The article in Time on April 7th 2019, Deportation Looms for Liberians
mentions that many liberians living in the U.S. arrived fleeing civil war and its aftermath. The Trump Administrations decision to end DED designed to protect them will send some 4,000 people back to a country they may no longer know. Civil rights advocates have sued the Administration on behalf of the Liberians, calling the programs termination racially motivated.
The article with the title saying When police kill unarmed black males, the law still trumps video and protests in Washingtonpost on April 1st, 2019, mentioned that shootings of unarmed black males captured with ubiquitous smartphone or police body cameras have crystallized anger in communities rocked by killings, and several similar incidents have created expectations among some that video and social outrage should be enough to put officers in prison. Those hopes dim when officers lean on the inherent danger of their work and invoke laws that allow broad authority for violence.
2019年4月1日的《華盛顿邮报》一篇题为《杀黑人,不偿命》的文章称, 在美国,手无寸铁的黑人男性遭到警察枪击身亡。无处不在的智能手机或警察身体摄像头捕捉到的这一幕引发了公众的愤怒情绪。几起类似的事件让人想当然地认为:视频和社会愤怒应该足以将警察收监。但是,当警察以其工作固有的危险为由,援引可以针对暴力行为实施广泛权力的法律时,将涉案警察定罪的希望就变得渺茫了。