Three Monks

2019-09-10 23:33:22姚琦
阅读(快乐英语高年级) 2019年9期



Narrator:One day, a young monk comes to a beautiful riverside place. The river is at the foot of a mountain. On the mountain, there’s a temple.

Little Monk:I’m a little monk. I’m Hui Tong. I like Kongfu(功夫). It’s so hot. Wow, a river! Let me take a bath!

Little Monk:(after the bath)Oh, there is a temple! Hello, may I come in? Oh, no one is here. What a great place!

Narrator:He takes a nap for a while because of the long journey these days.

Little Monk:(wakes up)I am thirsty. I need water. Let me carry some!

Narrator:There is a long distance between the river and the ancient(古老的)temple. The little monk carries water by himself without any complaints(怨言).

Narrator:A few days later, a tall monk comes to the temple and meets the little monk.

Little Monk:Amitabha! I’m Hui Tong.

Tall Monk:Amitabha! I’m Shen Tong.

Little Monk:It’s so hot today! Would you like some water?

Tall Monk:Thank you, Hui Tong. I feel cool now! The water is too heavy to carry for a quite long distance, so let me help you from now on.

Little Monk:Thanks! You are so nice.

Narrator:Before sunset, they go downhill to carry water together.

Little Monk:Oh, stop, Hui Tong! It’s unfair! I’m shorter than you. You should walk behind me.

Tall Monk:OK, no problem.

Tall Monk:No, no, no! It’s unfair, either. I’m taller than you. Walking behind you forces(迫使) me to hunch over(彎腰驼背).

Narrator:When these two monks return to the temple, they find that the water they carry this time is less than the water carried by Hui Tong alone.

Tall Monk:Why we two carry so little water? How could this happen?

Little Monk:It’s your fault!

Tall Monk:No way! It’s your fault!

Narrator:From then on, the tall monk and the little monk always quarrel over this thing. Their relationship is not as good as before. One day, a fat monk joins them.

Fat Monk:What a hot day! The sun is shining brightly. Water, water, I need water! Oh, there’s a temple. Someone must be there.

Fat Monk:Amitabha! I’m Yuan Tong. It’s so quiet and peaceful. I want to stay here, could I?

Little Monk & Tall Monk:Welcome!

Fat Monk:And ... I’m very thirsty after a long walk. May I drink some water?

Little Monk:Help yourself.

Tall Monk:Then you should carry some water for us.

Fat Monk:OK, but I’m so tired. I will do it next time.

Narrator:At last, no one wants to carry water. They just stay in the temple. They all feel very thirsty, but they do nothing. One night, they all fall asleep. A rat comes out and runs here and there in the temple. Soon a candle breaks down ...

Little Monk:Ouch! Wake up! Wake up!

Tall Monk:Oh, dear! It’s so terrible! I can’t breathe(呼吸)now.

All:Help! Help!

Narrator:Now the temple is on fire, but there’s no water. It’s very dangerous! What causes this situation? Yes, the three monks are lack of teamwork spirit.

Fat Monk:Keep calm! We need a lot of water. Follow me! Hurry up!

Narrator:The three monks are busy carrying water to put out the fire. But it’s useless. The fire is very big. Fortunately, a sudden(突如其來的)shower comes down. The fire is under control at last. They smile at each other, and the fat monk says ——

Fat Monk:What a lucky day! We need to save(储存)enough water in the temple. I will be the first today!

(The End)

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