including railways, ports, highways and telecommunications,.

In the railway sector, the first modern electrified railway in East Africa - the AddisAbaba-Djibouti Railway, has been in operation, which significantly reduces the transportation time from one week to one day. The Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway has transported almost two million passengers since its operationover one year. In addition, there are other projects under construction, including the China-Laos Railway, the Belgrade- Budapest Railway, and the Jarkarta-Bandung High- speed Railway, making railway construction a symbol of China in the Belt and Road Initiative.

As for ports, the Greek Port of Piraeus has gradually become a major port for containertransfer, land-ocean transportation and an interactional logistic distribution center in theMediterranean Region, with its container traffic reaching 7.2 million TEUs in 2018. The newport in Djibouti - the Doraleh Multipurpose Port(DMP), is another port built under the Belt andRoad Initiative, which is now one of the largestand the most modem port in East Africa.

In terms of highways, a series of projects have been carried out, and have brought significant changes to local transportation. One of the projects is the Karakoram Highway that connects China and Pakistan. While tapping into the local tourism resources, the highways also foster a batch of new industries such as local retail business and gem mining.

As for telecommunication networks, China'sCentral SOEs have been working on submarine optical cables, territorial optical cables and other high-volume and high- -speed communication facilities in Northeast Asia, Central Asia, SouthAsia, Southeast Asia and many other regions, to build a comprehensive and interconnected system of telecommunication network in all dimensions.

Apart from infrastructure construction,China's Central SOEs also focus on deepening cooperation in energies, resources and global capacities. By October 2018, the central SOEs had launched more than 60 projects on oil and gas cooperation in more than 20 countries, to support the economic development needs of the countries along the Belt and Road. In addition ,they are also devoted to exchanging and sharing the techniques in exploiting mineral resources, which effectively improves the countries' capacities and skills in exploiting energies and mineral resources.

Pioneers in people-to-people bond

Infrastructure construction lays the cornerstone for the Belt and Road Initiative, whereas people-to- people bond is essential.On October 30, 2018, a media briefing of building the Belt and Road Initiative was held by theSASAC and was attended by the central SOEs.The SASAC spoke highly of the models that the central SOEs have set in people- -to- people bond."In the Belt and Road Initiative, the central SOEshave proactively fulfilled their social responsibilities and shaped well as responsible enterprises.They are law-abiding companies of integrity, seeking localized approaches to development, with an eye on environmental protection. Theyhave been devoted to public goods, and haveplayed a positive role in improving local people’s livelihood, advancing coordinated development and promoting cultural exchanges."

It is noted that about 85% of the employees at the central SOEs' overseas branches are hired locally, and in many of these enterprises ,local employees take up more than 90% of the staff. Especially in the Indonesia branch ofChina National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC)and the Pakistan branch of China Mobile, 99%of the staff is hired locally. While providing job opportunities directly, the central SOEs also helpbring 10-plus or even scores of times increase in job opportunities in those regions indirectly.

In the process of "going global", the centralSOEs underline the ecological balance while seeking development. When exploiting mineral resources, some of the companies integrate the concept of green development throughout the process of production and operation. To minimize the impact from resource exploitation on environment, the central SOEs set higher standards for environmental protection and apply advanced technologies. Over the past few years, the central SOEs have strictly abided by internationally recognized rules and local laws and regulations on environmental protection, and have reinforced local environmental protection through third- party assessment on environment, energy conservation and emission reduction, as well as waste management, etc.

In addition, the central SOEs have also active lyparticuipated in the construction of local servicesand facilities for education, culture, and healthcare, benefiting local people and showing a great sense of responsibility. For example, POWERCHINA has organized and participated in local roadrehabilitation, sunken ship search and rescue, car accidents response, and much other rescue and relief work. The Metallurgical Corporation of ChinaLtd. (MCC Group) has funded the construction of local hospitals and schools, which is widely acclaimed by local communities...

Dream makers for the Belt and Road Initiative

The past years have witnessed the increasing number of cooperation projects under theInitiative. The central SOEs have cooperated with each other as well as with private enterprises, local companies and multinational companies.Moreover, the fields of cooperation alsokeep expanding, from joint construction of infrastructure to the joint construction of major projects, from joint exploitation of energies andresources to global cooperation on production capacity, from cooperation of products and service to scientific researches and technological collaboration. The ways of cooperation are more and more diversified: in some cases, the centralSOEs make direct investment and build factorieswith sole proprietorship, or Chinese private companies make joint investment, and start jointventures with local companies. At the same time, they are actively seeking third parties to attract investment and achieve cooperation.

While looking back on our achievements, Weng also gave his advice on how the enterprises should guard themselves against risks. He reckoned that world trade and economy have been changing, and therefore the centralSOEs shall take measures to prevent and control risks according to regulations and based on situations, to make sure all risks are eliminated.At the same time, they should keep improving the projects, and seek better gains by optimizing the projects for finer management and greater commercial values. In addition, the SASAC willstrengthen online control over all the overseas projects through cooperation with related ministries and commissions, and make sure all problems are resolved promptly.

By taking part in the Belt and Road Initiative, the central SOEs not only speed up their globalization process, but also grow steadily to become fully-fledged. By now, the centralSOEs have achieved a lot in the journey of "going global", and as the ideas of cooperation and mutual benefits deepen, the central SOEs will embrace a wider world.
