
2019-09-10 00:43
疯狂英语·读写版 2019年10期



Step 2 实践·文本解读


Ⅰ. D


1. Zain sues his parents for giving birth to him but couldnt look after him.

2. Zain, a Syrian refugee.

3. In the slums of Beirut, Lebanon's capital.

4. Leading a poor and miserable life, Zain lives in desperation. Besides, his parents cannot at least take care of him and his siblings, let alone show love and respect to them. Apart from that, Zain has no human rights at all, such as schooling, social identity and so on.

5. He is brave, hard-working and responsible.

6. Labaki.

7. By filming the miserable refugees, esp-ecially children in the slums of Beirut, Lebanon's capital.

Step 3 运用·读写整合


1. As for me, I would write true stories about the miserable life of the refugees and call for worldwide help.

2. With the film winning the Jury Prize at Cannes Film Festival, she became the voice of these kids and successfully got the cry for help across the world. For example, Zain and his family got the chance to resettle in Norway under the auspices of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Step 4 提升·素养建构


1. Labaki and Zain and all the staff surely deserve some credit for trying to make the changes happen by telling sad but true stories. They absolutely succeed and that's the power of a film. In Capernaum, many people obviously perceive the fact that there's a development going on; the characters are growing and changing in the course of the story, and so is the movie. (Any answer is possible.)



Dear Alice,

I've learned that you haven't watched the movie Capernaum, and neither have I. However, I've read a movie review on Capernaum and grasped some basic details which actually touched the depths of my spirit.

Directed by Lebanese director Nadine Labaki, Capernaum faithfully records the miserable and desperate lives in the slums of Beirut, Lebanon's capital. The film is fictional, but it's as true as it gets. For example, Zain himself, the main character of the film, is leading a similar life. His parents cannot at least take care of him and his siblings, let alone show love and respect to them. On top of that, Zain has no human rights at all, such as schooling, social identity and so on.

Winning the Jury Prize at Cannes Film Festival in May, 2018, Labaki and Zain and all the staff surely deserve some credit for trying to make the changes happen by telling sad but true stories and they absolutely succeed and that's the power of a film.

Inspired by the movie review, I strongly recommend this film to you. Shall we watch it in this summer holiday and exchange our ideas by e-mail?


Li Hua


Reading Check

1. By using a VR headset or applicable application.

2. In computer-generated simulations.

3. Immersion and interaction.

Language Study

1. to  2. place  3. from  4. of


Reading Check

1. C  2. B

Language Study

Ⅰ. 1. out  2. on  3. with  4. around

Ⅱ. 1. present  2. begins


Reading Check

1. A   2. C

Language Study

1. with  2. to  3. to  4. of  5. and  6. to


Reading Check

1. A  2. B  3. C

Language Study

1. off  2. to  3. from  4. of  5. for  6. in  7. to

8. with   9. in   10. in


Ⅲ. 读后创写


Dear Tom,

I'm delighted to share something interesting about VR with you.

VR means creating a simulation of a real world experience that a person can enter and leave at any time using technology. A good VR experience is based on a headset, which blocks out the outside world and presents a whole new view for the user. It has been applied to many fields, such as education, military, astronomy and so on. For example, a Virtual Reality simulation enables soldiers to get trained but without the risk of death or a serious injury. Also, it is able to present complex data in an accessible way to students which is both fun and easy to learn.

While it is full of potential, there are many challenges. The main stumbling blocks are time, costs and technological limitations. But if these problems are solved, there is an exciting future for VR.

I'm looking forward to going to the VR Play Station to experience it with you next week.


Li Hua


Reading Check

1. plastic  2. reasons

3. food  4. paying

5. program/bank

Language Study

1. To  avoid

2. Reading; is



Ⅰ. 1. A   2. B   3. C

Ⅱ. 1. B  2. A  3. C  4. B


Reading Check

1. D  2. C

Language Study

1. forced them to  2. too; to  3. being caught


Reading Check

Recently, strict waste sorting regulations have been carried out in Shanghai. The regulations not only caused heated discussions on the Internet, but also brought unexpected results to the lives of Shanghai residents. With some problems caused by this rule to solve, there is still a long way to go for the garbage classification.

Language Study

1. are troubled by  2. be divided into


Reading Check

1. C   2. A   3. B


Reading Check

1. You'll not only enjoy them more, but save money while maximizing nutrition.

2. Because seasonal fruits and vegetables don't undergo lengthy transit times to get from farm to your kitchen, so these essential vitamins and minerals are more likely to be preserved.

3. Because shorter travel time for the produce means lower shipping costs, which lowers the grocer's price. When fruits and vegetables are in season, the farmers will most likely have an abundance of the crop and prices will go down.

4. Your local farmer's market.

Language Study

1. 对于你购买的产品来说,更短的运输时间意味着更低的运输费用,则物品的标价便会下降,在结账的时候你便能看出省钱了。

2. 当你在食品杂货店买东西的时候,你可以按照这种指导方式来挑选当季的果蔬,确保花最少的钱买到最有营养的食品。


Reading Check


Language Study



Dear Tom,

I am so delighted that you show great interest in the Double Ninth Festival. Generally speaking, the festival falls on the 9th day of the 9th lunar month every year. It is a day for people to eat Chongyang cake, drink chrysanthemum wine, climb mountains and so on, which is said to have the function of driving the evil away as well as avoiding disasters. In 1989, this festival was designated as Senior's Day—a day to respect the elderly. During the holiday, members of a family will accompany their elders and wish health and happiness upon them.

All in all, it is a meaningful festival for Chinese, especially for the elderly.


Li Hua


Reading Check

1. C  2. D  3. D

Language Study

1. 然而,有一个人却通过他生动的描述和照片,把揭开金丝猴神秘的面纱作为他的使命。

2. 对神农架了解越多,我便越发感到自己在大自然面前的卑微和渺小。


Reading Check


Language Study

1. as having the highest number of

2. that different combinations of


Reading Check

1. T  2. F  3. T  4. F  5. F

Language Study

1. no question/doubt that

2. it; that


Reading Check

Any answer is possible.

Language Study

1. You will let your parents down if you fail the exam.

2. Our real choices in this culture are far more limited than we would like to imagine.


Reading Check

1. B   2. C

Language Study

1. language barriers

2. delving into


Reading Check

Any answer is possible.

Language Study

1. achieve  2. apply to

3. burning; born  4. live; boss




1. B  2. D  3. B


Ⅰ. 1. as a result of; published  2. by; increasing

3. potentially; to  4. neglecting; the  5. findings

Ⅲ. The system used in this school is very successful.



Critical Thinking

Any answer is possible.





Dear Tom,

I am delighted to know you are interested in Chinese martial arts and would like to learn them during the summer holiday. As we all know, Chinese martial arts include different styles and have influenced other parts of the world. By learning martial arts, first, we can protect ourselves when in danger. Second, it is good for our health and can help us keep fit.

By the way, I'd like to recommend Shaolin Temple to you, which thousands of people choose to learn martial arts every year. Located in Zhengzhou, capital of Henan Province, it is famous at home and abroad, and I am sure you will learn a lot in it.

Looking forward to your coming.


Li Hua



Task 1


1. B   推断题。 第1段用智能手机作为话题的引子,来导入作者下面要陈述的话题。

2. C   细节题。根据第3段的最后一句“It will change not just our tools, it will change the human being itself.”可知,技术革新不仅仅会改变工具,它还会改变我们自身。

3. B   推断题。根据最后一段可知, Professor Harari的观点并非一家之言,早在2017年,Elon Musk就发表过类似的观点。综上可知,Elon Musk对Professor Harari的观点持支持的态度。

4. A   推断题。本文主要讲述了随着科技的发展,人类越来越依赖机器,人类与机器融为一体将变为可能。

Task 2


1. G   与上文语境中提到的“太空的环境让宇航员暴露在高强度的辐射之下”相呼应,此处选择G项“暴露在辐射下会增加地球人患癌与心脏病的概率”紧承上文。

2. E   E项与下文语境中提到的 “它包括301名美国国家航空航天局宇航员和117名俄罗斯或苏联宇航员”相呼应,故此处选择E项“这个研究分析了418名宇航员的信息” 符合语境。

3. B   该空与下文语境中提到的“53名美国国家航空航天局宇航员死于……;36名俄罗斯或苏联宇航员死于……”相呼应,故此处选择B项“在此期间,89名参与者辞世”符合语境。

4. D   上文提到“在这种情况下,死亡原因就是太空辐射”,故此处选择D项“但是他们的结果并没有指向同样的病因”符合语境。

5. F   该空前说明辐射给人们带来患癌与心脏病的风险并不令人吃惊,该空后说明未来的研究应该继续监控宇航员暴露在辐射下的潜在危害,故此处选择F项“不过,这个研究无法确定是否更长的任务会带来不同的风险 ”承上启下。

Task 3


1. A   作者站在十字路口,男村民们都问同样的问题:你是否确定(certain)爬这座危险的高山?

2. B   由下文内容可知,作者是一个人爬山,没有人陪伴(unaccompanied)。她需要向导,需要支持。

3. D   作者解释说,她过去一直在准备(preparing for)时间去考察和锻炼身体。

4. A   由前文语境可知,作者花费时间考察和锻炼身体。physical strength“体力”。

5. C   由后面的their local traditions可知,作者會遵从(keep)当地习俗。

6. D   作者强调会雇佣几位村民作为向导,但这似乎并没有减轻他们的顾虑(concern)。

7. C   男村民们描述说(reported),流动很快的泥浆会抓住作者的双腿,整个把她吞没(swallow)。

8. B   参见第7题解析。

9. A   由上文可知,泥浆会吞没作者,猜出作者体型不大。

10. C   尽管没有人能回忆起(recall)这种事情发生过在谁身上,但是他们确信这很有可能发生。

11. A   由后文女村民支持作者可知,这里表示她们举起(raised)手臂, 表达兴奋的心情。

12. B   由上文提到的女村民的举动可知,这里表示她们发出积极的(active)声音。

13. A   这里指男村民与女村民达成共识,这让女村民倍感轻松。put sb at ease意为“令人感到轻松”。

14. C   看来双方在意见上的一致(agreement)使他们觉得自己都是获胜者。

15. B   这里指的是作者开始了她的爬山之旅(journey)。

16. D   加入(joined)作者爬山之旅的不仅仅是一个团队,还有每一个女村民。

17. A   作者爬山有团队(team)的一路陪同。

18. B   由前文语境可知,女村民一直积极支持作者爬山,所以用proudly来表现她们的感情最恰当。

19. C   由前文语境可知,作者登山是和团队一起进行的。collective accomplishment“集体成就”。

20. D   人生中最大的危险是不敢冒险,我们应该追逐(follow)自己的梦想。

Task 4



1. an   考查冠词。语境:……我作为一名国际学生,来到中国实现梦想。international student“国际学生”,前面应该用不定冠词an表示“一名”。

2. but   考查连词。根据语境可知,前后是转折关系,故用but“但是”连接。

3. activities   考查名词。activity是可数名词,再由前面的one of...可知,此处用其复数形式。

4. to   考查介词。the visit to是固定短语搭配,意为“去……的参观”。

5. to reach   考查非谓语动词。此处是不定式短语作目的状语。

6. went   考查动词时态。根据本句中该空前的were可知,此处用一般过去时。

7. attractive   考查词性转换。句意:当我们到达山顶时,发现它确实很迷人。attractive“迷人的”。

8. me   考查代词。a photo of sb“某人的照片”,此处应用人称代词的宾格形式。

9. totally   考查副词。该空修饰动词freeze,因此应该用副词形式。

10. climbing   考查非谓语动词。此处climbing mountains是动名词短语作主语。



Dear George,

I would like to express my congratulations to you on your receiving the first prize of “The Foreign Students' Chinese Poetry Recitation Contest”. I feel happy to see you have realized your dream. In my mind, it is very difficult for a foreign student. There are so many famous poems in the Chinese history. So I am wondering which poem you have chosen to recite in this contest made you stand out finally.

I know you are always studying Chinese hard, so would you like to share your feelings with us? Do you think poetry can be a bridge of friendship? Do you want to learn more about Chinese culture?

Sincere congratulations to you again!


Li Hua



Critical Thinking

Any answer is possible.
