
2019-09-10 07:22王文采
广西植物 2019年1期


摘 要:   该文描述了自云南西北部发现的毛茛科银莲花属一新组,即维西银莲花组(sect. Deinostigma)和一新种,即维西银莲花(Anemone weixiensis)。此组与卵叶银莲花组有亲缘关系,与后者的区别在于其心皮较少(约11枚),子房被短柔毛,柱头明显,呈椭圆体形,瘦果被短柔毛,不扁,无肋,顶端具椭圆体形宿存柱头。

关键词:  毛茛科, 银莲花属, 新组, 新种, 云南

中图分类号:   Q949

文献标识码:    A

文章编号:   1000-3142(2019)01-0007-03

A new section with a new species of Anemone (Ranunculaceae) from Yunnan

WANG Wen-tsai

( State Key Laboratory of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100093, China )

Abstract:   A section, sect. Deinostigma with a species, Anemone weixiensis, of the genus Anemone (Ranunculaceae) is described as new from north-western part of Yunnan Province. This section is related to sect. Begonifolia (Ulbr.) Tamura, differing in its fewer carpeels, puberulous ovaries, conspicuous ellipsoid stigmas, and puberulous neither compressed nor ribbed achenes at apex with persistent stigmas.

Key words:  Ranunculaceae, Anemone, new section, new species, Yunnan

銀莲花属 Anemone   L.

银莲花亚属 Subgen.   Omalocarpus   (DC.) Juz.


Sect.  Deinostigma  W. T. Wang, sect. nov.

Ob rhizoma plus minusve verticale, flores in cymam umbelliformem pauci-floram dispositos, sepala 5, filamenta filiformia section nova haec est affinis sect. Begonifoliis (Ulbr.) Tamura, a qua carpellis pauciorbius ca. 11, ovariis puberulis, stigmatibus conspicuis ellipsoideis, acheniis puberulis nec compressis nec costatis apice stigmatibus persistentibus ellipsoideis praeditis differt. In sect. Begonifoliis, carpella numerosa glabra, stigmata inconspicua, achenia glabra, dorso-ventraliter compressa dorso longitudinaliter 1-costata apice stigmatibus persistentibus carentia  sunt.

Rhizome more or less vertical. Basal leaves simple, ca. 7, 3-sect. Cyme umbelliform, few-flowered; involucral bracts sessile, 3-4, foliaceous, 3-sect. Flower: sepals 5, white; filaments filiform; carpels ca. 11, ovaries puberulous, styles very short glabrous, stigmas conspicuous ellipsoid. Achenes broadly ellipsoid, puberulous, neither compressed nor ribbed, on apex with ellipsoid  persistent stgmas.

Type: Anemone weixiensis W. T. Wang.

Species 1, endemic to Weixi Xian, Yunnan  Province.

Etymology: deinos + stigma: Greek for curious mark or spot, indicating the conspicuous stigma of Anemone  weixiensis.

本新组的根状茎多少垂直,聚伞花序似伞形花序,具少数花,萼片5枚,花丝丝形,因此,与也具上述特征的卵叶银莲花组 [sect. Begonifolia (Ulbr.) Tamura]有亲缘关系,与后者的区别在于本组的心皮数目较少,约11枚,子房被短柔毛,柱头明显,呈椭圆体形,瘦果被短柔毛,不扁,不具肋,在顶端具椭圆体形宿存柱头。在卵叶银莲花组(sect. Begonifolia),心皮多数,无毛,柱头不明显,瘦果无毛,背腹扁,在背部具1条纵肋,在顶端无宿存柱头(Tamura, 1995; Ziman et al., 2008)。

维西银莲花  图1

Anemone weixiensis  W. T. Wang, sp. nov. Fig. 1

Perennial herbs. Rhizome more or less vertical, robust. Basal leaves ca. 7, long petiolate; blades papery, pentagonal, 1.6-3.2× 3-7 cm, at base cordate, adaxially subglabrous, abaxially on nerves sparsely pubescent, 3-sect, central segment broadly rhombic, 3-fid, lobes at margin lobulate, with lobules 1-denticulate or entire, lateral segments obliquely flabellate, at base cuneate, unequally 2-parted, secondary lobes 2-3-lobed,  on margin lobulated and denticulate, nerves adaxially flat, abaxially prominent; petioles 2-10 cm long, with a few hairs. Scape solitary, 9-15 cm tall, only near involucre with a few hairs; cyme umbel-like, 2-5-flowered; involucral bracts 3-4, unequal in size, subsessile, pentagonal or broadly rhombic, 2.2-3.5 × 1.4-4 cm, 3-parted, lobes 2-3-lobed, margin lobulated; pedicels 4-8 cm long, subglabrous. Flower: sepals 5, white, oblong, 1.2-1.8 × 0.5-0.6 cm, glabrous, apex rounded. Stamens ca. 60, glabrous; filaments filiform, 3.5-5 mm long; anthers broadly elliptic or oblong, 1 × 0.25-0.8 mm, apex obtuse. Carpels ca. 11; ovaries sessile, ellipsoid, 2-2.6 × 1-1.5 mm, slightly compressed, ventrally and dorsally densely puberulous (hairs 0.3-0.5 mm long); styles 0.1-0.2 mm long, glabrous; stigmas ellipsoid, 0.3-0.4 mm long. Young achenes broadly ellipsoid, ca. 5 × 3 mm, puberulous; persistent stigmas 0.3-0.4 mm long.

云南( Yunnan ): 維西县 ,栗地坪(Weixi Xian, Lidiping),alt. 3 100 m,林间草地,花白色,果绿色(in grassy places among forests, flowers white, fruits green),2008-07-28,杨亲二,袁琼(Q. E. Yang & Q. Yuan)2042( holotype  and isotype, PE)。


TA MURA M, 1995. Anemone[M]//Hiepko P. Die naturlich Pflanzenfamilien, Zwei Aufl., 17aIV. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot: 324-349.

ZIMAN SM, BULAKH EV, KADOTA Y, et al., 2008. Modern view on the taxonomy of the genus Anemone L. sensu stricto (Ranunculaceae)[J]. J Jpn Bot, 83: 127-155.
