郑泽强 王清英
【摘 要】 目的:探究在临床医学研究检测过程当中,血液细胞检测质量控制的作用,通过其相关控制因素加以分析,得出控制方法,为临床医学提供经验。方法:将我院自2017年12月~2018年12月采集的50份血液标本进行录入,分别将其以1:10000与1:5000两种稀释方式进行稀释处理,再通过将50份血液标本混合成100份,分别放于不同的温度下进行控制,前者放于温室控制,后者则放于低温条件下储存。分析不同的稀释比例以及保存的方法对整个血液细胞检测质量的检验影响,从而记录有关数据,得出有效结论。在检测过程中,主要记录血液中的其 R BC、PLT、WBC、HGB等数据。结果:不同的稀释比例以及不同的温度对血液细胞检测的质量均有所影响,其中不同稀释比例的血液标本及各项指标明显存在差异。不同温度下储存的血液标本在各项血液数值中也有较大的差距。结论:通过改变血液细胞检测的相关控制因素,比如稀释比例以及血液标本的,试验前期储存温度都会对血液的检测结果具有影响。因此在有关于血液细胞检测的相关试验过程中,应当尤其注重对其各项控制因素的把握。
【关键词】 血液细胞检验;质量控制;临床医学检验
【文章编号】 1005-0019(2019)14-104-02
Abstract objective: to explore the effect of quality control of blood cell detection in the process of clinical medical research and detection, and analyze the related control factors, so as to obtain the control method and provide experience for clinical medicine. Methods :50 blood samples collected in our hospital from Dec 2017 to Dec 2018 were inputted and diluted with 1 × 10 000 and 1 × 5 000 dilution respectively. Then 50 blood samples were mixed into 100 samples. The former is controlled in greenhouse, and the latter is stored in low temperature.During the test, R-BC,PLT,WBC,HGB and other data in the blood were recorded. Results: the quality of blood cells was affected by different dilution ratio and different temperature, and there were significant differences in blood samples and indexes between different dilution ratios. Blood samples stored at different temperatures also have a wide range of blood values. Conclusion: by changing the control factors related to blood cell detection, such as dilution ratio and blood, Liquid samples, the pre-test storage temperature will have an impact on the blood test Results.
Key words:blood cell test; quality control; clinical medical examination
1 資料与方法
1.1 数据情况
1.2 方法
1.3 统计学处理
统计学处理: 根据SPSS18.0软件对相关数据予以分析。
2 结果
3 结论
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