
2019-08-01 01:48李南云王旭光吴华强何青林
计算机应用 2019年5期

李南云 王旭光 吴华强 何青林

摘 要:對于复杂非配合情况下,视频拼接中特征匹配对的数目和特征匹配准确率无法同时达到后续稳像和拼接的要求这一问题,提出一种基于灰度塔对特征点进行评分后构建匹配模型来进行精准特征匹配的方法。首先,利用灰度级压缩后相近灰度级合并这一现象,建立灰度塔来实现对特征点的评分;而后,选取评分高的特征点建立基于位置信息的匹配模型;最后,依据匹配模型的定位进行区域分块匹配来避免全局特征点的干扰和大误差噪点匹配,选择误差最小的特征匹配对作为最终结果匹配对。另外,在运动的视频流中,可通过前后帧信息建立掩模进行区域特征提取,匹配模型也可选择性遗传给后帧以节约算法时间。实验结果表明,在运用了基于灰度塔评分的匹配模型后,特征匹配对准确率在95%左右。相同帧特征匹配对的数目相较于随机采样一致性有近10倍的提升,在兼顾匹配数目和匹配准确率的同时且无大误差匹配结果,对于环境和光照有较好的鲁棒性。




Abstract: Concerning the problem that in complex and noncooperative situations the number of matching feature pairs and the accuracy of feature matching results in video splicing can not meet the requirements of subsequent image stabilization and splicing at the same time, a method for constructing matching model based on grading of feature points by gradation tower is proposed. In the method of feature extraction, the phenomenon of merging gray scales after gray level compression is firstly used to establish the gray pyramid to realize the scoring of feature points. Then, the highscoring feature points are selected to establish the matching model based on position information. Finally, according to the positioning of the matching model, regional block matching is performed to avoid the influence of global interference and large error noise, and the feature matching pair with the smallest error is selected as the final result of matching pair. In addition, in the motion video stream, the feature extraction can be performed by using the previous frame information to establish a mask, and the matching model can be selectively passed to the back frame to save the algorithm time. The simulation test results show that the feature matching accuracy is about 95% after using this matching model based on the grayscale tower score. The number of matching feature pairs of the same frame is nearly 10 times higher than that of the traditional algorithm. The matching result has better robustness to the environment and illumination while keeping accuracy of matching result and getting rid of large error.

Concerning the problem that in complex and noncooperative situations the number of matching feature pairs and the accuracy of feature matching results in video stitching can not meet the requirements of subsequent image stabilization and stitching at the same time, a method of constructing matching model to match features accurately after feature points being scored by grayscale tower was proposed. Firstly, the phenomenon that the similiar grayscales would merged together after grayscale compression was used to establish a grayscale tower to realize the scoring of feature points. Then, the feature points with high score were selected to establish the matching model based on position information. Finally, according to the positioning of the matching model, regional block matching was performed to avoid the influence of global feature point interference and large error noise matching, and the feature matching pair with the smallest error was selected as the final result of matching pair. In addition, in a motion video stream, regional feature extraction could be performed by using the information of previous and next frames to establish a mask, and the matching model could be selectively passed on to the next frame to save the computation time. The simulation results show that after using this matching model based on grayscale tower score, the feature matching accuracy is about 95% and the number of matching feature pairs of the same frame is nearly 10 times higher than that of the traditional method. The proposed method has good robustness to environment and illumination while guaranteeing the matching number and the matching accuracy without large error matching result.

英文关键词Key words: feature extraction; feature matching; video stitching; grayscale tower; matching model; block matching

0 引言



基于传统图像算法的特征提取方式主要有尺度不变特征变换(Scale Invariant Feature Transform, SIFT)[4]、加速稳健特征(Speeded Up Robust Feature, SURF)[5]、ORB(Oriented FAST and Rotated BRIEF)[6]、BRISK(Binary Robust Invariant Scalable Keypoints)[7]、BRIEF(Binary Robust Independent Element Feature)[8]、FAST(Features form Accelerated Segment Test),其中SIFT和SURF的描述符具有尺度不变性和旋转不变性,可以获得较高的匹配准确度,但是计算量较大,效率较低。而ORB、BRISK、FAST则是通过比较特征像素点周围像素的差异来形成二值描述子,通过计算两个特征描述子之间的Hamming距离[9]来比较两个特征点之间的相关性。

特征匹配的筛选方式主要有K最近邻(KNearest Neighbors, KNN)匹配和暴力匹配,然后加以随机采样一致性(RANdom Sample Consensus, RANSAC)[10]筛选出内点集。基于全局单应矩阵的RANSAC从图像全局进行考虑,保留图像主平面的匹配结果,去除次平面以及视差平面的匹配对。也就是当存在视差时,相机获取的成像图片中依据景物深度可以分为多个平面,RANSAC的筛选方式就是保留占比最大的深度平面的匹配结果,从原理上来说这种匹配方式会丢失一些平面的信息,在应对存在视差较大情况下配准能力不足。KNN匹配方式可以有效避免由于视差所造成的匹配对之间的差异,直接获取匹配结果,但是由于不同成像图片的不同光照信息和图像信息,KNN的阈值一成不变会造成较大的匹配误差,无法直接应用于视频拼接。上面两种匹配方式无法避免由于噪声影响造成的无规律错误匹配。


3 提出的算法

由前文的视频拼接介绍可知:想要获得相机路径和网格变换关系,就要一定程度上保证特征点对匹配的数目较多且尽量均匀分布,还要保证特征点对匹配的正确率,传统的特征匹配方法难以达到这个要求, 所以为了达到这个目的,本文提出了基于特征点评分的匹配模型(Matching Model based on Grayscale Tower score, MMGT)构建的特征匹配方式。

3.1 特征点评分




3.2 匹配模型的构建


5 结语


参考文献 (References)

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