张健烽 刘云霞 程淼 闫如雪
摘要:目的 系統评价中药联合早期肠内营养治疗胃癌术后临床疗效。方法 计算机检索中国知识资源总库(CNKI)、中国学术期刊数据库(万方数据)、中文科技期刊数据库(维普网)、中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM)、PubMed、Cochrane Library、Embase建库至2018年9月30日收录的中药联合早期肠内营养治疗胃癌术后随机对照试验文献。按照纳入与排除标准筛选后,参考Cochrane系统评价手册5.1.0进行文献质量评价,采用RevMan5.3进行Meta分析。结果 纳入文献12篇,包括706例受试者。Meta分析结果显示:中药联合早期肠内营养可缩短胃癌术后首次排气时间[MD=-13.19,95%CI(-17.46,-8.93),P<0.000 01]、首次排便时间[MD=-12.62,95%CI(-18.34,-6.91),P<0.000 1],提高血清白蛋白水平[MD=2.90,95%CI(2.21,3.60),P<0.000 01]、前白蛋白水平[MD=41.45,95%CI(23.08,59.81),P<0.000 01]、外周血CD3+细胞计数[MD=9.59,95%CI(7.76,11.42),P<0.000 01]、CD4+细胞计数[MD=4.80,95%CI(3.62,5.98),P<0.000 01]、CD4+/CD8+比值[MD=0.40,95%CI(0.19,0.61),P=0.000 2]。结论 中药联合早期肠内营养治疗胃癌术后临床疗效确切,且优于单纯肠内营养,但尚需更多大样本、多中心、高质量的临床随机对照试验进一步验证。
中图分类号:R273.52;R2-05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-5304(2019)07-0099-05
Abstract: Objective To systematically evaluate the clinical efficacy of TCM combined with early enteral nutrition in the treatment of postoperative patients with gastric cancer. Methods Articles about randomized controlled trials of TCM combined with early enteral nutrition for postoperative patients with gastric cancer in CNKI, Wanfang database, VIP, CBM, PubMed, Cochrane Library and Embase were searched. Retrieval time was from the establishment of the database to September 30, 2018. After the selected literature was determined according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the quality of the included literature was evaluated according to the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews 5.1.0. Meta-analysis was performed by using RevMan5.3 software. Results Totally 12 articles were included, involving 706 subjects. Meta-analysis results showed that TCM combined with early enteral nutrition could shorten the first time of flatus and defecation of patients with gastric cancer [MD=-13.19, 95%CI (-17.46, -8.93), P<0.000 01], [MD=-12.62, 95%CI (-18.34, -6.91), P<0.000 1], improve postoperative albumin levels [MD=2.90, 95%CI (2.21, 3.60), P<0.000 01], increase prealbumin levels [MD=41.45, 95%CI (23.08, 59.81), P<0.000 01], and increase peripheral blood CD3+ cell count, CD4+ cell count, CD4+/CD8+ ratio [MD=9.59, 95%CI (7.76, 11.42), P<0.000 01], [MD=4.80, 95%CI (3.62, 5.98), P<0.000 01], [MD=0.40, 95%CI (0.19, 0.61), P=0.000 2]. Conclusion TCM combined with early enteral nutrition in the treatment of postoperative gastric cancer patients hasconfirmed clinical efficacy and is better than simple enteral nutrition. However, more large-sample, multi-center, high-quality clinical randomized controlled trials are needed to further verify.