在超过十年没有举办国际性国防展之后,希腊将于2020年6月22-24日在雅典举行雅典国际展览会(DEFEA),展会将在大都会博览中心举行。展会由希腊国防部兼国防投资和军备总局主办,ROTA Exhibitions展览公司承办,并获得希腊防务材料制造商联盟(SEKPY)支持。 该展览会旨在成为东南欧和东地中海地区国防领域标杆展会,将向希腊和国际防务界的专业观众展示希腊本土和各国的海陆空防务系统和国土安全产品。
DEFEA to launch 2020
After a more than 10 year absence from international defence exhibitions, Greece is returning to the market by organising Defence Exhibition Athens (DEFEA), scheduled to take place in Athens, from June 22 to 24, 2020 at Metropolitan Expo under the auspices of the Ministry of National Defence/General Directorate for Defence Investments and Armaments (GDDIA). It is organised by ROTA Exhibitions with the support of the Union of Greek Manufacturers of Defence Material(SEKPY). The exhibition, which aims to become a point of reference for South-Eastern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean, will present land, sea, air defence systems and homeland security systems to a specialised audience from Greece and the international defence community. defea.gr/ DdefenceExhibitionAthens
全球最大的消防和救援服务贸易展览会Interschutz,每五年在德国汉诺威举行。如今,展会将首次在美国举办子展。展会将由(HFUSA),德国将由德国汉诺威展览公司的美国子公司HFUSA主办。北美消防设备和安全展Interschutz USA将于2020年10月13日至17日在宾夕法尼亚州费城宾夕法尼亚州会议中心举行。为期五天的全新展会将包括消防设备将展示来自全球各地的消防产品和技术。 Interschutz USA将充分考虑美国消防服务的现有模式,并将展示消防员安全解决方案。
Interschutz debuts in the U.S.
Interschutz, the worlds largest trade show for fire and rescue services, taking place every five years in Hannover, Germany, is coming to the U.S. Organiser Hannover Fairs USA (HFUSA), the U.S. subsidiary of Hannover, Germanys Deutsche Messe will debut Interschutz USA focused on the North American firefighting equipment and safety industry from October 13 to 17, 2020 in the Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, Pa. The new five-day event will incorporate a global view of firefighting equipment and tactics.
最新数据显示,法兰克福展览公司在2018年的业务体量保持全球第三的位置,仅位列英富曼和励展博览集团之后,并远远领先于德国竞争对手以及拥有自己的展馆的所有跨国贸易展览主办方。公司去年的销售额相比2017年增长了7%以上,实现了约7.18亿欧元的新销售记录。 相比2017年,净收入超过5000万欧元,年增长率约25%。。法兰克福展览公司总裁兼首席执行官Wolfgang Marzin表示,在2019财政年度,法兰克福展览计划在质量、数量和国际性方面继续增长。 “我们是许多市场的领先者,不仅仅是因为我们不断发展,更因为我们可持续地发展,并投资于未来。”他强调了该集团的主张。
Messe Frankfurt continues to outpace competitors
Messe Frankfurt is retaining its position in third place in a very challenging and international competitive environment (behind Informa and Reed) as well as being well ahead of German competitors and all worldwide trade fair companies that have their own exhibition infrastructure. It increased its sales by more than seven percent on 2017 and achieved a new sales record in 2018 of around 718 million euros. The consolidated annual net income for 2018 was more than 50 million euros, around 25 percent up on 2017. "EBITDA was at a record level of approximately 132 million euros", said Wolfgang Marzin, president and chief executive officer of Messe Frankfurt at the corporate press conference on June 27, 2019. During the current fiscal year, Messe Frankfurt intends to continue to grow in terms of quality, quantity and internationally. "We are the leaders in many markets, not least because we are constantly evolving, because we grow sustainably and because we invest in our future", he emphasised the groups claim.