
2019-03-21 22:16:07
重庆第二师范学院学报 2019年2期


ComparativeStudybetweenCritiqueofHegel’sPhilosophyandCritiqueofHegel’sPhilosophyofRight:AlsoontheOrigin,BirthandDevelopmentofHistoricalMaterialismby CHAI Peng, DING Sanqing P.5

CritiqueofHegel’sPhilosophyby Feuerbach criticizes the speculative idealism of Hegel in the way of “perversion of subject and object”, and builds up the value of materialism. Because of Feuerbach’s negatively treating to the reasonable connotation of Hegel’s dialectics thoughts, he moved towards historical idealism eventually.CritiqueofHegel’sPhilosophyofRightby Marx is essentially a transitional text which is unfinished and not unified logic. However, Marx’s discussion in the text about the relation between country and civil society, as well as the person’s status of political dissimilation, demonstrates his tendency and attitude of historical materialism. In a sense,CritiqueofHegel’sPhilosophylays philosophical foundation of the origin and birth of historical materialism, whileCritiqueofHegel’sPhilosophyofRightis not only on behalf of the origin, but also lays effective foundation of the birth and development of historical materialism.

Key words: Feuerbach; Marx; Hegel;CritiqueofHegel’sPhilosophy;CritiqueofHegel’sPhilosophyofRight

ProblemsandCountermeasuresofRuinsProtectionofLongMarchLineinGuizhouProvinceby CHEN Jun P.28

The ruins of the Long March Line have important political, economic, cultural, educational and ecological values. Guizhou Province has abundant cultural resources of the Long March of the Red Army. There is a good momentum for the ruins protection of the Long March line in the province. However, there are still some problems such as insufficient investment, imperfect management, and imbalance of policy investment in the ruins protection. To strengthen the development and protection of the ruins of the Long March line in Guizhou Province, we should make overall planning, increase investment in the protection, development and construction of the revolutionary sites in the province, create a good atmosphere for the overall ruins protection, and explore ways to realize the multiple values of the Long March ruins.

Key words: Guizhou Province; ruins of the Long March line; protection; the Long March spirit; Red Culture

HorsesPolitics:HorsesTributeandRewardSystemintheNorthernSongDynastyby LIU Zhenyu P.42

Horse was a special tribute and reward in the Northern Song Dynasty. The horse tribute and reward system of the Northern Song Dynasty can be divided into two types: the system about emperors and subjects, the system about the court and the surrounding countries. Horses played an important role in both systems. The subjects expressed their loyalty to emperors by paying horses, while emperors showed the favor to the subjects by rewarding horses. The Northern Song Dynasty court expressed its recognition to the surrounding countries by giving horses, and the surrounding countries expressed their friendship or submission to the Northern Song Dynasty court by paying horses. As tributes and rewards, horses circulated among emperors, subjects, the Northern Song Dynasty court and the surrounding countries. It maintained the normal operation of the horse tribute and reward system in the Northern Song Dynasty, and also promoted the construction and stability of the political order of the Northern Song Dynasty court.

Key words: the Northern Song Dynasty; horses; tribute and reward system; politics

OnTranslatingAnimalWords:FromthePerspectiveofFunctionalEquivalenceby RAO Xiaofei, SHUANG Ying, ZHUANG Yue, SHEN Yueqin P.52

In the 21st century context of globalization, the translation of animal words which bear specific cultural connotations has been one of the focused topics. Grounded in the Functional Equivalence theory, this paper applies the translation strategies of domestication and foreignization to explore the translation of animal words from the four perspectives of cultural overlapping, cultural conflict, cultural vacancy, and cultural adaption. It aims to fulfill the cognitive and aesthetic needs of readers of other cultures, and to promote the effectiveness of intercultural communication.

Key words: Functional Equivalence; animal words; cultural connotations; domestication; foreignization

“Battle”amongModernPopularLiteratureMagazinesby PAN Benben, FU Zonghong P.63

In the process of modern urbanization, World Book Company and Dadong Book Company have actively compiled popular literary works and commercially operated, to meet the needs of the public. They have launched such modern popular literary magazines as the “Red Series” and the “Purple Series” respectively. In the publishing circle of popular literary magazines, the “Red Series” of World Book Company and the “Purple Series” of Dadong Book Company have constructed two magazine veins leading to modern popular literary magazines. Behind the similarities, there are obvious differences, seemingly identical but with different styles, and each has its own characteristics of publication and the content of its original publication. The cultural heterogeneity in modern times, the writing style of popular culture catering to the interests of citizens, and the modernity in the popular perspective, these are worth exploring.

Key words: popular magazine; World Book Company; Dadong Book Company;RedRose;Violet

ContextualAnalysisoftheSensoryPerceptionDomaininTheOldManandtheSeafromthePerspectiveofCognitiveLinguisticsby XUE Rui, WANG Xueqin P.78

This paper mainly discusses the contextual description inTheOldManandtheSeafrom the new perspective of sensory cognitive domain. According to the famous cognitive linguist, Langacker, the cognitive input of certain situation is composed of a number of different stimulation. The fundamental perception domains formed after the stimulation of a human organ are senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. These five sensory perception domains are clearly and fully illustrated in the novel, expressing different contexts and mixing into the matrix of perception domains. The stimulation and cognitive processing of the sensory system greatly attract the readers’ attention, easily producing the deep resonance in the inner world of the readers.

Key words:TheOldManandtheSea; sensory; perception domain; context

ResearchonthePragmaticCompetenceCultivationinPrimaryEnglishTeaching:BasedonChina’sStandardsofEnglishLanguageAbilityby LONG Jun, LIU Mingdong, TANG Wenjie P.87

China’sStandardsofEnglishLanguageAbilityconstructs a descriptive framework of pragmatic competence, and provides a reference for the pragmatic competence cultivation. The present pragmatic competence cultivation in primary English teaching has three major deficiencies: incomplete contents, uncertain ranks and unscientific methods. To improve the effect of the pragmatic competence cultivation in primary English teaching, it is necessary to strengthen teachers’ pragmatic literacy, adopt diversified teaching strategies, and actively expand the ways of extracurricular pragmatic guidance.

Key words:China’sStandardsofEnglishLanguageAbility; primary English; pragmatic competence

OntheInternationalComparisonofCollegeStudents’SocialPracticeandthePathofItsReformandInnovationinChinaby HUANG Xiaomei P.102

Social practice is of great significance to the growth of college students, the development of colleges and universities, and the progress of society. Western developed countries continue to improve and enrich the theoretical connotation and specific content of college students’ social practice. Drawing lessons from the relevant experience of western developed countries, the reform and innovation path of college students’ social practice in China is to realize the institutionalization and legalization, specialization and integration, socialization and service-orientation, systematization and diversification, early-oriented and whole-oriented, individualization and internationalization, so as to improve college students’ social practice ability and let them become outstanding talents adapting to society.

Key words: college students’ social practice; international comparison; experience for reference; reform and innovation

鄱阳湖学刊(2016年6期)2017-01-16 13:05:41
财经(2016年19期)2016-08-11 08:17:03