陈茜茹 钟清华 张涵 黄伟新
关键词: 临床听诊; DSP; 心音; 肺音; 分离系统; 小波变换
中图分类号: TN945+.5?34; TP391.4 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)06?0092?04
Abstract: In allusion to the problem that the heart sounds and lung sounds are mixed and also overlapped in the spectrum during the clinical auscultation process, a heart and lung sound separation system based on DSP is designed. The heart and lung sound sensor collects physiological sound signals from the chest wall, which are sent to the signal acquisition and playback circuit for amplification, filtering and digitalization. In the DSP processor, the iterative multi?resolution decomposition and multi?resolution reconstruction (MRD?MRR) separation algorithm based on the wavelet transform is used to separate the heart and lung signals. The separated heart and lung sounds are output by means of audios, and transmitted to the computer via the serial port for backuping or further processing. On the basis of the platform, a heart and lung sound separation experiment was carried out by using the physiological sound signals collected from the chest walls of 30 healthy adults. The results show that the separation algorithm has the best processing effect when using the db8 wavelet function and hard threshold, and the system has a good real?time performance, stable and reliable data transmission, and a high application value.
Keywords: clinical auscultation; DSP; heart sound; lung sound; separation system; wavelet transform
胸部听诊是现代医学中诊断心脏系统疾病和呼吸系统疾病的一种重要手段。传统的听诊器由共振片、声音共振腔和传导声音的导管组成,是广大医师最常用的诊断工具。然而它有一些不可弥补的缺点[1]:难以捕捉到人体内脏发出的一些微弱却非常重要的生理声音,准确性差;听诊结果容易受人耳听力敏感局限和听诊者主观经验的影响;胸壁听诊时通常为心肺音混合声音,需要听诊者根据主观经验区分心音和肺音。这些缺点最终导致诊断过程极度依赖医生主观经验,易造成误诊,错过患者的最佳治疗时机。随着电子技术和信号处理技术的不断发展,结合了现代电子技术与生物医学技术的电子听诊器研发成功。电子听诊器可以将采集后的信号进行放大等一系列模拟或数字信号处理,在一定程度上改良了传统听诊器,但从胸壁检测到的生理声信号混合了频谱上相互重叠的心音信号和肺音信号,如何将心肺音混合信号分离出心音信号和肺音信号是电子听诊器需要解决的重要问题[2]。本文介绍了基于DSP的心肺音分离系统和迭代多分辨率分解?多分辨率重构(Multi?resolution Decomposition and Multi?resolution Reconstruction,MRD?MRR)分离算法,并通过实际测试,效果很好。
基于DSP的心肺音分离系统结构如图1所示,信号采集部分由心肺音传感器采集数据,并对心肺音信号进行前期处理,将采集到的模拟信号转化为数字信号;DSP 处理器对心音肺音信号进行分离等处理以及对相关外部设备的控制;存储部分主要是扩展的程序存储和数据存储,由FPGA,FLASH 和SDRAM 组成。另外,DSP 还可通过USB 接口和PC进行通信,也可直接和SDCARD 进行通信。心肺音分离算法由DSP软件实现,分离后的心音和肺音一方面通过音频输出,另一方面通过串口传输到计算机中备份或进行进一步处理。