任桢 林都 李静
关键词: 旋转倒立摆; 刚体建模; 虚拟仿真; SimMechanics; 系统辨识; 试验验证
中图分类号: TN915.5?34; N945.12; TP391.9 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2019)06?0060?05
Abstract: A modeling method based on the combination of the Matlab virtual simulation and test data is proposed, and the validity of model establishment is verified using physical objects, so as to solve the problem of deviation between theoretical modeling and engineering application of the rotary inverted pendulum. The rigid body model of the inverted pendulum is obtained by connecting Solidworks with Matlab, and the electromechanical part is added in the SimMechanics, so as to obtain the ideal model of the system at the unstable equilibrium point by means of linearization. The system parameters are identified on the basis of physical object test, so as to obtain the simulation model. The pendulum swinging and stabilization algorithms are studied for the inverted pendulum on the basis of the model. The test results show that the virtual simulation model can visually display and record the changes of the system variables, and there exists only a small gap in overall response when compared with the physical structure of the actual inverted pendulum.
Keywords: rotary inverted pendulum; rigid body modeling; virtual simulation; SimMechanics; system identification; test verification
本文以中北大学电气与控制工程学院现代控制工程研究室自行设计的单级旋转倒立摆实验平台作为研究对象,机械结构使用Solidworks完成,如图1所示。系统机理建模是在与实物一致的机械结构基础上, 通过动力学方程,在不稳定平衡点附近等效近似并线性化得到。使用文献中的动力学方程近似上有很大误差,采用Solidworks导出刚体模型可以在最大程度上减少近似带来的误差。物体运动主要由质量定义,在Solidworks中修改参数得到与实际一致的机械结构。
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