A study by NASA has showed that China and India, the worlds two most populous1 countries, are primarily2 responsible for making the Earth greener over the past two decades.
The study has found that since 2000 the Earths green leaf area has increased by 5 percent, or over 5 million square kilometers. Thats an area is the same as the total of the Amazon rainforests.
The effect is mainly from ambitious3 tree-planting programs in China and intensive4 agriculture in both countries, NASA said in a statement.
China is the source of a quarter of the planets increase in forest area, despite5 having only 6.6 percent of the worlds vegetated area. Forest protection and expansion6 programs account for 42 percent of the increase, and another 32 percent come from intensive agriculture of food crops, NASA said.
“Production of grains, vegetables, fruits and more have increased by about 35 to 40 percent since 2000 to feed their large populations,” NASA said.
Over the past decades, China has made great efforts to green the land.
In 1978, the central government launched a national-level forestation7 project—the Three North Shelterbelt8 Forest Program.
By the end of 2017, the forest coverage9 rate among the regions in the project reached 13.57 percent. It was 5.05 percent 40 years ago.
Nationwide10, China has a forest cover of 21.6 percent, and it aims to increase the number to 23.04 percent by 2020 and 26 percent by 2050.
1. populous adj. 人口稠密的;人口多的
2. primarily adv. 首先;主要地,根本上
3. ambitious adj. 野心勃勃的;有雄心的
4. intensive adj. 加强的;集中的
5. despite prep. 尽管,不管
6. expansion n. 扩张; 发展
7. forestation n. 造林;森林管理
8. shelterbelt n. 防风林;防护林带
9. coverage n. 覆盖,覆盖范围
10. nationwide adj. 全国范围的;全国性的; adv. 在全国
[1]Do you like plants, such as (比如) trees, flowers or grass? 你喜欢植物吗,比如树、花和草?
[2]What should we do to make the Earth greener? 我们应该做些什么来让地球变得更绿呢?
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