KINTEX wins the 2019 UFI Marketing Award
On 11 June 2019, UFI named KINTEX as winner of the 2019 UFI Marketing Award. The UFI Marketing Award has been recognising exemplary marketing initiatives since 2001. This years award programme invited marketing experts in the exhibition industry to share their “Best Influencer Campaign”.
Today the biggest challenge is identifying and finding the right influencers and establishing contact with them. To do this, you need an influencer marketing strategy that identifies the right influencer and how to integrate influencer marketing successfully into marketing campaigns. All finalists presented their projects to the UFI Marketing Working Group at the UFI European Conference in Birmingham (UK). After the presentations, the jury collectively selected KINTEX as the winner.
Clarion Events收购亚洲领先设计专业展
日前,总部位于英国的活动和媒体公司Media 10宣布已将其举办的亚洲领先设计专业展“设计中国”和“设计上海”出售给专业会展主办方Clarion Events。 Design Shanghai于5年前推出,被认为是亚洲首屈一指的国际设计盛会,也是全球最负盛名的设计盛会之一。Clarion在该地区不断增长的业务和投资将支持两展的扩展,从而更多为该地区的商业客户和整个设计行业带来积极的影响力。
与Clarion公司现有业务高度互补的展会组合包括领先的设计、时装、家具和室内设计会展项目。“自从‘设计上海展会2014年成立以来,我们一直关注其繁荣态势。我们也对新的合作关系感到非常兴奋。”Clarion Events总经理零售和家居部门董事Neil Gaisford说道。
Design Shanghai and Beijing sold to Clarion Events
UK headquartered events and media company Media 10 has sold its China design events Design Shanghai and Design China Beijing to events specialist Clarion Events. Launched 5 years ago, Design Shanghai is widely regarded as Asias premier international design event and one of the most prestigious design events worldwide. Clarions growing presence and investment in the region will support expansion of the events, to the benefit of both business clients and the wider design industry in the region. “We have been following the success of Design Shanghai with great interest since its inception in 2014 and we are extremely excited about our new partnership. ”said Neil Gaisford, Clarion Events Managing Director Retail & Home Division.
7月初,德国可持续建筑协会(DGNB)向纽伦堡展览中心的最新展厅3C授予“可持续性发展杰出奖”白金证书。 该协会认为,世界上没有其他展厅的标准可与Zhaha Hadid Architects建筑设计所设计的纽伦堡展览中心的3A和3C展厅相媲美。据悉, 新大厅的消防还获得了联邦技术防火协会(BVFA)的“喷水保护”质量证书。 为了在发生火灾时提高建筑物使用者的安全性,展厅仅使用不易燃的建筑材料,且这些材料在燃烧时不会释放出任何腐蚀性和有害烟雾。
DGNB awards platinum to Nürnbergmesse
The German Society for Sustainable Building (DGNB) has awarded the latest Nuremberg exhibition hall 3C its “platinum” certificate for “outstanding sustainability”. According to the DGNB, there is no other exhibition hall worldwide with standards comparable to those of Halls 3A and 3C at NürnbergMesse, designed by Zaha Hadid Architects. The fire protection of the new hall was also awarded the “Sprinkler Protected” quality certificate of the Federal Association of Technical Fire Protection (BVFA). To improve the safety of building users in the event of a fire, only halogen-free building materials that do not give off any corrosive and noxious fumes when they burn were used.