叶荣波 徐涛
摘 要:為了快速锁定配电网输电线路故障发生的位置,针对配电网输电线路的分布参数特性,提出了一种从配电网输电线路暂态过程中提取准确的电流和电压基波的快速提取方法,并利用双端非同步算法定位故障。仿真结果表明,与单周期傅立叶方法的结果相比,该方法具有良好的定位精度和稳定性。该方法可以有效提高暂态过程中故障定位的精度,使定位结果误差小于0.5%。
中图分类号:TM726.1 文献标识码:A
Fast Extraction Method for Fault Location of Transmission Lines
in Distribution Network
YE Rong-bo1 XU Tao2
(1. China Electric Power Research Institute(Nanjing),Nanjing,Jiangsu 210003,China;
2. State Grid Ningxia Electric Power Company,Yinchuan,Jiangsu 750001,China)
Abstract: In order to quickly lock the location of transmission line fault in distribution network,in view of the distributed parameter characteristics of transmission lines in distribution network,this paper presents a fast method for extracting accurate current and voltage fundamental waves from the transient process of transmission lines in distribution network. Simulation results show that the proposed method has better positioning accuracy and stability than the single-period Fourier method. Therefore,this method can effectively improve the accuracy of fault location in transient process,so that the error of location results is less than 0.5%.
Key words:distribution network;fast extraction method;matrix pencil;transient process;fault location