
2019-03-25 05:38MichaelScotto
扣篮 2019年2期

Michael Scotto

Two-way contracts werecreated with the hope of givingmore players jobs, strengtheningthe relationship with the G Leagueand team affiliates, increasing payand more, but was it a success in theeye of those involved? It depends onwho you ask.


For players, a two-waycontract represents a foot in thedoor to living their dream full-timeat the NBA level with the caveatof a burdensome travel schedule.For executives, two-way playersrepresent the opportunity to find adiamond in the rough and developcheaper and younger talent for thefuture. For agents, the two-waycontract can offer their clients lessopportunity and more obstaclesthan advertised.


NBA teams are allowed upto two players under two-waycontracts. Those players spend thebulk of the season in the G Leagueand a maximum of 45 days withtheir NBA team. Those playersare paid a corresponding dailysalary based on the number ofdays they play in each league. Onlyplayers with four NBA seasons ofexperience or less can sign two-waydeals, which can be for either oneor two seasons. A player has to beactive for one day to get credit for ayear of service.


While two-way contractsgenerally go to young playerswith potential upside, some olderplayers with overseas experiencetook advantage of the opportunity.C.J. Williams, who previouslyplayed in Greece, Italy, France,and the former D League, earneda two-way contract at 27 with theClippers.


"It's a dream come true, to behonest," Williams said. "I alwayswanted to play in the NBA andget an opportunity. It's not exactlyan NBA contract, but at the sametime I get an opportunity, and that'sall I can ask for, and I've just beenenjoying every moment of it, butI know my work isn't done. I can'tbe satisfied with just a two-waycontract, I have to work to progressto get more."


Williams admitted it was"weird" to play for two differentteams technically, but played wellenough to force the Clippers togive him a multi-year contract withsome guaranteed money.


Williams was eventuallywaived and signed a two-way dealwith the Minnesota Timberwolvesfor this season.


Former Rockets two-wayguard Markel Brown, 26, used thetwo-way contract as an opportunityto return to the NBA. The formersecond-round draft pick played twoseasons for the Nets before spendingone season in Russia with BCKhimki. After making substantiallymore overseas in Russia, Brownreturned to the States with the hopeof making the NBA again.


"On the court, I feel like foroverseas there is a lot of competitiondepending on what league you're in,depending on what team you go andplay for, it's a lot of competition,"Brown said. "There are a lot of guysthat used to be in the NBA that areoverseas now, and I think it's great.


"Going overseas, being ableto make some money to be able totake care of your family, but I thinkstaying in the States and playingin the G League is also good aswell. You've got great coaches inthe G League who are constantlypreparing you for their affiliateteam, so I think both are great onthe court. Off the court, for me,being in Russia the language, food,traveling around trying to ventureout and see new things versus beingin the States it's just like beinghome, so I think it opens up youreyes and makes you more thankfulfor what you have around you."


Brown played four gamesfor the Rockets last seasonbefore signing in Turkey for theupcoming season.


"I think it's great for a lot ofyoung players who are on the cuspto making rosters," Brown said. "Ithink it was great for me being thatguy, coming back from injuries andtrying to continue to fight to getinto the NBA."


In addition to inconvenienttravel plans on a moment's notice,some agents worried about thephysical toll their clients enduredand lack of sleep as formerBrooklyn Nets two-way playerMilton Doyle noted.


"It gets crazy sometimes justbecause you never know whenyou're going to get the call," Doylesaid. "Somebody might get hurtor be sick or anything. You mightget a call at twelve, one, or two inthe morning and they tell you thatyou've got to fly out at 6:00 in themorning. The flight, just to get tothe airport — especially in NewYork — is crazy traffic and thena flight. It just takes a toll on yourbody with whatever traveling you'redoing."


These are the types of tripsplayers will endure for that NBAdaily paycheck, and even pass ona mother's home-cooked meal, asDetroit Pistons two-way playerReggie Hearn explained.


"There was one where we hada game at Grand Rapids at sevenand Detroit had a game in Detroit atseven," Hearn said. "At 3:45 I got acall saying that I needed to come toDetroit and I think that was to playMiami. I think at the last second,one of the guys was a no go, so Stan(Van Gundy) wanted to make surehe had an extra wing on the bench,so I packed up all my stuff in 15minutes. My mom was at my houseready to go to the game that nightat Grand Rapids. I had to tell her,‘Hey, sorry.' She made some chili,and mom makes some bomb chili(laughs). Then we got in the car,and as we pulled away they decidedthat the roads were too bad, so I waswith Jon Phelps, our GM, so we justended up heading straight to thegame in Grand Rapids. I thought Iwas going to Detroit and making aheck of a lot more money that day."


Quinn Cook may have beenthe biggest winner of the two-waysweepstakes. He began the seasonas a two-way player for GoldenState, averaged 9.5 points and 2.7assists in 33 games played duringthe regular season, signed a multiyeardeal with the Warriors andwon a ring. For each executive,Cook offers hope that a two-wayplayer can become a component tosuccess.


"I like having another youngplayer under our control to develop,and it allows for more flexibilityand bodies to work with ouryounger roster players duringdevelopment work," an EasternConference general manager said."I don't like that the 10-day talentpool is more diminished for teams."


Along the lines of theexecutive's point regarding thedilution of talent for the 10-daypool, agents are hesitant to the newtwo-way idea of locking a playerinto one team for the season. Inthe past, their client could earn acall-up to a team that had a morepressing need and playing timereadily available.


Some two-way players suchas Jalen Moore (Bucks), BronsonKoenig (Bucks), Yakuba Ouattara(Nets), Eric Griffin (Jazz) andMichael Young (Wizards) neverplayed a minute in the NBA.Several other players appeared infive or fewer games while on twowaycontracts for their NBA team.


"Teams previously couldaccess all the top players in the GLeague if they needed or wantedto," another agent said. "Now they'revery limited. If a team needs tocall up a point guard, they will notbe able to call up the best pointguard in the G League since he'slikely locked in on a two-way withsomeone else."


Looking ahead, some agentssuggested changes to improvethe two-way system. Multipleagents said they want the leagueto eliminate multi-year, two-waydeals and limit the number of twowaycontracts a team can use perseason.


"Teams like Milwaukee andHouston had at least four differentguys on them (two-way contracts)said. "They are not being used for'development' players. They're beingused as a way to circumvent the capand a free (no cap hit) insurancepolicy against injury."


Multiple agents also said theybelieve late second-round picksare being selected partly due toa willingness to take a two-waydeal and it could become a trendgoing forward. In last year's draft,Shake Milton (54), Thomas Welsh(58), George King (59) and KostasAntetokounmpo (60) all signedtwo-way contracts.


Overall, if you're a fringeNBA player coming out of college,looking for a second chance in theleague or preferring to remain inthe States instead of going overseas,the two-way contract gives you achance to make an impression ona team over the course of a seasonand become a full-time NBAplayer. In the process, you'll enduredifficulty with travel schedules. Ifyou're an executive, you can usemultiple two-way players such asthe Rockets and Bucks last seasonto save money against the salarycap, try out reclamation projectsfor an extended time and finda difference maker such as theWarriors with Cook. If you're anagent, it's imperative to correctlyplace your client with a team thatwill prioritize development, offer achance to play and as concise travelplan as possible.


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