
2019-09-10 07:22贾从永
英语世界 2019年6期



Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the challenges of studying abroad. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.



A growing number of Chinese students now dream of studying abroad. However, studying in a foreign country, though a rewarding experience, comes with its own share of challenges. If you plan to study overseas, here are two top challenges to be prepared for.

The first challenge is homesickness. You will find yourself missing your folks back home like crazy, especially in the first few months abroad. Don’t worry. You can try such activities as hiking, swimming or mountain-climbing to keep yourself busy. Another challenge is the language barrier. You may be fluent in the language of your host country, but you will still have a hard time being understood and understanding the locals. Take it easy. As long as you immerse yourself in the language, this problem will disappear very soon.

It is said that without obstacles you cannot grow, for you can always turn a challenge into a learning opportunity. Actually, once you triumph over the challenges, your overseas studying will be smooth sailing. (165 words)


1. However, studying in a foreign country, though a rewarding experience, comes with its own share of challenges. 然而,出国留学虽是一种有益的经历,但也有自己的挑战。come with具有。one’s own share of自己的。

2. If you plan to study overseas, here are two top challenges to be prepared for. 如果你计划出国留学,有两个最重要的挑战需要你有所准备。top最重要的。

3. You will find yourself missing your folks back home like crazy, especially in the first few months abroad. 你会发现自己疯狂地思念家里的亲人,尤其是在国外最初的几个月里。folks家人,亲人,(尤指)父母。like crazy疯狂地。

4. You may be fluent in the language of your host country, but you will still have a hard time being understood and understanding the locals. 虽然也许你能流利地说所去留学国家的语言,但你还是难以被听懂和听懂当地人说话。may尽管,或许,用于承认情况属实,后面一般有but与之相呼应。have a hard/difficult time doing sth难以做某事。

5. Actually, once you triumph over the challenges, your overseas studying will be smooth sailing. 实际上,一旦你克服了这些挑战,你的留学生活将会一帆风顺。actually实际上,此处修饰整个句子,表示对上文信息做进一步补充。triumph over战胜,克服。smooth sailing一帆风顺。


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on how to balance work and leisure. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.



Sir Winston Churchill divided human beings into three classes: those who toiled to death, those who are worried to death, and those who are bored to death. If you are one of those who find it hard balancing work and leisure, here are some pointers for you.

First, draw a line between your professional and personal life. For example, tell your colleagues that you won’t answer work-related messages after work. Or else you will end up working 24/7 and burning yourself out. Second, forget your work after you clock off. You may as well spend your leisure time working out at a gym or hanging out with your family or friends. Third, set aside some me time. Always find time to do what you enjoy most – be it reading a book, watching your favorite television show or indulging in a nice hot bath.

Finding a healthy balance between work and leisure is not easy. But the ability to successfully combine work and personal life is essential for your physical and mental wellbeing, as all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. (184 words)


1. If you are one of those who find it hard balancing work and leisure, here are some pointers for you. 如果你觉得难以平衡工作与休闲,有一些建议适合你。pointer建议。

2. Or else you will end up working 24/7 and burning yourself out. 否则你会一星期每天工作24小时,把自己累垮。or (else)否则。end up结果,后面一般跟形容词、动名词或介词短语表示某种不好的结果。burn oneself out把自己累垮。

3. You may as well spend your leisure time working out at a gym or hanging out with your family or friends. 你不如在業余时间去健身房锻炼或者和亲友一起出去玩。may as well不妨,不如,表示建议。work out锻炼。hang out闲逛。

4. Third, set aside some me time. 第三,留一些个人时间。set aside留出。me time个人时间。

5. Always find time to do what you enjoy most – be it reading a book, watching your favorite television show or indulging in a nice hot bath. 总是抽些时间做自己最喜欢的事情,不管是读读书、看看喜欢的电视节目,还是尽情地泡个热水澡。indulge in尽情享受。nice很,非常,修饰表示积极意义的形容词。

6. But the ability to successfully combine work and personal life is essential for your physical and mental wellbeing, as all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. 但是,能够成功地把工作和个人生活结合起来对于你的身心健康非常重要,因为只工作不玩耍,聪明的人也变傻。

第52Q 迈向新挑战