Travel website accused of plagiarism,fake accounts

2019-04-26 07:23河北唐山六十二中
疯狂英语·新读写 2019年4期

河北唐山六十二中 杜 宇


题材文章词数旅游业管理2 8 8 难度 ★★体裁建议用时说明文5′








Chinese travel website Mafengwo denied that itposted fake reviewson its site after a social media report accused it of copying review content from competitors andfabricatingas much as 85 percent of the reviews on its platform.The company said in a statement on its Sina Weibo account on Monday that reviews of restaurants andeateriesmade up less than 3 percent of the user-generated content on the Mafengwo platform, which includes travelitineraries,diaryentriesand photo sharing.

Established in 2006,the Beijing-based companyclaimsto cover more than 200 countries and regions,100 million travelers and 920,000 hotels around the world.It said it has more than 21 million original reviews.

On Saturday,a social media account on WeChat, “Xiaosheng Bibi”, co-reported with data group Hooray Data,accusing the company of using robots and hiring writers to fake more than 18 million user comments and blog articles of the total 21 million original content pieces the company says it owns.The report said 7,454 fake user accounts were found copying and transferring content fromrivals, including Ctrip,eLong, Meituan, Agoda and Yelp.The total amount of copied data included 5.72 million comments and blog articles on restaurants and bars,and 12.2 million comments and stories about hotels—altogether representing around 85 percent of all comments Mafengwo shows on its platform.Mafengwo said that the company removes 26,000 posts each week for violating its terms and conditions and hasclosed down15,000 accounts.

The mediaattributedthe illegal behavior ofunscrupulousmerchants to Mafengwo,which is seriously inconsistent with the facts,it said in the statement.“The media report was an ‘organized attack’,and we will legally defend our interests,” the company said.

Reading Check

1.What's the problem of Mafengwo in the Para.1?

A.It was accused of false information.

B.It contains too much reviews on the platform.

C.It covers too little contents compared with 200 countries.

D.It denies a statement on Sina Weibo account.

2.From which is the text probably taken?

A.A media magazine.

B.A travel brochure.

C.A research paper.

D.A news report.

Language Study

Ⅰ.Important vocabulary in the text fake reviews发布虚假点评



5.close down关闭

Ⅱ.Sentences for writing



_______in 2006,the Beijing-based company claims to cover more than 200 countries and regions, 100 million travelers and 920,000 hotels around the world. found doing sth被发现正在做某事


The reportsaid 7,454 fake useraccounts _______from rivals,including Ctrip,eLong, Meituan, Agoda and Yelp.




Chinese outbound visitors中国出境游客

World Tourism Day世界旅游日

global tourism sector全球旅游业

a package tour跟团游

spending budgets开支预算

scenic spots景点


a beautiful spring scenery春日美丽的景色

appreciate the cherry赏樱花

a sea of cole flowers油菜花海

the buds of cherry flowers樱花花蕾

a bird's eye view鸟瞰

glass-bottom bridge玻璃吊桥

glass viewing platform玻璃观景台

an area of towering forest-like rock formations


launch a huge hiking route开辟了一条巨长的徒步旅行路线

long-distance hiking trails长途远足路线


have a close touch with the nature和大自然亲密接触

explore new places and cultures探索新的地方和文化

a thrilling journey一段激动人心的旅程

seek in-depth travel experiences寻求深度旅游体验



1.If you live in the eastern China,one of the ideal places to gois the West Lake in Hangzhou,the heaven-like placein China.如果你住在中国东部,那么完美的去处之一就是杭州西湖,这个在中国像天堂一样的地方。

2.If you travel to Yunnan,you willbe absorbed into a sea of flowers.如果你去云南旅游,你会沉浸在花海中。

3.As one of the most beautiful universities in China,Wuhan University isa must-go destinationfor flower-lovers.作为中国最美的大学之一,武汉大学是爱花人士的必去之地。

4.Beijingboasts many parksandnational-level sightseeing place.北京拥有很多公园和国家级的景点。

5.Reputed asthe most beautiful county in China,Wuyuanturns into a paradisefor visitors in spring.被誉为“中国最美的乡村”,婺源成为游客们心中春天的天堂。

6.It's perhaps fitting thatthe home of the Great Wall would have the longestglassbottomed walkwayin the world.长城所在地将拥有世界最长的玻璃栈道或许也没什么不妥。

7.The fiveseparate peaksbacking Huayin City in China's Shaanxi Province are a test for eventhe most adventurous travelers.背倚陕西华阴的华山,其五座独峰对于即使最具冒险精神的旅行者来说也是个考验。

8.Whenhiking throughthe stunning Tiger Leaping Gorge in Yunnan Province,southwest China,visitors willbe faced with a choice ofmuch importance.在徒步经过云南省壮美的虎跳峡时,游客将会面临一个非常重要的选择。

9.The GreatHimalaya Trailrunsfor1,700km (1,000 miles) andtraverses the whole length ofthe Himalayas in Nepal.大喜马拉雅山径长达1,700公里(1,000英里),穿越整个尼泊尔的喜马拉雅山脉。

10.It's like a time-travel to the pastwhen you take the vintage style Train of the End of the World across the Tierra del Fuego National Park.乘上复古感十足的世界尽头小火车,穿梭在火地岛国家公园,仿佛一场不可思议的穿越之旅。

11.You caneithergo on a cruise toenjoy the beautiful scenery orhave an excursion to the well-known Perito Moreno Glacier.你可以乘坐邮轮欣赏无与伦比的美景,也可以参加徒步前往著名的佩里托·莫雷诺冰川。


1.China remainsthe driving force forthe global tourism industry,as the number of Chinese outbound tourists and theirspending powercontinue to rise,thoughat a more moderate pace,recent data showed.最近的数据显示,中国仍然是全球旅游业的驱动力,中国出境游客数量和消费能力继续上升,尽管其速度比较温和。

2.In the first half of2017,total outbound trips from theChinese mainlandreached 62.03 million,up 5 percentyear-on-year,according todata released by the China National Tourism Administration(CNTA)in August.根据中国国家旅游局8月发布的数据,2017年上半年,中国大陆的出境旅游人次达到6,203万人次,同比增长5%。

3.Chinese travelersaccounted forabout 10.4 percent of the total,according tothe organization.据该组织称,中国游客占总数的10.4%。

4.Individualized travel serviceboomsas the travel industry becomes more open in China.随着中国旅游业的开放,个性化旅游服务蓬勃发展。


1.No matter how wellyou know your companions andhow longyou two have been together,a trip will probably teach you something new about them.不管你多了解你的同伴,也不管你们在一起多久了,一次旅行可能会让你对他们有新的了解。

2.Not only do you learnmore about your friends,but you also become increasingly aware ofyour similarities and disparities in values,and in physical and economic strengths.你不仅可以更多地了解你的朋友,而且你也会越来越意识到你们在价值观、身体素质和经济实力上的相似和不同。

3.A journeyis best measuredin friends,rather thanmiles.衡量一段旅程最好的尺度在于朋友,而不是里程。

4.A prevailing ideaamong young people is that traveling isthe truest test of friendship.年轻人普遍认为旅行是对友谊最真实的考验。

5.The world is a book,butpeople who do not travelread only one page.世界是一本书,而不旅行的人们只读了其中的一页。

6.For young people,travel is a part of education;for the elderly, travel is a part of experience.对青年人来说,旅行是教育的一部分;对老年人来说,旅行是阅历的一部分。


1.When taking travel photos,pleasepay attention to safety,and do not go to dangerous areas to shoot.当旅游摄影时,请注意安全,不要到有危险的地区拍摄。

2.When shopping for tourist souvenirs and local specialties,pleaseshop around.At the same time pay attention to do not randomlytouch the display samples,in case of accidental damage.在选购旅游纪念商品、当地土特产时,请注意货比三家;同时注意不要随意去动摆设的样品,以防意外损坏。

3.Take yourcarry-on luggage,especially your wallet and cell phone,and double-check it beforegoing out.带好随身行李,特别是钱包和手机,出门前仔细检查一遍。


1.After the audience left the festival,the scenewas littered with garbage.在观众离场后,现场垃圾遍地、一片狼藉。

2.From the Great Wall to the pyramids of Egypt, “a visit here” hasbecome a“black”label on the image ofChinese tourists.从万里长城到埃及金字塔,“到此一游”成了中国游客形象的“黑色”标签。

3.Of course,foruncivilized behaviorin tourism,in addition toincreasing the penalties,there is also a way to record them inpersonal integrity records.当然,对于旅游中的不文明行为,除了加大处罚力度之外,还有一个办法就是纳入个人的诚信记录。

4.Apart fromstrengthening the binding force on morality,legal norms are also a“sharp edge” torestrain tourists'uncivilized behaviors.除了加强道德约束,法律规范也是约束游客不文明行为的“利器”。

5.In order to make civilized tourism become normal,it is necessary to improve people'spersonal cultivation and quality.要让文明旅游变成常态,还需要从完善民众的个人修养和素质入手。







