
2019-04-01 15:39
初中生·考试 2019年4期


John Smith stayed with Pocahontas for some days. She learnt some English, and he learnt more of her language. Soon they were good friends.

B u t P o w h a t a ns m e n w a t c h e d Smith carefully, and he could not leave the village. Then one day Powhatan said,“You can go home to Jamestown, John Smith. But you must give me two of your big guns.”

John Smith did not like this, but he could not say no. So he went back to Jamestown, and Pocahontas, Opekankanu, and some Indians went with him.

But the guns were very big, and of course, the Indians could not move them.

“Look,” said Smith. “You cant carry these guns through the forest. But I can give you some gunpowder1 for Powhatan. Here, take it. Be very careful with it.”

“Thank you,” Opekankanu said. “But one day, we want these big guns too. They are very important for us.”

“Perhaps2,” said Smith. “But we want to be your friends, and friends are better than guns.”

That winter, Pocahontas came to Jamestown every week with food for the Englishmen. She learnt many interesting things in Jamestown.

“Look at this, Pocahontas,” John Smith said one day. He had a compass3 in his hand.

“What is it?” Pocahontas asked. She tried to put her finger on the arrow4 in the compass, but she couldnt.

“Its a compass. The arrow always points5 to the north,” Smith said. “Where is the north? Do you know?”

“Of course I know. All my people know that.”

“Well, look — the arrow in the compass knows it too!”

“Why cant I put my finger6 on it?”

Smith smiled. “Because of the glass. You can see through glass, but you cant put your finger through it.”

“Yes,” she said slowly. “But — what is a compass for?”

“It helps us in our ships when we cant see the sky,” he said. “Which way do we go? Where is the North? The compass tells us all that.”

Pocahontas was interested in everything.She loved to talk to John Smith, and she learnt many things about England and the English.

In March and April 1608, two more ships came to Jamestown. Powhatan asked Pocahontas about them.

“How many Englishmen are there now?”he asked.

“There were thirty-eight before the ships came, father. But now there are about a hundred and fifty.”

“Its spring now. They must sow7 corn and vegetables in their fields. Are they doing that?”

“Yes, father. But they arent very good at it. This is a new country for them. They dont understand it.”

“But they must have corn!” Powhatan was angry. “They need food for the winter. We cant give them our corn every year! And we kill animals, birds, and fish for our food— the English must learn to do that too!”

“They are learning, father,” Pocahontas said. “But most of these men come from towns in England. They dont know about these things.”

“Well, they live here now, so they must learn.” said Powhatan. “Or they must give me guns. We have a lot of food in our village, but we need guns. I can give the Englishmen food, but they must give me guns first. Tell that to your English friends, Pocahontas!”



























相信许多同学都看过迪士尼经典动画《风中奇缘》(Pocahontas)。影片中色彩瑰丽的北美自然景象、淳朴善良的印第安民族、优美的主题曲旋律,以及印第安公主波卡洪塔斯(Pocahontas)与英国船长约翰·史密斯(John Smith)冲破种族藩篱的爱情故事,无不令人印象深刻。但大家可能不知道,这个故事改编自一个400多年前美国殖民时期的真实故事。故事发生的地点在维吉尼亚州(Virginia)的詹姆斯敦(Jamestown)。同时,这也是迪士尼第一部让“非白人”的公主当主角,不以圆满结局(Happy Ending)作为故事结尾的动画片,有着深刻的主题与沉重的历史背景。

影片中美丽天真的波卡洪塔斯在历史上确有其人,到现在詹姆斯敦还保留着她的雕像。她生于1595年,死于1617年,是波瓦坦(Powhatan)最爱的一位女儿。波瓦坦是生活于维吉尼亚州的阿尔冈昆印第安人(Algonquin Indians)的一位酋长。男主角约翰·史密斯的原型更是一位充满传奇色彩的人。作为北美早期的开拓者之一和詹姆斯敦的主要建立者,他极富领袖气质,且根据自身经历出版了一系列有关新世界冒险故事的作品。其中有关波卡洪塔斯的故事就记录在他的《维吉尼亚简史》中。





Jamestown: 詹姆斯敦,位于美国维吉尼亚(Virginia)州,是英国在北美建立的第一个永久定居点(settlement)。1492年哥伦布发现新大陆之后,美洲便成为欧洲大陆各航海大国的觊觎之地。在十五、十六世纪,法国、西班牙、荷兰和英国陆续抵达美洲,试图建立自己的殖民地。1606年底,三艘轮船驶离英国,在历经4个月的艰苦航行后,最终抵达维吉尼亚,建立了第一个聚落并称之为Jamestown,用以荣耀当时的英国国王詹姆士(King James)。在这一群殖民者中,最有名的莫过于船长约翰·史密斯(John Smith),他也是这篇故事的重要男主角。

Study in Lithuania : Not a minority language country , a variety of languages can be switched at any time