
2019-06-17 04:43小呆
文化交流 2019年6期









丁沪生从美国联邦调查局(FBI)打击艺术犯罪组了解到,此次交接的文物来自印州南部颇有争议的一位传奇私人收藏家唐纳德·米勒博士(Dr. Donald Miller)收藏的4.2万多件文物中的一部分,由FBI打击艺术犯罪组的特工于2014年4月在他的农场别墅查获。随后印第安纳大学普渡大学联合校区的Cusack-McVeigh教授带领她的数十名学生,在中国文物局专家的支持帮助下,历时近五年时间将文物清理分类完成。




米勒从普渡大学获得博士学位后,第二次世界大战期间曾在美国陆军通信兵团服役,后作为曼哈顿计划的一部分被招募到新墨西哥州的Trinity原子武器试验基地工作。米勒博士和他的妻子Sue于1984年成立了Wyman研究公司,该公司开发并销售业余无线电SSTV(慢扫描电视Slow-scan TV)和ATV设备。













Chinese Antiques Come Home from USA

By Xiao Dai

After spotting Ding Husheng, a businessman from Zhejiang, in a photo taken at a ceremony at Eiteljor Museum in Indianapolis to send a cache of 361 Chinese antiques back to China, we contacted him to know more about the event.

Now based in Indianapolis and engaged in the handover work on the Chinese side, Ding provided reception and support services to a group of Chinese officials from the Ministry of Culture and Ministry of Foreign Affairs to work with the government of the United States to return the 361 artifacts to China. “I was in the services. All the previous works were largely done by FBI agents and Professor Cusack-McVeigh and dozens of her students in the past five years. Experts from China National Administration of Cultural Heritage also took part in the work before the handover.”

The handover was the third and the largest one between China and the USA. The government officials attended the handover ceremony to send the artifacts back to China. Officials from the USA and China signed a repatriation agreement at the ceremony held on February 28th, 2019.

The Chinese government has not yet revealed a manifest of all the 361 artifacts, but the cache includes antiques that date back to times from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) to the Neolithic Age in China, which is about 5,000 years ago. Most of these artifacts were unearthed from ancient tombs in China.

The United States government first returned a group of ten plus antiques to China in March 2011. The artifacts had been seized in 2010 by the Department of Homeland Security. The second repatriation occurred in December 2015 when the US government handed over twenty-two pieces of jade, bronze and pottery and one fossil to the Chinese government. All the 22 antiques date back to the time before the Tang Dynasty (618-907). The bird fossil is about 160 million years old.

Controversial Figure: Dr. Dr. Donald Miller

Ding told us that the 361 artifacts were from the huge collection of Dr. Donald Miller. In April 2014, FBI agents grabbed the Chinese artifacts at a farm of Dr. Donald Miller. Then with the assistance of Chinese experts, Professor Cusack-McVeigh and her students spent about five years appraising, cataloguing, and documenting them.

Ding learned the story of Dr. Donald Miller from Professor Cusack-McVeigh and Mr. Carpenter, an FBI agent in charge. Miller obtained a doctoral degree at Purdue University in Indiana. He served in the USA army in World War Two and was stationed in New Mexico during the Manhattan atomic bomb project. He and his wife started a business in 1984, developing and selling radio products for amateur radio enthusiasts. With a penchant for treasure hunting and working as an amateur archaeologist, he traveled widely around the world and participated in numerous excavation projects, and built up a treasure collection of over 40,000 pieces. FBI investigated and seized about 7,000 pieces of his collection, telling Dr. Miller that his artifacts were suspected as “stolen” and that it might take a dozen years or more to catalogue them and determined what was lawfully owned and what was not.

Dr. Miller admitted to the effect that some of his collectables came from channels that were not exactly legal. In more than 80 years as a treasure hunter and collector, Miller never hid his collection from the public. He did his best to keep the collection in good conditions. He supported charitable activities, gave tours to schoolchildren and Scout troops who came to visit his collection on field trips, and built churches in Colombia and Haiti. He passed away in 2015. With his demise, how he actually acquired all the artifacts and built up such a colossal collection largely remains unknown.

The investigation is not yet over, according to Ding Husheng.

elicacies makes my mouth water,” she confesses. “I have traveled a lot, but Wenzhou cuisine is the best. When I am in Paris, New York and Rome, I go out of my way to find Chinese restaurants where chefs from Wenzhou work. Occasionally, I travel from Como where I live an hour by train to visit China Town in Milan for the only purpose of having a taste of fish ball soup.”

下期主题 和米勒一起画乡村