克里斯蒂安·帕格/Christian Pagh
庞凌波 译/Translated by PANG Lingbo
Urgent.Agency为罗斯基勒音乐节设计了几种不同的便器原型,来测试不同程度的私密性和设计。第二年,我们又开发了一个更新的版本,结果大获好评。同时也开始为男性设计一些简易的街头P型小便器(Street Pee),从最开始的可移动型(塑料制)到后来的固定型(不锈钢制)。这两种模型都可以接入下水道管网,利用现有的基础设施使解决方案简单而成本低廉。这些模型最初用于节庆活动,不过也已经永久性地安装,使有社交障碍的人们能够更容易地在公共场所小便。哥本哈根的街头仍然可以
1 街头如厕需求/Pee-needs in street
It seems women's need for peeing has always been last on the list to solve on festivals or at urban events - and queuing forever has been the order of the day. Since 2010 Urgent.Agency has been engaged in designing new peeing solutions for urban environments enabling cities to handle pee-needs at parties, concerts and public events in smarter ways.
The ambition was in all simplicity: how can women get to pee just as easy and nice as men at events? There is a wide variety of challenges -practical, cultural, infrastructural. The practical questions are: Where is the urinal standing - and where is the pee going? Where do you put your coat/bag/drink/whatever while peeing? On top there is a list of more specific cultural issues related to sex,safety and privacy. In this seemingly specific design challenge, Urgent.Agency discovers a complexity of norms, habits and social expectations.
The first designs were developed and tested at Roskilde Festival - the biggest festival in Scandinavia. The project was all about testing their idea: a simple, open-air pee solution for girls. The model was called Pollee - a simple and portable form that makes peeing quicker and easier.Pollee is an open air, no-touch pissoir for women,specifically designed for festivals, concerts and outdoor parties.
The women's response was overwhelming, the overall message was: "We use it and we love it! "
Investing in understanding the needs
Urgent.Agency received ideas for improvement,invested time in talking to women, and held additional workshops trying to understand what matters in the peeing situation. The fact is that urinal-using women are different. Some need more privacy than others, some are more social etc.
A focal point for the designers was finding the balance between private and public. An important feature of Pollee is that it is open and social -making it simpler and faster than the disgusting standard festival toilets. Another thing that made Pollee special is the combination of a semi-squat position and something to hold on to, giving the user balance and support while peeing.看到Street Pee,以及一些哥本哈根城市公厕的模型——一种功能齐全、专供那些长时间待在街上的人,包括吸毒者、酗酒者和无家可归者使用的厕所。
2.3 Pollee最初是为罗斯基勒音乐节开发的,不过如今已为融入城市环境进行了再设计。/Pollee was originally developed for Roskilde Festival, but has now been redesigned for the urban environment.
简易街头P 型小便器是一个新颖的方案,专为城市节庆活动男士们的释放而设计(图4、5)。它仅提供简单的遮蔽,并直接将尿液引流进入遍布整个城市的下水道管网中。
4 Street Pee(塑料制)/Street Pee (in plastic)
5 Street Pee(不锈钢制)/Street Pee (in stainless steel)
6.7设计灵感来自经典哥本哈根城市美学与当代和功能美学的结合/The design is inspired by classic Copenhagen urban aesthetics combined with contemporary and functional aesthetics
But why this interest in a seemingly lowprestige area like urban sanitation?
The way a city, a festival or a bar handles the fundamental human need of going to the toilet is a pretty tangible manifestation of how much they care about people.
Though a success from the user side, turning the prototypes of the female urinals into a massproduced product is still a challenge. The market is conservative and there is little investment in it.Urgent.Agency are still pursuing ways to turn some of these designs into mass production models.
At Urgent.Agency we work with urban sanitation challenges in public spaces - both on product and planning level - rethinking the culture of peeing so that people can focus on the more important things in life. We created the PeeBetter platform presenting prototypes, design solutions and ideas on how to address public peeing. Among our solutions are Simple P, a street urinal for men that can be attached directly into the sewer,Pollee, an open air, no-touch urinal for women,Copenhagen Urban Toilet - a new toilet for the City of Copenhagen specially fit for the urban context.
Pollee is an open air, no-touch pissoir for women, specifically designed for festivals, concerts and outdoor events (Fig. 2, 3). One Pollee can accommodate four women at once, and is used in a semi-squat stance that requires no touching -although handles on the sidewalls are there to keep balance.
Simple P is an innovative solution, designed to relieve gentlemen at urban festivals (Fig. 4, 5). It ffiers simple coverage, and leads the urine directly into one of the many sewer grates that are already distributed throughout the city.
CPH Urban Toilet is a toilet specially fit for the urban context (Fig. 6, 7). Since users will include drug users and the homeless, there are special requirements regarding robustness and security.A urinal is integrated at the back. The design simplifies construction, enhances safety and reduces maintenance costs, making it significantly cheaper than existing public toilets. CPH Urban Toilet can be moved and set up as one unit, which opens up for seasonal use. The first model was set up in Copenhagen in the autumn of 2013. □