被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 249 Structural minimax probability machine Gu,Bin;Sun,Xingming;Sheng,Victor S.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2017,28(7): 1646-1656 ImageNet classification with deep convolutional neural networks Extended dissipative state estimation for markov jump neural networks with unreliable links LSTM: A search space odyssey The emergence of edge computing Asynchronous dissipative state estimation for stochastic complex networks with quantized jumping coupling and uncertain measurements Neural network-based passive filtering for delayed neutral-type semi-markovian jump systems Robust joint graph sparse coding for Krizhevsky,Alex;Communications of the Acm 233 Sutskever,Ilya;2017,60(6): 84-90 Hinton,Geoffrey E.150 Shen,Hao;Zhu,Yanzheng;Zhang,Lixian;et al.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2017,28(2): 346-358 Greff,Klaus;IEEE Transactions on Neural 136 Srivastava,Rupesh K.;Networks and Learning Systems Koutnik,Jan;et al.2017,28(10): 2222-2232 126 Satyanarayanan,Mahadev Computer 2017,50(1): 30-39 Xu,Yong;IEEE Transactions on Neural 123 Lu,Renquan;Networks and Learning Systems Peng,Hui;et al.2017,28(2): 268-277 110 Shi,Peng;Li,Fanbiao;Wu,Ligang;et al.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2017,28(9): 2101-2114 Zhu,Xiaofeng;IEEE Transactions on Neural 102 Networks and Learning Systems unsupervised spectral feature selection Li,Xuelong;Zhang,Shichao;et al.2017,28(6): 1263-1275 98 P-SEP: A prolong stable election routing algorithm for energy-limited heterogeneous fog-supported wireless sensor networks Naranjo,Paola G.Vinueza;Shojafar,Mohammad;Mostafaei,Habib;et al.Journal of Supercomputing 2017,73(2): 733-755 IEEE Transactions on Neural 76 Semisupervised feature analysis by mining correlations among multiple tasks Chang,Xiaojun;Yang,Yi Networks and Learning Systems 2017,28(10): 2294-2305
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 185 Power-domain Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA) in 5G systems: Potentials and challenges Islam,S.M.Riazul;Avazov,Nurilla;Dobre,Octavia A.;et al.IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 2017,19(2): 721-742 IEEE Communications Surveys 178 Mobile edge computing: A survey on architecture and computation offloading Mach,Pavel;Becvar,Zdenek A survey on mobile edge computing: The communication perspective Mao,Yuyi;You,Changsheng;Zhang,Jun;et al.Distributed networked control systems: A brief overview Ge,Xiaohua;Yang,Fuwen;Han,Qinglong Low power wide area networks: An overview Raza,Usman;Kulkarni,Parag;Sooriyabandara,Mahesh A survey on internet of things: Architecture,enabling technologies,security and privacy,and applications Lin,Jie;Yu,Wei;Zhang,Nan;et al.Secure attribute-based data sharing for resource-limited users in cloud computing Li,Jin;Zhang,Yinghui;Chen,Xiaofeng;et al.Anonymous authentication for wireless body area networks with provable security He,Debiao;Zeadally,Sherali;Kumar,Neeraj;et al.Fuzziness based semi-supervised learning approach for intrusion detection system Ashfaq,Rana Aamir Raza;Wang,Xizhao;Huang,Joshua Zhexue;et al.Modeling and analysis of cellular networks using stochastic geometry: A tutorial ElSawy,Hesham;Sultan-Salem, Ahmed;Alouini,Mohamed-Slim;et al.and Tutorials 2017,19(3): 1628-1656 163 IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 2017,19(4): 2322-2358 Information Sciences 158 2017,380: 117-131 157 IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 2017,19(2): 855-873 IEEE Internet of Things Journal 134 2017,4(5): 1125-1142 113 Computers &Security 2018,72: 1-12 IEEE Systems Journal 112 2017,11(4): 2590-2601 106 Information Sciences 2017,378: 484-497 IEEE Communications Surveys 102 and Tutorials 2017,19(1): 167-203
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 409 lmerTest package: Tests in linear mixed effects models Kuznetsova,Alexandra;Brockhoff,Per B.;Christensen,Rune H.B.Journal of Statistical Software 2017,82(13): 1-26 A survey on deep learning in medical image analysis Stan: A probabilistic programming language Brain tumor segmentation with deep neural networks Medical Image Analysis Litjens,Geert;Kooi,386 Thijs;Bejnordi,Babak Ehteshami;et al.2017,42: 60-88 382 Carpenter,Bob;Gelman,Andrew;Hoffman,Matthew D.;et al.Journal of Statistical Software 2017,76(1): 1-29 Havaei,Mohammad;Medical Image Analysis 273 Davy,Axel;Warde-Farley,David;2017,35: 18-31 et al.270 Efficient multi-scale 3D CNN with fully connected CRF for accurate brain lesion segmentation Kamnitsas,Konstantinos;Ledig,Christian;Newcombe,Virginia F.J.;et al.Medical Image Analysis 2017,36: 61-78 Journal of Statistical Software 157 Brms: An R package for bayesian multilevel models using stan Buerkner,Paul-Christian 2017,80(1): 1-28 140 Deep learning-based crack damage detection using convolutional neural networks Cha,Youngjin;Choi,Wooram;Buyukozturk,Oral Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 2017,32(5): 361-378 iRSpot-EL: Identify recombination spots with an ensemble learning approach Liu,Bin;Bioinformatics 140 Wang,Shanyi;Long,Ren;et al.2017,33(1): 35-41 139 Neural control of bimanual robots with guaranteed global stability and motion precision Yang,Chenguang;Jiang,Yiming;Li,Zhijun;et al.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 2017,13(3): 1162-1171 IEEE Transactions on Industrial 127 Vibration control of a flexible robotic manipulator in the presence of input deadzone He,Wei;Ouyang,Yuncheng;Hong,Jie Informatics 2017,13(1): 48-59
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 233 Imagenet classification with deep convolutional neural networks Krizhevsky,Alex;Sutskever,Ilya;Hinton,Geoffrey E.Communications of the Acm 2017,60(6): 84-90 Computer 126 The emergence of edge computing Satyanarayanan,Mahadev 2017,50(1): 30-39 93 Grasshopper optimisation algorithm: Theory and application Saremi,Shahrzad;Mirjalili,Seyedali;Lewis,Andrew Advances in Engineering Software 2018,105: 30-47 Multimedia Tools and 92 Forensics feature analysis in quaternion wavelet domain for distinguishing photographic images and computer graphics Wang,Jinwei;Li,Ting;Shi,Yunqing;et al.Applications 2017,76(22): 23721-23737 82 Assessment of the suitability of fog computing in the context of internet of things Sarkar,Subhadeep;Chatterjee,Subarna;Misra,Sudip IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing 2018,6(1): 46-59 Mirjalili,Seyedali;81 Salp swarm algorithm: A bio-inspired optimizer Gandomi,Amir H.;for engineering design problems Mirjalili,Seyedeh Zahra;Advances in Engineering Software 2018,114: 163-191 Imperfect information dynamic stackelberg game based resource allocation using hidden markov for cloud computing Going deeper into action recognition: A survey Towards unsupervised physical activity recognition using smartphone accelerometers A survey of depth and inertial sensor fusion et al.78 Wei,Wei;Fan,Xunli;Song,Houbing;et al.IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 2018,11(1): 78-89 Herath,Samitha;Image and Vision Computing 76 Harandi,Mehrtash;Porikli,Fatih 2017,60(SI): 4-21 73 Bhuiyan,Md Zakirul Alam;Wang,Guojun;Wu,Jie;et al.IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 2017,14(4): 363-376 Chen,Chen;Multimedia Tools and 72 Applications for human action recognition Jafari,Roozbeh;Kehtarnavaz,Nasser 2017,76(3): 4405-4425
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 249 Structural minimax probability machine Gu,Bin;Sun,Xingming;Sheng,Victor S.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2017,28(7): 1646-1656 ImageNet classification with deep convolutional neural networks Effective and efficient global context verification for image copy detection Practical bayesian model evaluation using leave-one-out cross-validation and WAIC Extended dissipative state estimation for markov jump neural networks with unreliable links Multi-sensor fusion in body sensor networks: State-of-the-art and research challenges Krizhevsky,Alex;Communications of the Acm 233 Sutskever,Ilya;Hinton,Geoffrey E.2017,66(6): 84-90 200 Zhou,Zhili;Wang,Yunlong;Wu,Q.M.Jonathan;et al.IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 2017,12(1): 48-63 Vehtari,Aki;Statistics and Computing 174 Gelman,Andrew;Gabry,Jonah 2017,27(5): 1413-1432 150 Shen,Hao;Zhu,Yanzheng;Zhang,Lixian;et al.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2017,28(2): 346-358 Gravina,Raffaele;Information Fusion 146 Alinia,Parastoo;Ghasemzadeh,Hassan;2017,35: 68-80 et al.140 Pixel-level image fusion: A survey of the state of the art Li,Shutao;Kang,Xudong;Fang,Leyuan;et al.Greff,Klaus;136 LSTM: A search space odyssey Srivastava,Rupesh K.;Koutnik,Jan;et al.123 Asynchronous dissipative state estimation for stochastic complex networks with quantized jumping coupling and uncertain measurements Xu,Yong;Lu,Renquan;Peng,Hui;et al.Neural network-based passive filtering for Shi,Peng;110 delayed neutral-type semi-markovian jump Li,Fanbiao;systems Wu,Ligang;et al.Information Fusion 2017,33: 100-112 IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2017,28(10): 2222-2232 IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2017,28(2): 268-277 IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2017,28(9): 2101-2114
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 140 Deep learning-based crack damage detection using convolutional neural networks Cha,Young-Jin;Choi,Wooram;Buyukozturk,Oral Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 2017,32(5): 361-378 Menasria,Abderrahmane;120 A new and simple HSDT for thermal Bouhadra,Abdelhakim;stability analysis of FG sandwich plates Tounsi,Abdelouahed;et al.86 An efficient hyperbolic shear deformation theory for bending,buckling and free vibration of FGM sandwich plates with various boundary conditions Abdelaziz,Hadj Henni;Meziane,Mohamed Ait Amar;Bousahla,Abdelmoumen Anis;et al.An efficient and simple four variable Bellifa,Hichem;84 refined plate theory for buckling analysis Bakora,Ahmed;of functionally graded plates Tounsi,Abdelouahed;et al.77 Simultaneous allocation of electric vehicles’ parking lots and distributed renewable resources in smart power distribution networks Amini,M.Hadi;Moghaddam,Mohsen Parsa;Karabasoglu,Orkun Wu,Shenghua;74 Field performance of top-down fatigue cracking for warm mix asphalt pavements Wen,Haifang;Steel and Composite Structures 2017,25(2): 157-175 Steel and Composite Structures 2017,25(6): 693-704 Steel and Composite Structures 2017,25(3): 257-270 Sustainable Cities and Society 2017,28: 332-342 International Journal of Pavement Engineering Zhang,Weiguang;et al.2018,20(1): 33-43 Agglomeration effects on the buckling behaviour of embedded concrete columns reinforced with SiO2 nano-particles Ten questions concerning occupant behavior in buildings: The big picture 63 Zamanian,Mehdi;Kolahchi,Reza;Bidgoli,Mahmood Rabani Sustainable Cities and Society 2017,31: 183-212 Hong,Tianzhen;Building and Environment 57 Yan,Da;D‘Oca,Simona;et al.2017,114: 518-530 52 Short-term traffic speed prediction for an urban corridor Yao,Baozhen;Chen,Chao;Cao,Qingda;et al.Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 2017,32(2): 154-169 An intelligent system architecture in home Shakeri,Mohammad;48 energy management systems (HEMS) for Shayestegan,Mohsen;efficient demand response in smart grid Energy and Buildings 2017,138: 154-164 Abunima,Hamza;et al.
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 752 Surviving sepsis campaign: International guidelines for management of sepsis and septic shock: 2016 Rhodes,Andrew;Evans,Laura E.;Alhazzani,Waleed;et al.Intensive Care Medicine 2017,43(3): 304-377 Global strategy for the diagnosis,management,Vogelmeier,Claus F.;510 and prevention of chronic obstructive lung Criner,Gerard J.;disease 2017 report Martinez,Fernando J.;et al.497 Surviving sepsis campaign: International guidelines for management of sepsis and septic shock: 2016 Rhodes,Andrew;Evans,Laura E.;Alhazzani,Waleed;et al.Global,regional,and national deaths,prevalence,disability-adjusted life years, Soriano,Joan B.;180 and years lived with disability for chronic Abajobir,Amanuel obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma,Alemu;Abate,Kalkidan 1990-2015: A systematic analysis for the Hassen;et al.global burden of disease study 2015 127 Guidelines for family-centered care in the neonatal,pediatric,and adult ICU Davidson,Judy E.;Aslakson,Rebecca A.;Long,Ann C.;et al.An official american thoracic society/european society of intensive care medicine/society Fan,Eddy;122 of critical care medicine clinical practice guideline: Mechanical ventilation in adult Del Sorbo,Lorenzo;patients with acute respiratory distress Goligher,Ewan C.;et al.syndrome 119 Quick sepsis-related organ failure assessment;systemic inflammatory response syndrome, and early warning scores for detecting clinical deterioration in infected patients outside the intensive care unit Churpek,Matthew M.;Snyder,Ashley;Han,Xuan;et al.Acute respiratory distress syndrome Famous,Katie R.;113 subphenotypes respond differently to Delucchi,Kevin;randomized fluid management strategy Ware,Lorraine B.;et al.112 Hydrocortisone,vitamin C,and thiamine for the treatment of severe sepsis and septic shock: A retrospective before-after study Marik,Paul E.;Khangoora,Vikramjit;Rivera,Racquel;et al.The epidemiology,pathogenesis,transmission,American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2017,195(5): 557-582 Critical Care Medicine 2017,45(3): 486-552 Lancet Respiratory Medicine 2017,5(9): 691-706 Critical Care Medicine 2017,45(1): 103-128 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2017,195(9): 1253-1263 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2017,195(7): 906-911 American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 2017,195(3): 331-338 Chest 2017,151(6): 1229-1238 Dheda,Keertan;diagnosis,and management of multidrug- resistant,extensively drug-resistant,and 111 Lancet Respiratory Medicine Gumbo,Tawanda;2017,5(4): 291-360 incurable tuberculosis Maartens,Gary;et al.
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 167 ATSAS 2.8: A comprehensive data analysis suite for small-angle scattering from macromolecular solutions Franke,D.;Petoukhov,M.V.;Konarev,P.V.;et al.Journal of Applied Crystallography 2017,50: 1212-1225 Experimental and simulation-based understanding Sun,Zhongyu;144 of morphology controlled barium titanate Zhang,Lei;Dang,nanoparticles under co-adsorption of surfactants Crystengcomm 2017,19(24): 3288-3298 Feng;et al.76 Polder maps: Improving OMIT maps by excluding bulk solvent Liebschner,Dorothee;Afonine,Pavel V.;Moriarty,Nigel W.;et al.Acta Crystallographica Section D-Structural Biology 2017,73: 148-157 Two new luminescent Cd(II)-metal-organic Crystal Growth &Design 76 frameworks as bifunctional chemosensors for detection of cations Fe3+,anions CrO2-4 , 2017,17(1): 67-72 and Cr2O2-7 in aqueous solution Chen,Shuguang;Shi,Zhenzhen;Qin,Ling;et al.Mackenzie,Campbell F.;Spackman,Peter R.;Jayatilaka,Dylan;et al.Dong,Yinjuan;Dong,Xiuyan;Dong,Wenkui;et al.Liang,Fei;Kang,Lei;Lin,Zheshuai;et al.Chen,Le;Dong,Wenkui;Zhang,Han;et al.64 Crystal explorer model energies and energy frame-works: Extension to metal coordination compounds,organic salts,solvates and open- shell systems Iucrj 2017,4: 575-587 Three asymmetric Salamo-type copper(II) and Polyhedron 64 cobalt(II) complexes: Syntheses,structures and fluorescent properties 2017,123: 305-315 61 Mid-infrared nonlinear optical materials based on metal chalcogenides: Structure-property relationship Crystal Growth &Design 2017,17(4): 2254-2289 Structural variation and luminescence properties Crystal Growth &Design 59 of tri- and dinuclear Cu-II and Zn-II complexes constructed from a naphthalenediol-based 2017,17(7): 3636-3648 bis(salamo)-type ligand 58 TOPAS and TOPAS-Academic: an optimization program integrating computer algebra and crystallographic objects written in C plus Coelho,Alan A.Journal of Applied Crystallography 2017,51: 210-218 Structural,spectral,electrochemical and DFT Chai,Lanqin;56 studies of two mononuclear manganese(II) and Tang,Lijian;zinc(II) complexes Polyhedron 2017,122: 228-240 Chen,Lichuan;et al.
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 85 Global,regional,and national prevalence,incidence,and disability-adjusted life years for oral conditions for 195 countries,1990-2015: A systematic analysis for the global burden of diseases,injuries,and risk factors Kassebaum,N.J.;Smith,A.G.C.;Bernabe,E.;et al.Journal of Dental Research 2017,96(4): 380-387 Chairside CAD/CAM materials.Part 1: Measurement of elastic constants and microstructural characterization Impact of the global burden of periodontal diseases on health,nutrition and wellbeing of mankind: A call for global action Antimicrobial peptides: Mechanisms of action and resistance Global epidemiology of dental caries and severe periodontitis: A comprehensive review Osseointegration of titanium,titanium alloy and zirconia dental implants: Current knowledge and open questions Chairside CAD/CAM materials.Part 2: Flexural strength testing Prevalence and mechanisms of peri-implant diseases Interaction of lifestyle,behaviour or systemic diseases with dental caries and periodontal diseases: Consensus report of group 2 of the joint EFP/ORCA workshop on the boundaries between caries and periodontal diseases Role of microbial biofilms in the maintenance of oral health and in the development of dental caries and periodontal diseases.Consensus report of group 1 of the joint EFP/ORCA workshop on the boundaries between caries and periodontal Belli,Renan;52 Wendler,Michael;Dental Materials de Ligny,Dominique;2017,33(1): 84-98 et al.49 Tonetti,Maurizio S.;Jepsen,Soren;Jin,Lijian;et al.Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2017,44(5): 456-462 49 Bechinger,B.;Journal of Dental Research Gorr,S.-U.2017,96(3): 254-260 49 Frencken,Jo E.;Sharma,Praveen;Stenhouse,Laura;et al.Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2017,44(SI): S94-S105 Bosshardt,Dieter D.;43 Chappuis,Vivianne;Periodontology 2000 Buser,Daniel 2017,73(1): 22-40 41 Wendler,Michael;Belli,Renan;Petschelt,Anselm;et al.Dental Materials 2017,33(1): 99-109 Salvi,G.E.;36 Journal Of Dental Research Cosgarea,R.;2017,96(1): 31-37 Sculean,A.35 Chapple,Iain L.C.;Bouchard,Philippe;Cagetti,Maria Grazia;et al.Journal of Clinical Periodontology 2017,44(SI): S39-S51 Sanz,Mariano;Journal of Clinical 35 Beighton,David;Curtis,Michael A.;Periodontology et al.2017,44(SI): S5-S11 disease
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 125 Efficacy and safety of guselkumab,an anti- interleukin-23 monoclonal antibody,compared with adalimumab for the continuous treatment of patients with moderate to severe psoriasis: Results from the phase III,double-blinded,placebo- and active comparatore-controlled VOYAGE 1 trial Blauvelt,Andrew;Papp,Kim A.;Griffiths,Christopher E.M.;et al.Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2017,76(3): 405-417 Efficacy and safety of guselkumab,an anti-interleukin-23 monoclonal antibody,compared with adalimumab for the treatment of patients with moderate to severe psoriasis with randomized withdrawal and retreatment: Results from the phase III,double-blind,placebo- and active comparatore-controlled VOYAGE 2 trial Psoriasis and comorbid diseases: Epidemiology A systematic review of worldwide epidemiology of psoriasis Increasing comorbidities suggest that atopic dermatitis is a systemic disorder Secukinumab is superior to ustekinumab in clearing skin of subjects with moderate-to- severe plaque psoriasis up to 1 year: Results from the CLEAR study Efficacy and safety of ustekinumab treatment in adults with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and wound healing: The functional role of ROS and emerging ROS-modulating technologies for augmentation of the healing process The EGALITY study: A confirmatory,randomized,double-blind study comparing the efficacy,safety and immunogenicity of GP2015,a proposed etanercept biosimilar,vs.the originator product in patients with moderate- to-severe chronic plaque-type psoriasis Tofacitinib for the treatment of severe alopecia areata and variants: A study of 90 patients Reich,Kristian;Journal of the American 107 Armstrong,April W.;Academy of Dermatology Foley,Peter;et al.2017,76(3): 418-431 91 Takeshita,Junko;Grewal,Sungat;Langan,Sinead M.;et al.Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2017,76(3): 377-390 Michalek,I.M.;Journal of the European 68 Academy of Dermatology and Loring,B.;Venereology John,S.M.2017,31(2): 205-212 67 Brunner,Patrick M.;Silverberg,Jonathan I.;Guttman-Yassky,Emma;et al.Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2017,137(1): 18-25 Blauvelt,Andrew;Journal of the American 66 Reich,Kristian;Academy of Dermatology Tsai,Tsen-Fang;et al.2017,76(1): 60-69 63 Khattri,Saakshi;Brunner,Patrick M.;Garcet,Sandra;et al.Experimental Dermatology 2017,26(1): 28-35 Dunnill,Christopher;60 International Wound Journal Patton,Thomas;2017,14(1): 89-96 Brennan,James;et al.58 Griffiths,C.E.M.;Thaci,D.;Gerdes,S.;et al.British Journal of Dermatology 2017,176(4): 928-938 Liu,Lucy Y.;Journal of the American 56 Craiglow,Brittany G.;Academy of Dermatology Dai,Feng;et al.2017,76(1): 22-28
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 77 PARPs and ADP-ribosylation: Recent advances linking molecular functions to biological outcomes Gupte,Rebecca;Liu,Ziying;Kraus,W.Lee Genes &Development 2017,31(2): 101-126 The putative drp1 inhibitor mdivi-1 is a reversible mitochondrial complex I inhibitor that modulates reactive oxygen species The senescence-associated secretory phenotype induces cellular plasticity and tissue regeneration m(6)A mRNA modifications are deposited in nascent pre-mRNA and are not required for splicing but do specify cytoplasmic turnover Cleaning house: Selective autophagy of organelles CD44: A multifunctional cell surface adhesion receptor is a regulator of progression and metastasis of cancer cells Formative pluripotency: The executive phase in a developmental continuum Centrosome amplification is sufficient to promote spontaneous tumorigenesis in mammals ROS signalling in the biology of cancer Neural tube closure: Cellular,molecular and biomechanical mechanisms Bordt,Evan A.;Developmental Cell 73 Clerc,Pascaline;Roelofs,Brian A.;et al.2017,40(6): 583-594 73 Ritschka,Birgit;Storer,Mekayla;Mas,Alba;et al.Genes &Development 2017,31(2): 172-183 Ke,Shengdong;Genes &Development 72 Pandya-Jones,Amy;Saito,Yuhki;et al.2017,31(10): 990-1006 72 Anding,Allyson L.;Baehrecke,Eric H.Developmental Cell 2017,41(1): 10-22 Frontiers in Cell and 59 Senbanjo,Linda T.;Developmental Biology Chellaiah,Meenakshi A.2017,5: 18 58 Smith,Austin Development 2017,144(3): 365-373 Levine,Michelle S.;Developmental Cell 56 Bakker,Bjorn;Boeckx,Bram;et al.2017,40(3): 313-322 50 Moloney,Jennifer N.;Cotter,Thomas G.Seminars in Cell &Developmental Biology 2017,80(SI): 50-64 Nikolopoulou,Evanthia;Development 49 Galea,Gabriel L.;Rolo,Ana;et al.2017,144(4): 552-566
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 201 GGTREE: An R package for visualization and annotation of phylogenetic trees with their covariates and other associated data Yu,Guangchuang;Smith,David K.;Zhu,Huachen;et al.Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2017,8(1): 28-36 Twenty years of ecosystem services: Costanza,Robert;155 How far have we come and how far do de Groot,Rudolf;we still need to go? Ecosystem Services 2017,28: 1-16 Braat,Leon;et al.100 rptR: Repeatability estimation and variance decomposition by generalized linear mixed- effects models Stoffel,Martin A.;Nakagawa,Shinichi;Schielzeth,Holger Methods in Ecology and Evolution 2017,8(11): 1639-1644 Exact sequence variants should replace Callahan,Benjamin J.;96 operational taxonomic units in marker- McMurdie,Paul J.;gene data analysis Isme Journal 2017,11(12): 2639-2643 Holmes,Susan P.92 A multi-species synthesis of physiological mechanisms in drought-induced tree mortality Adams,Henry D.;Zeppel,Melanie J.B.;Anderegg,William R.L.;et al.Nature Ecology &Evolution 2017,1(9): 1285-1291 Galloway,Tamara S.;Nature Ecology &Evolution 87 Interactions of microplastic debris throughout the marine ecosystem Opening the black box: An open-source release of Maxent Ecological responses to habitat fragmentation per Se POPHELPER: An R package and web app to analyse and visualize population structure Where less may be more: How the rare biosphere pulls ecosystems strings Cole,Matthew;Lewis,Ceri 2017,1(5): 0116 86 Phillips,Steven J.;Anderson,Robert P.;Dudik,Miroslav;et al.Ecography 2017,40(7): 887-893 Annual Review of Ecology,85 Fahrig,Lenore Evolution,and Systematics 2017,48: 1-23 83 Francis,R.M.Molecular Ecology Resources 2017,17(1): 27-32 Jousset,Alexandre;Isme Journal 76 Bienhold,Christina;Chatzinotas,Antonis;2017,11(4): 853-862 et al.
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 213 The development and future of lithium ion batteries Blomgren,George E.Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2017,164(1): A5019-A5025 Santoro,Carlo;165 Microbial fuel cells: From fundamentals to Arbizzani,Catia;applications.A review Erable,Benjamin;et al.160 Large scaled synthesis of heterostructured electrospun TiO2/SnO2 nanofibers with an enhanced photocatalytic activity Zhang,Li;Yu,Wei;Han,Cui;et al.Tunable photoluminescence of water-soluble Zang,Zhigang;147 AgInZnS-graphene oxide (GO) nanocomposites Zeng,Xiaofeng;and their application in-vivo bioimaging Wang,Ming;et al.145 Nickel-rich layered cathode materials for automotive lithium-ion batteries: Achievements and perspectives Myung,Seung-Taek;Maglia,Filippo;Park,Kang-Joon;et al.144 Review-SEI: Past,present and future Peled,E.;Menkin,S.128 Are metal chalcogenides,nitrides,and phosphides oxygen evolution catalysts or bifunctional catalysts? Jin,Song Self-standing CoP nanosheets array: Journal of Power Sources 2017,356: 225-244 Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2017,164(9): H651-H656 Sensors and Actuators B-Chemical 2017,252: 1179-1186 Acs Energy Letters 2017,2(1): 196-223 Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2017,164(7): A1703-A1719 Acs Energy Letters 2017,2(8): 1937-1938 Liu,Tingting;A three-dimensional bifunctional catalyst electrode for overall water splitting in both neutral and alkaline media Nano-TiNb2O7/carbon nanotubes composite anode for enhanced lithium-ion storage Influence of coulomb forces on Fe3O4-H2O nanofluid thermal improvement Journal of Power Sources 123 Xie,Lisi;Yang,Jianhui;et al.2017,347: 86-107 120 Lin,Chunfu;Hu,Lei;Cheng,Chuanbing;et al.Electrochimica Acta 2017,260: 65-72 International Journal of 119 Sheikholeslami,M.Hydrogen Energy 2017,42(2): 821-829
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 48 Risk of acute kidney injury after intravenous contrast media administration Hinson,Jeremiah S.;Ehmann,Michael R.;Fine,Derek M.;et al.Annals of Emergency Medicine 2017,69(5): 577-586 Epidemiology and outcomes from out-of- Hawkes,Claire;Resuscitation 40 hospital cardiac arrests in England 2017,110: 133-140 35 Prognostic factors for extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation recipients following out-of-hospital refractory cardiac arrest.A systematic review and meta-analysis Resuscitation 2017,112: 1-10 Fentanyl and a novel synthetic opioid Annals of Emergency Medicine 35 U-47700 masquerading as street “norco” in central california: A case report 2017,69(4): 87-90 33 Quick sofa scores predict mortality in adult emergency department patients with and without suspected infection Annals of Emergency Medicine 2017,69(4): 475-479 ECMO Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation Resuscitation 33 (ECPR),trends in survival from an international multicentre cohort study 2017,112: 34-40 over 12 years 33 Loperamide abuse associated with cardiac dysrhythmia and death Annals of Emergency Medicine 2017,69(1): 83-86 Trends in 1029 trauma deaths at a level Injury-International Journal of the 31 1 trauma center: Impact of a bleeding Care of the Injured control bundle of care 2017,48(1): 5-12 31 Poor performance of quick-SOFA (qSOFA) score in predicting severe sepsis and mortality: A prospective study of patients admitted with infection to the emergency department Scandinavian Journal of Trauma Resuscitation &Emergency Medicine 2017,25: 56 World Journal of Emergency 29 Acute mesenteric ischemia: Guidelines of Surgery the world society of emergency surgery Booth,Scott;Ji,Chen;et al.Debaty,Guillaume;Babaz,Valentin;Durand,Michel;et al.Armenian,Patil;Olson,Alexander;Anaya,Andres;et al.Singer,Adam J.;Ng,Jennifer;Thode,Henry C.,Jr.;et al.Richardson,Alexander (Sacha) C.;Schmidt,Matthieu;Bailey,Michael;et al.Eggleston,William;Clark,Kenneth H.;Marraffa,Jeanna M.Oyeniyi,Blessing T.;Fox,Erin E.;Scerbo,Michelle;et al.Askim,Asa;Moser,Florentin;Gustad,Lise T.;et al.Bala,Miklosh;Kashuk,Jeffry;Moore,Ernest E.;et al.2017,12: 38
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 374 IDF diabetes atlas: Global estimates for the prevalence of diabetes for 2015 and 2040 Ogurtsova,K.;Fernandes,J.D.da Rocha;Huang,Y.;et al.Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2017,128: 40-50 NET Blood transcript analysis defines the Pavel,Marianne;237 crossing of the clinical rubicon: When stable Jann,Henning;disease becomes progressive Neuroendocrinology 2017,104(2): 170-182 Prasad,Vikas;et al.219 2017 Guidelines of the american thyroid association for the diagnosis and management of thyroid disease during pregnancy and the postpartum Alexander,Erik K.;Pearce,Elizabeth N.;Brent,Gregory A.;et al.Thyroid 2017,27(3): 309-311 Consensus statement by the american association of clinical endocrinologists and Endocrine Practice 196 american college of endocrinology on the comprehensive type 2 diabetes management 2017,23(2): 207-238 algorithm-2017 executive summary 184 Classification and diagnosis of diabetes: Standards of medical care in diabetes-2018 Diabetes Care 2018,41(1): S13-S27 Garber,Alan J.;Abrahamson,Martin J.;Barzilay,Joshua I.;et al.Amer Diabet Assoc Pharmacologic approaches to glycemic Diabetes Care 164 treatment: Standards of medical care in Amer Diabet Assoc diabetes-2018 158 Diabetic neuropathy: A position statement by the american diabetes association Pop-Busui,Rodica;Boulton,Andrew J.M.;Feldman,Eva L.;et al.IDF diabetes atlas: Global estimates Cho,N.H.;145 of diabetes prevalence for 2017 and Shaw,J.E.;projections for 2045 2018,41(1): S73-S85 Diabetes Care 2017,40(1): 136-154 Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice Karuranga,S.;et al.2018,138: 271-281 133 American association of clinical endocrinologists and american college of endocrinology guidelines for management of dyslipidemia and prevention of cardiovascular disease Jellinger,Paul S.;Handelsman,Yehuda;Rosenblit,Paul D.;et al.Endocrine Practice 2017,23(2): 1-87 Diabetes Care 120 6.Glycemic Targets: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2018 Amer Diabet Assoc 2018,41(1): S55-S64
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 429 Silicon heterojunction solar cell with interdigitated back contacts for a photoconversion efficiency over 26% Yoshikawa,Kunta;Kawasaki,Hayato;Yoshida,Wataru;et al.Nature Energy 2017,2(5): 17032 Green,Martin A.;Progress in Photovoltaics 386 Solar cell efficiency tables (version 49) 2017,25(1): 3-13 376 Solar cell efficiency tables (version 50) Progress in Photovoltaics 2017,25(7): 668-676 Enhanced electron extraction using SnO2 Nature Energy 360 for high-efficiency planar-structure HC(NH2)2PbI3-based perovskite solar cells 2017,2(1): 1-7 358 The rapid evolution of highly efficient perovskite solar cells Energy &Environmental Science 2017,10(3): 710-727 Nature Energy 340 23.6%-efficient monolithic perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells with improved stability 2017,2(4): 17009 273 Solar cell efficiency tables (version 51) Progress in Photovoltaics 2018,26(1): 3-12 Advanced Energy Materials 270 Review on high-loading and high-energy Emery,Keith;Hishikawa,Yoshihiro;et al.Green,Martin A.;Hishikawa,Yoshihiro;Warta,Wilhelm;et al.Jiang,Qi;Zhang,Liuqi;Wang,Haolin;et al.Correa-Baena,Juan- Pablo;Abate,Antonio;Saliba,Michael;et al.Bush,Kevin A.;Palmstrom,Axel F.;Yu,Zhengshan J.;et al.Green,Martin A.;Hishikawa,Yoshihiro;Dunlop,Ewan D.;et al.Peng,Hongjie;Huang,Jiaqi;Cheng,Xinbing;lithium-sulfur batteries 2017,7(24): 1700260 et al.215 Defect passivation in hybrid perovskite solar cells using quaternary ammonium halide anions and cations Lignocellulosic biomass pyrolysis mechanism: Zheng,Xiaopeng;Chen,Bo;Dai,Jun;et al.Nature Energy 2017,2(7): 17102 Wang,Shurong;Progress in Energy and 198 Combustion Science A state-of-the-art review Dai,Gongxin;Yang,Haiping;et al.2017,62: 33-86
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 65 A comparative study on the bending,vibration and buckling of viscoelastic sandwich nano-plates based on different nonlocal theories using DC,HDQ and DQ methods Kolahchi,Reza Aerospace Science and Technology 2017,66: 235-248 Characteristics of transverse hydrogen jet Gerdroodbary,M.43 in presence of multi air jets within scramjet Barzegar;Fallah,combustor Keivan;Pourmirzaagha,H.42 A novel quasi-3D hyperbolic theory for free vibration of FG plates with porosities resting on Winkler/Pasternak/Kerr foundation Shahsavari,Davood;Shahsavari,Maryam;Li,Li;et al.Taira,Kunihiko;40 Modal analysis of fluid flows: An overview Brunton,Steven L.;Dawson,Scott T.M.;et al.40 Vibration behaviors of functionally graded rectangular plates with porosities and moving in thermal environment Wang,Yanqing;Zu,Jean W.33 Propulsion for CubeSats Lemmer,Kristina 33 Identifying vital edges in Chinese air route network via memetic algorithm Du Wenbo;Liang Boyuan;Yan Gang;et al.Additive Additive manufacturing in Goh,G.D.;30 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs): Agarwala,S.;Challenges and potential Goh,G.L.;et al.29 On guided wave propagation in fully clamped porous functionally graded nanoplates Karami,Behrouz;Janghorban,Maziar;Li,Li 29 Classifications,applications,and design Hassanalian,M.;challenges of drones: A review Abdelkefi,A.Acta Astronautica 2017,132: 25-32 Aerospace Science and Technology 2018,72: 134-149 Aiaa Journal 2017,55(12): 4013-4041 Aerospace Science and Technology 2017,69: 550-562 Acta Astronautica 2017,134: 231-243 Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 2017,30(1): 330-336 Aerospace Science and Technology 2017,63: 140-151 Acta Astronautica 2018,143: 380-390 Progress in Aerospace Sciences 2017,91: 99-131
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 386 A survey on deep learning in medical image analysis Litjens,Geert;Kooi,Thijs;Bejnordi,Babak Ehteshami;et al.Medical Image Analysis 2017,42: 60-88 Brain tumor segmentation with Deep Neural Networks Efficient multi-scale 3D CNN with fully connected CRF for accurate brain lesion segmentation Near-infrared fluorophores for biomedical imaging Deep learning in medical image analysis Antibacterial anti-oxidant electroactive injectable hydrogel as self-healing wound dressing with hemostasis and adhesiveness for cutaneous wound healing Extracorporeal life support organization registry international report 2016 Large scale deep learning for computer aided detection of mammographic lesions Havaei,Mohammad;Medical Image Analysis 273 Davy,Axel;Warde- Farley,David;et al.2017,35: 18-31 270 Kamnitsas,Konstantinos;Ledig,Christian;Newcombe,Virginia F.J.;et al.Medical Image Analysis 2017,36: 61-78 Hong,Guosong;Nature Biomedical Engineering 240 Antaris,Alexander L.;Dai,Hongjie 2017,1(1): 0010 177 Shen,Dinggang;Wu,Guorong;Suk,Heung-Il Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering 2017,19: 221-248 Zhao,Xin;Biomaterials 161 Wu,Hao;Guo,Baolin;et al.2017,122: 34-47 122 Thiagarajan,Ravi R.;Barbaro,Ryan P.;Rycus,Peter T.;et al.Asaio Journal 2017,63(1): 60-67 Kooi,Thijs;Medical Image Analysis 116 Litjens,Geert;van Ginneken,Bram;2017,35: 303-312 et al.99 Current status on clinical applications of magnesium-based orthopaedic implants: A review from clinical translational perspective Zhao,Dewei;Witte,Frank;Lu,Faqiang;et al.Biomaterials 2017,112: 287-302 Qin,Siyong;94 Drug self-delivery systems for cancer therapy Zhang,Aiqing;Biomaterials 2017,112: 234-247 Cheng,Sixue;et al.
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 358 The rapid evolution of highly efficient perovskite solar cells Correa-Baena,Juan-Pablo;Abate,Antonio;Saliba,Michael;et al.Energy &Environmental Science 2017,10(3): 710-727 Electrochemical advanced oxidation processes: Moreira,Francisca 306 A review on their application to synthetic and C.;Boaventura,Rui real wastewaters Advanced electrochemical energy storage supercapacitors based on the flexible carbon fiber fabric-coated with uniform coral-like MnO2 structured electrodes Application of peroxymonosulfate and its activation methods for degradation of environmental organic pollutants: Review Hierarchical assembly of graphene-bridged Ag3PO4/Ag/BiVO4 (040) Z-scheme photocatalyst: An efficient,sustainable and heterogeneous catalyst with enhanced visible-light photoactivity towards tetracycline degradation under visible light irradiation A review on the adsorption of heavy metals by clay minerals,with special focus on the past decade Lignocellulosic biomass pyrolysis mechanism: A state-of-the-art review Noble metal-metal oxide nanohybrids with tailored nanostructures for efficient solar energy conversion,photocatalysis and environmental remediation Designed formation of hollow particle- based nitrogen-doped carbon nanofibers for high-performance supercapacitors Doping of graphitic carbon nitride for A.R.;Brillas,Enric;et al.Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 2017,202: 217-261 239 Cakici,Murat;Reddy,Kakarla Raghava;Alonso- Marroquin,Fernando Chemical Engineering Journal 2017,309: 151-158 Chemical Engineering Journal 218 Ghanbari,Farshid;Moradi,Mahsa 2017,310: 41-62 213 Chen,Fei;Yang,Qi;Li,Xiaoming;et al.Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 2017,200: 330-342 Chemical Engineering Journal 211 Uddin,Mohammad Kashif 2017,308: 438-462 198 Wang,Shurong;Dai,Gongxin;Yang,Haiping;et al.Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 2017,62: 33-86 Liu,Xueqin;Energy &Environmental Science 194 Iocozzia,James;Wang,Yang;et al.2017,10(2): 402-434 178 Chen,Lifeng;Lu,Yan;Yu,Le;et al.Energy &Environmental Science 2017,10(8): 1777-1783 Jiang,Longbo;Applied Catalysis 169 B-Environmental photocatalysis: A reveiw Yuan,Xingzhong;Pan,Yang;et al.2017,217: 388-406
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 147 A nonlocal quasi-3D theory for bending and free flexural vibration behaviors of functionally graded nanobeams Bouafia,Khadra;Kaci,Abdelhakim;Houari,Mohammed Sid Ahmed;et al.Smart Structures and Systems 2017,19(2): 115-126 Computer-Aided Civil and 140 Deep learning-based crack damage detection using convolutional neural networks Cha,Young-Jin;Choi,Wooram;Buyukozturk,Oral Infrastructure Engineering 2017,32(5): 361-378 128 Thermal buckling analysis of cross-ply laminated plates using a simplified HSDT Chikh,Abdelbaki;Tounsi,Abdelouahed;Hebali,Habib;et al.Smart Structures and Systems 2017,19(3): 289-297 Besseghier,Abderrahmane;Houari,124 Free vibration analysis of embedded nanosize FG plates using a new nonlocal trigonometric shear deformation theory A new and simple HSDT for thermal stability analysis of FG sandwich plates A simple analytical approach for thermal buckling of thick functionally graded sandwich plates A nonlocal zeroth-order shear deformation theory for nonlinear postbuckling of nanobeams Vibration analysis of nonlocal advanced nanobeams in hygro-thermal environment using a new two-unknown trigonometric shear deformation beam theory A new nonlocal trigonometric shear deformation theory for thermal buckling analysis of embedded nanosize FG plates An efficient hyperbolic shear deformation theory for bending,buckling and free vibration Mohammed Sid Ahmed;Smart Structures and Systems Tounsi,Abdelouahed;2017,19(6): 601-614 et al.120 Menasria,Abderrahmane;Bouhadra,Abdelhakim;Tounsi,Abdelouahed;et al.Steel and Composite Structures 2017,25(2): 157-175 El-Haina,Fouzia;Structural Engineering and 119 Bakora,Ahmed;Mechanics Bousahla,Abdelmoumen 2017,63(5): 585-595 Anis;et al.117 Bellifa,Hichem;Benrahou,Kouider Halim;Bousahla,Abdelmoumen Anis;et al.Structural Engineering and Mechanics 2017,62(6): 695-702 Mouffoki,Abderrahmane;Bedia,E.99 Smart Structures and Systems A.Adda;Houari,Mohammed Sid Ahmed;2017,20(3): 369-383 et al.93 Khetir,Hafid;Bouiadjra,Mohamed Bachir;Houari,Mohammed Sid Ahmed;et al.Structural Engineering and Mechanics 2017: 64(4): 391-402 Abdelaziz,Hadj Henni;Meziane,Mohamed Steel and Composite 86 of FGM sandwich plates with various boundary Ait Amar;Bousahla,Structures conditions Abdelmoumen Anis;2018,25(6): 693-704 et al.
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 2289 Faster R-CNN: Towards real-time object detection with region proposal networks Ren,Shaoqing;He,Kaiming;Girshick,Ross;et al.IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2017,39(6): 1137-1149 IEEE Transactions on Pattern 488 Fully convolutional networks for semantic Analysis and Machine segmentation Shelhamer,Evan;Long,Jonathan;Darrell,Trevor Intelligence 2017,39(4): 640-651 324 SegNet: A deep convolutional encoder-decoder architecture for image segmentation Badrinarayanan,Vijay;Kendall,Alex;Cipolla,Roberto IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 2017,39(12): 2481-2495 DeepLab: Semantic image segmentation with IEEE Transactions on Pattern 303 deep convolutional nets,atrous convolution, Analysis and Machine and fully connected CRFs Chen,Liang-Chieh;Papandreou,George;Kokkinos,Iasonas;et al.Intelligence 2017,40(4): 834-848 282 Application of non-orthogonal multiple access in LTE and 5G networks Ding,Zhiguo;Liu,Yuanwei;Choi,Jinho;et al.IEEE Communications Magazine 2017,55(2): 185-191 IEEE Transactions on Image 258 Beyond a gaussian denoiser: Residual learning of deep CNN for image denoising Zhang,Kai;Zuo,Wangmeng;Chen,Yunjin;et al.Processing 2017,26(7): 3142-3155 249 Structural minimax probability machine Gu,Bin;Sun,Xingming;Sheng,Victor S.IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 2017,28(7): 1646-1656 Barrier Lyapunov functions for Nussbaum 211 gain adaptive control of full state constrained Liu,Yanjun;Tong,Shaocheng Automatica 2017,76: 143-152 nonlinear systems Reliable output feedback control of discrete- time fuzzy affine systems with actuator faults Effective and efficient global context verification for image copy detection 207 Wei,Yanling;Qiu,Jianbin;Karimi,Hamid Reza IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I-Regular Papers 2017,64(1): 170-181 Zhou,Zhili;IEEE Transactions on 200 Wang,Yunlong;Information Forensics and Wu,Q.M.Jonathan;Security et al.2017,12(1): 48-63
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 306 Electrochemical advanced oxidation processes: A review on their application to synthetic and real wastewaters Moreira,Francisca C.;Boaventura,Rui A.R.;Brillas,Enric;et al.Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 2017,202: 217-261 Advanced electrochemical energy storage supercapacitors based on the flexible carbon Cakici,Murat;239 fiber fabric-coated with uniform coral-like Reddy,Kakarla Raghava;MnO2 structured electrodes Alonso-Marroquin,Fernando 218 Application of peroxymonosulfate and its activation methods for degradation of environmental organic pollutants: Review Ghanbari,Farshid;Moradi,Mahsa Hierarchical assembly of graphene-bridged Ag3PO4/Ag/BiVO4 (040) Z-scheme Chen,Fei;213 photocatalyst: An efficient,sustainable and heterogeneous catalyst with enhanced visible- Yang,Qi;light photoactivity towards tetracycline Li,Xiaoming;et al.degradation under visible light irradiation 211 A review on the adsorption of heavy metals by clay minerals,with special focus on the past decade Uddin,Mohammad Kashif Geissdoerfer,Martin;197 The circular economy: A new sustainability Savaget,Paulo;paradigm? Bocken,Nancy M.P.;et al.169 Doping of graphitic carbon nitride for photocatalysis: A reveiw Jiang,Longbo;Yuan,Xingzhong;Pan,Yang;et al.Mistakes and inconsistencies regarding Hai Nguyen Tran;168 adsorption of contaminants from aqueous You,Sheng-Jie;solutions: A critical review Hosseini-Bandegharaei,Ahmad;et al.166 Fouling in membrane bioreactors: An updated review Meng,Fangang;Zhang,Shaoqing;Oh,Yoontaek;et al.Direct Z-scheme g-C3N4/WO3 photocatalyst Yu,Weilai;138 with atomically defined junction for H2 Chen,Junxiang;Chemical Engineering Journal 2017,309: 151-158 Chemical Engineering Journal 2017,310: 41-62 Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 2017,200: 330-342 Chemical Engineering Journal 2017,308: 438-462 Journal of Cleaner Production 2017,143: 757-768 Applied Catalysis B-Environmental 2017,217: 388-406 Water Research 2017,120: 88-116 Water Research 2017,114: 151-180 Applied Catalysis B-Environmental production Shang,Tongtong;et al.2017,219: 693-704
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 68 Estimation of lateral displacement induced by jet grouting in clayey soils Shen,S.L.;Wang,Z.F.;Cheng,W.C.Geotechnique 2017,67(7): 621-630 Spatial prediction of rainfall-induced landslides for the Lao Cai area (Vietnam) using a hybrid Bui,Dieu Tien;Tran Anh Tuan;Nhat-Duc Hoang;et al.Xiao,Yang;Liu,Hanlong Wu,Zhijun;Fan,Lifeng;Liu,Quansheng;et al.Lu,Zheng;Chen,Xiaoyi;Zhang,Dingchang;et al.Zhao,Yanlin;Wang,Yixian;Wang,Weijun;et al.Landslides 58 intelligent approach of least squares support vector machines inference model and artificial 2017,14(2): 447-458 bee colony optimization 55 Elastoplastic constitutive model for rockfill materials considering particle breakage International Journal of Geomechanics 2017,17(1): 04016041 Micro-mechanical modeling of the macro- Engineering Geology 53 mechanical response and fracture behavior of rock using the numerical manifold method 2017,225(SI): 49-60 47 Experimental and analytical study on the performance of particle tuned mass dampers under seismic excitation Earthquake Engineering &Structural Dynamics 2017,46(5): 697-714 International Journal of Rock Mechanics and 47 Modeling of non-linear rheological behavior of hard rock using triaxial rheological experiment Mining Sciences 2017,93: 66-75 46 A new 3-unknown hyperbolic shear deformation theory for vibration of functionally graded sandwich plate Belabed,Zakaria;Bousahla,Abdelmoumen Anis;Houari,Mohammed Sid Ahmed;et al.Earthquakes and Structures 2018,14(2): 103-115 Variations of hydraulic properties of granular Ma,Dan;43 sandstones during water inrush: Effect of small Rezania,Mohammad;particle migration Engineering Geology 2017,217: 61-70 Yu,Haisui;et al.42 Height of the mining-induced fractured zone above a coal face Wang,Gang;Wu,Mengmeng;Wang,Rui;et al.Engineering Geology 2017,216: 140-152 Geomechanics and 39 A four variable refined nth-order shear deformation theory for mechanical and thermal buckling analysis of functionally graded plates Fahsi,Asmaa;Tounsi,Abdelouahed;Hebali,Habib;et al.Engineering 2017,13(3): 385-410
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 139 Neural control of bimanual robots with guaranteed global stability and motion precision Yang,Chenguang;Jiang,Yiming;Li,Zhijun;et al.IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 2017,13(3): 1162-1171 IEEE Transactions on Industrial 127 Vibration control of a flexible robotic manipulator in the presence of input deadzone He,Wei;Ouyang,Yuncheng;Hong,Jie Informatics 2017,13(1): 48-59 122 An overview and deep investigation on sampled-data-based event-triggered control and filtering for networked systems Zhang,Xianming;Han,Qinglong;Zhang,Baolin IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 2017,13(1): 4-16 IEEE Transactions on Industrial 104 Reliable filter design for sensor networks Informatics using type-2 fuzzy framework Liu,Jianxing;Wu,Chengwei;Wang,Zhenhuan;et al.2017,13(4): 1742-1752 92 Robust fuzzy 3D path following for autonomous underwater vehicle subject to uncertainties Xiang,Xianbo;Yu,Caoyang;Zhang,Qin Computers &Operations Research 2017,84: 165-177 Modelling quality dynamics,business value Ren,Steven Ji-fan;88 and firm performance in a big data analytics Wamba,Samuel environment Fosso;Akter,Shahriar;International Journal of Production Research 2017,55(17): 5011-5026 et al.70 Past,present and future of Industry 4.0 a systematic literature review and research agenda proposal Liao,Yongxin;Deschamps,Fernando;Rocha Loures,Eduardo de Freitas;et al.International Journal of Production Research 2017,55(12): 3609-3629 IEEE Transactions on Industrial 66 Event-based distributed h-infinity filtering networks of 2-DOF quarter-car suspension systems Zhang,Hao;Hong,Qianqian;Yan,Huaicheng;et al.Informatics 2017,13(1): 312-321 64 A review on condition-based maintenance optimization models for stochastically deteriorating system Alaswad,Suzan;Xiang,Yisha Reliability Engineering &System Safety 2017,157: 54-63 Computers &Industrial 61 Multiple attribute group decision making method based on interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy power Heronian aggregation operators Liu,Peide Engineering 2017,108: 199-212
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 88 Modelling quality dynamics,business value and firm performance in a big data analytics environment Ren,Steven Ji-fan;Wamba,Samuel Fosso;Akter,Shahriar;et al.International Journal of Production Research 2017,55(17): 5011-5026 Dielectric thermally conductive boron nitride/polyimide composites with Gu,Junwei;81 outstanding thermal stabilities via in-situ Lv,Zhaoyuan;polymerization-electrospinning-hot press Wu,Yalan;et al.method 70 Advanced manufacturing systems: Socialization characteristics and trends Tao,F.;Cheng,Y.;Zhang,L.;et al.Past,present and future of industry 4.0 a Liao,Yongxin;Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing 2017,94: 209-216 Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 2017,28(5): 1079-1094 International Journal of 70 systematic literature review and research agenda proposal Codesign of event-triggered and distributed h-infinity filtering for active semi-vehicle suspension systems Carbon fiber reinforced metal matrix composites: Fabrication processes and properties Hexagonal boron nitride/polymethyl-vinyl siloxane rubber dielectric thermally conductive composites with ideal thermal stabilities Material issues in additive manufacturing: Deschamps,Fernando;Production Research Rocha Loures,Eduardo 2017,55(12): 3609-3629 de Freitas;et al.67 Zhang,Hao;Zheng,Xiaoyuan;Yan,Huaicheng;et al.IEEE-Asme Transactions on Mechatronics 2017,22(2): 1047-1058 Shirvanimoghaddam,Composites Part A-Applied 66 Kamyar;Hamim,Salah U.;Science and Manufacturing Akbari,Mohammad 2017,92: 70-96 Karbalaei;et al.65 Gu,Junwei;Meng,Xudong;Tang,Yusheng;et al.Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing 2017,92: 27-32 Singh,Sunpreet;Journal of Manufacturing 63 A review Ramakrishna,Seeram;Processes Singh,Rupinder 61 Dual modification of graphene by polymeric flame retardant and Ni (OH)2 nanosheets for improving flame retardancy of polypropylene Yuan,Bihe;Hu,Yuan;Chen,Xianfeng;et al.Chatter stability and surface location error Li,Zhongyun;58 predictions in milling with mode coupling 2017,25: 185-200 Composites Part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing 2017,100: 106-117 Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part B-Journal of Engineering Jiang,Shanglei;and process damping Sun,Yuwen Manufacture 2017,233(3): 686-698
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 49 On intelligent risk analysis and critical decision of underwater robotic vehicle Xiang,Xianbo;Yu,Caoyang;Zhang,Qin Ocean Engineering 2017,140: 453-465 Finite-time observer based accurate tracking Wang,Ning;24 control of a marine vehicle with complex Lv,Shuailin;unknowns Ocean Engineering 2017,145: 406-415 Zhang,Weidong;23 Risk and impacts on the environment of free-phase biogas in quaternary deposits along the Coastal Region of Shanghai Xu,Ye-Shuang;Wu,Huaina;Shen,Jack S.;et al.Ocean Engineering 2017,137: 129-137 Application of AHP and VIKOR methods Soner,Omer;21 under interval type 2 fuzzy environment Celik,Erkan;in maritime transportation Ocean Engineering 2017,129: 107-116 Akyuz,Emre 19 Centrifuge modeling of lateral bearing behavior of offshore wind turbine with suction bucket foundation in sand Wang,Xuefei;Yang,Xu;Zeng,Xiangwu Ocean Engineering 2017,139: 140-151 Sea spray icing phenomena on marine Dehghani-Sanij,A.R.;19 vessels and offshore structures: Review Dehghani,S.R.;and formulation Ocean Engineering 2017,132: 25-39 Naterer,G.F.;et al.18 Terminal sliding mode control for the trajectory tracking of underactuated autonomous underwater vehicles Elmokadem,Taha;Zribi,Mohamed;Youcef-Toumi,Kamal Ocean Engineering 2017,129: 613-625 Terminal sliding mode control for the Elmokadem,Taha;18 trajectory tracking of underactuated Zribi,Mohamed;autonomous underwater vehicles Ocean Engineering 2017,129: 613-625 Youcef-Toumi,Kamal 17 Survey on advances on terrain based navigation for autonomous underwater vehicles Melo,Jose;Matos,Anibal Ocean Engineering 2017,139: 250-264 Passive flow control for aerodynamic Ocean Engineering 17 performance enhancement of airfoil with Shehata,Ahmed S.;Xiao,Qing;its application in wells turbine: Under 2017,136: 31-53 oscillating flow condition Saqr,Khalid M.;et al.
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 198 Lignocellulosic biomass pyrolysis mechanism: A state-of-the-art review Wang,Shurong;Dai,Gongxin;Yang,Haiping;et al.Progress in Energy and Combustion Science 2017,62: 33-86 International Journal of Heat 166 Magnetohydrodynamic nanofluid convection in a porous enclosure considering heat flux boundary condition Sheikholeslami,M.;and Mass Transfer Shehzad,S.A.2017,106: 1261-1269 151 Nanofluid two phase model analysis in existence of induced magnetic field Sheikholeslami,M.;Rokni,Houman B.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2017,107: 288-299 A nonlocal quasi-3D theory for bending Bouafia,Khadra;147 and free flexural vibration behaviors of Kaci,Abdelhakim;functionally graded nanobeams Houari,Mohammed Sid Ahmed;et al.133 A review on mechanics and mechanical properties of 2D materials-graphene and beyond Akinwande,Deji;Brennan,Christopher J.;Bunch,J.Scott;et al.Forced convection of nanofluid in presence Smart Structures and Systems 2017,19(2): 115-126 Extreme Mechanics Letters 2017,13: 42-77 International Journal of Heat 132 of constant magnetic field considering shape effects of nanoparticles Active method for nanofluid heat transfer enhancement by means of EHD Thermal buckling analysis of cross-ply laminated plates using a simplified HSDT Sheikholeslami,M.;and Mass Transfer Bhatti,M.M.2017,111: 1039-1049 130 Sheikholeslami,M.;Bhatti,M.M.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 2017,109: 115-122 Chikh,Abdelbaki;Smart Structures and Systems 128 Tounsi,Abdelouahed;2017,19(3): 289-297 Hebali,Habib;et al.124 Free vibration analysis of embedded nanosize FG plates using a new nonlocal trigonometric shear deformation theory Besseghier,Abderrahmane;Houari,Mohammed Sid Ahmed;Tounsi,Abdelouahed;et al.Smart Structures and Systems 2017,19(6): 601-614 Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and 120 Buckling analysis of nonlocal third-order shear deformable functionally graded piezoelectric nanobeams embedded in elastic medium Ebrahimi,Farzad;Barati,Mohammad Reza Engineering 2017,39(3): 937-952
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 187 3D printing of polymer matrix composites: A review and prospective Wang,Xin;Jiang,Man;Zhou,Zuowan;et al.Composites Part B-Engineering 2017,110: 442-458 Computer Methods in Applied 94 Dual-horizon peridynamics: A stable Mechanics and Engineering solution to varying horizons Ren,Huilong;Zhuang,Xiaoying;Rabczuk,Timon 2017,318: 762-782 90 Numerical simulation for melting heat transfer and radiation effects in stagnation point flow of carbon-water nanofluid Hayat,T.;Khan,M.Ijaz;Waqas,M.;et al.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2017,315: 1011-1024 Composites Part B-Engineering 84 Stress-driven versus strain-driven nonlocal integral model for elastic nano-beams Romano,Giovanni;Barretta,Raffaele 2017,114: 184-188 84 Stress-driven versus strain-driven nonlocal integral model for elastic nano-beams Romano,Giovanni;Barretta,Raffaele Composites Part B-Engineering 2017,114: 184-188 Structural and Multidisciplinary 83 On design optimization for structural Optimization crashworthiness and its state of the art Fang,Jianguang;Sun,Guangyong;Qiu,Na;et al.2017,55(3): 1091-1119 82 Numerical simulation for magneto Carreau nanofluid model with thermal radiation: A revised model Waqas,M.;Khan,M.Ijaz;Hayat,T.;et al.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2017,324: 640-653 Mirjalili,Seyedali;81 Salp swarm algorithm: A bio-inspired Gandomi,Amir H.;optimizer for engineering design problems Mirjalili,Seyedeh Zahra;Advances in Engineering Software 2017,114: 163-191 Numerical modeling of nanofluid natural convection in a semi annulus in existence of Lorentz force Free vibrations of Bernoulli-Euler nano- et al.81 Sheikholeslami,M.;Rokni,Houman B.Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2017,317: 419-430 Apuzzo,Andrea;Composites Part B-Engineering 79 beams by the stress-driven nonlocal integral Barretta,Raffaele;model Luciano,Raimondo;2017,123: 105-111 et al.
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 49 On intelligent risk analysis and critical decision of underwater robotic vehicle Xiang,Xianbo;Yu,Caoyang;Zhang,Qin Ocean Engineering 2017,140: 453-465 ESO-based line-of-sight guidance law for 28 path following of underactuated marine Liu,Lu;surface vehicles with exact sideslip Wang,Dan;Peng,Zhouhua IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 2017,42(2): 477-487 compensation On the state-of-the-art of particle methods for coastal and ocean engineering Long-crested wave generation and absorption for SPH-based dual SPHysics model Finite-time observer based accurate tracking control of a marine vehicle with complex unknowns Towards simulating floating offshore 27 Gotoh,Hitoshi;Khayyer,Abbas Coastal Engineering Journal 2018,60(1): 79-103 Altomare,C.;Coastal Engineering 27 Dominguez,J.M.;Crespo,A.J.C.;2017,127: 37-54 et al.24 Wang,Ning;Lv,Shuailin;Zhang,Weidong;et al.Coastal Engineering 2017,145: 406-415 Crespo,A.J.C.;Coastal Engineering 24 oscillating water column converters Altomare,C.;with smoothed particle hydrodynamics Dominguez,J.M.;2017,126: 11-26 et al.23 Risk and impacts on the environment of free-phase biogas in quaternary deposits along the coastal region of Shanghai Xu,Yeshuang;Wu,Huaina;Shen,Jack S.;et al.Ocean Engineering 2017,137: 129-137 Wave loadings acting on innovative rubble Contestabile,Pasquale;23 mound breakwater for overtopping wave Iuppa,Claudio;energy conversion Coastal Engineering 2017,122: 60-74 Di Lauro,Enrico;et al.21 Application of AHP and VIKOR methods under interval type 2 fuzzy environment in maritime transportation Soner,Omer;Celik,Erkan;Akyuz,Emre Ocean Engineering 2017,129: 107-116 Centrifuge modeling of lateral bearing Wang,Xuefei;19 behavior of offshore wind turbine with Yang,Xu;suction bucket foundation in sand Ocean Engineering 2017,139: 140-151 Zeng,Xiangwu
被引频次 文章题目 作者 来源出版物 39 The mass and heat transfer characteristics of superheated steam coupled with non- condensing gases in perforated horizontal wellbores Sun,Fengrui;Yao,Yuedong;Li,Xiangfang;et al.Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2017,156: 460-467 Journal of Petroleum Science 35 Influence of gravel on the propagation pattern of hydraulic fracture in the glutenite reservoir Rui,Zhenhua;Guo,Tiankui;Feng,Qiang;et al.and Engineering 2017,165: 627-639 35 Pore throat structure and fractal characteristics of tight oil sandstone: A case study in the Ordos Basin,China Li,Peng;Zheng,Min;Bi,He;et al.Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2017,149: 665-674 Journal of Petroleum Science 32 Flow simulation of the mixture system of supercritical CO2 &superheated steam in toe-point injection horizontal wellbores Sun,Fengrui;Yao,Yuedong;Li,Xiangfang;et al.and Engineering 2017,163: 199-210 32 A numerical study on the non-isothermal flow characteristics of superheated steam in ground pipelines and vertical wellbores Sun,Fengrui;Yao,Yuedong;Li,Xiangfang;et al.Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 2017,159: 68-75 A semianalytical methodology to diagnose Spe Journal 32 the locations of underperforming hydraulic fractures through pressure-transient analysis 2017,22(3): 924-939 in tight gas reservoir He,Youwei;Cheng,Shiqing;Li,Shuang;et al.31 Electrokinetics of carbonate/brine interface in low-salinity waterflooding: Effect of brine salinity,composition,rock type,and pH on zeta-potential and a surface-complexation model Mahani,Hassan;Keya,Arsene Levy;Berg,Steffen;et al.Spe Journal 2017,22(1): 53-68 Journal of Petroleum Science 31 A quantitative framework for evaluating and Engineering unconventional well development Rui,Zhenhua;Cui,Kehang;Wang,Xiaoqing;et al.2017,166: 900-905 31 Discrete-fracture modeling of complex hydraulic-fracture geometries in reservoir simulators Xu,Y.;Cavalcante Filho,J.S.A.;Yu,W.;et al.Spe Reservoir Evaluation &Engineering 2017,20(2): 403-422 Journal of Petroleum Science 31 FIB-SEM and X-ray CT characterization of interconnected pores in high-rank coal formed from regional metamorphism Liu,Shiqi;Sang,Shuxun;Wang,Geoff;et al.and Engineering 2017,148: 21-31