
2019-04-01 15:39
初中生·考试 2019年4期


On 4th May I arrived at the little town called Bistritz. Transylvania was a strange and beautiful country. There were mountains, trees and rivers everywhere. And somewhere high in the mountains was the Counts1 home, Castle Dracula. I had six hours to wait before the coach2 came to take me there, so I went into a little hotel. Inside it was warm and friendly. The people there were all laughing and talking. “Where are you going?”they asked me.

“To Castle Dracula,” I replied.

Suddenly, the room was silent and everyone turned to look at me. I could not understand why they all looked afraid.

“Dont go there,” someone said.

“But I have to,” I answered. “Its business.”

They began to talk again, but they were no longer3 laughing. Slowly, the hotel keepers wife took the gold cross4 from her neck and put it into my hand. “Take this,” she said. “There is danger at Castle Dracula. Perhaps this will help you.”

When the coach arrived and I got into it, a crowd5 of people came to watch, and I heard the word “vampire”6.

The coach traveled up into the mountains. Higher and higher it went, faster and faster. The sun was bright, but above the trees there was snow on the mountain tops. Then suddenly the sun went down behind the mountains and everywhere was dark. In the forest around us, the wolves were howling7. It was a terrible sound.

Suddenly the coach stopped. A small carriage8 came down the narrow road on the right. Four black horses were pulling it, and the driver was dressed in9 black, with a black hat pulled down over his face.

“Wheres the Englishman?” he called. “Ive come from Castle Dracula! ”

He looked strange, standing there in the moonlight, and suddenly I was afraid. But it was too late. I could not go back now.

Soon we were on our way to Castle Dracula. The mountains were all around us and the moon was behind black clouds. I could see nothing—but I could still hear the wolves. The horses went faster and faster, and the driver laughed wildly10.

Suddenly the carriage stopped. I opened the door and got out. At once the carriage drove away and I was alone in front of the dark, silent castle. I stood there, looking up at it, and slowly, the big wooden door opened. A tall man stood in front of me. His hair was white and he was dressed in black from head to foot.

“Come in, Mr. Harker,” he said. “I am Count Dracula.” He held out his hand and I took it. It was as cold as ice!

I went into the castle and the Count carefully locked the door behind me. He put the key into his pocket and turned to go upstairs. I followed him, and we came to a room where a wood fire burned brightly. In front of it there was a little table with food and drink on it. The Count asked me to sit down and eat, but he did not eat with me. Later, we sat and talked by the fire. His English was very good, and while we talked, I had time to look at him carefully. His face was very white, his ears were like the ears of a cat, and his teeth were strong like the teeth of an animal. There was hair on his hands and his fingers were very long. When he touched me, I was afraid.

It was nearly morning when I went to bed, and outside, the wolves were still howling.

The next morning I found my breakfast on the little table in front of the fire. Now that it was light, I could see that Castle Dracula was old and dirty. I saw no servants all that day.

The Count did not come to breakfast, but there was letter from him on the table.

“Go anywhere in the castle”, it said, “ but some of the rooms are locked. Do not try to go into these rooms. ”


Transylvania:特兰西瓦尼亚,位于罗马尼亚中西部地区,地形以高海拔茂密森林为主。众多的城堡以及为抵挡敌人入侵而被城墙包围住的教堂,为这里增添了诸多神秘色彩。它更因小说《德拉库拉》(Dracula)被誉为“吸血鬼故乡”,而成为许多人趋之若鹜的旅游胜地。近几年深受大家喜爱的迪士尼动画系列《精灵旅社》(Hotel Transylvania)的故事便发生在此。






















作为西方古老传说中不死者种族最迷人的成员,吸血鬼一直是各種创作的宠儿,已经成为了一种经典的文学形象。从丑陋凶残的嗜血怪物到美貌诱人的贵族绅士,从阴暗幽冷的古堡主人变为深情款款的小镇医生……随着社会的发展,其形象不断演化,并被赋予了不同的时代意义。浪漫主义文豪拜伦、济慈、柯勒律治都曾对吸血鬼情有独钟。上世纪七八十年代的美国小说《吸血鬼编年史》(The Vampire Chronicles)系列、《撒冷地》(Salems Lot)等,催生了新一波的“吸血鬼热潮”。一直到青少年文学《暮光之城》(Twilight)的大热,各种改编电影与剧集也不断出现在各个时期的屏幕上,让成千上万的“吸血鬼迷”们为之倾倒。

谈起吸血鬼,有部无论如何也绕不开的伟大作品,那便是现代吸血鬼小说的开山鼻祖、爱尔兰小说家布莱姆·斯托克(Bram Stoker)于19世纪末创作的《德拉库拉》(Dracula)。自1897年出版以来,它风靡英国,继而被翻译成多国文字,征服了全世界的读者,影响了一代又一代的作家,以至于“德拉库拉”近乎成为了“吸血鬼”的代名词。多少人曾因一袭黑色斗篷的德拉库拉伯爵夜不能寐,毛骨悚然;大批的专家、学者从不同角度给予解读,试图分析其形象背后的文化内涵。大概再也没有像这般生命力强大且深入人心的恐怖角色了。

小说引用了诸多角色的书信、日记、电报等,给读者讲述故事的进展,悬念迭起。一位名叫乔纳森·哈克(Jonathan Harker)的年轻人被派往特兰西瓦尼亚处理德拉库拉伯爵的购房事宜,却未曾料到被幽禁在古堡之中。期间种种迹象让乔纳森意识到伯爵的黑暗力量与自身的危险,一个更大的阴谋也逐渐浮出水面。本期节选自小说的第一部分《乔纳森·哈克的日记》,描写的正是故事伊始,乔纳森初入古堡的情景。旅店里客人的谈“德”色变,老板娘意味深长的赠予,沿途的狼嚎与月光,古怪的车夫与骇人的堡主,以及那些昏暗禁忌的带锁房间……每一处都挑动着读者紧绷的神经,引领其一步步靠近鬼魅的暗夜之王。


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