今天早上我醒来后,在床上赖了一会儿,想接着睡,可最后还是爬起来下楼,给自己做了点早餐。星期六上午8:00之前电视上都没什么好节目,于是我决定趁这个时候来做我那份儿家务。This morning after I woke up,I lay in bed for while trying to get back to sleep.Eventually,I just went downstairs and made myself some breakfast.There’s nothing good on TV befor 8:00 on a Saturday morning,so I decided to get some of my chores over with.
罗德里克和我从来就什么都买不起,所以老妈就让我们俩干家务活挣零花钱。我需要做的其中一项家务就是给饭厅里的家具除灰。我今早就在干这个的时候,听到有人在敲前门。Me and Rodrickneverhaveenoughmoneytobuy anything,so Mom has been paying us an allowance to do chores.One of my chores is dusting the dining room furniture,and that’s what I was doing this morning when I heard a knock at the front door.
我打开门,看到盖瑞叔叔站在门口台阶上,吃了一惊。I opened the door and was surprised to see Uncle Gary standing on the front steps.
过了一会儿,老爸从楼上下来了,看到自己的亲弟弟,也没见他有多开心。Dad came downstairs a minute later,and he didn’t seem too happy to see his younger brother.
几周前,盖瑞叔叔打电话给老爸,说他有个千载难逢的商业良机,需要一笔贷款。A few weeks back Uncle Gary called Dad and said he had a“once-in-a-lifetime”business opportunity and needed a loan.
老爸不想借钱给盖瑞叔叔,因为盖瑞叔叔有借钱不还的前科,可谓“赖”迹斑斑。Dad didn’t want to give Uncle Gary any money,because Uncle Gary has a bad track record when it comes to paying people back.
老妈跟老爸说这钱必须得借,因为他们毕竟是手足,血浓于水。老妈就常这么跟我和罗德里克说。但愿我将来别缺个肾什么的,因为我要是指望罗德里克给我捐的话,我的麻烦就大了。But Mom told Dad he should do it because Uncle Gary is his brother and family members should always help each other out.Mom’s always saying the same sort of thing to me and Rodrick.I just hope I never need a kidney or something like that,because if Rodrick is the guy I’m counting on to give it to me,I could be in trouble.