
2019-03-05 18:37:04左自强
宜春学院学报 2019年5期


(宜春学院 体育学院,江西 宜春 336000)






Selectionof an effective offensive system requires knowledge of each system’s strategy and a realisticassessmentof a team’s abilities and limitations.选择一个有效的进攻体系,需要了解该体系里的每个应对之策,并能切合实际地考虑本队的实战能力及存在的不足。

Theamendmentsof rules completely change the structure of modern volleyball games and make attack become the main tactic to score.修改排球比赛规则,彻底地改变了现代排球比赛的结构,使攻击成了得分的主要策略。

After theintroductionof teams and coaches,teams meet at center court and exchange small gifts and handshakes under the net.介绍完队员和教练之后,双方队员来到场区中间,交换礼物,并在网下依次握手问候。


Just before ballcontactis made,the feet,hips,knees,shoulders,and head/eyes pivot(if necessary) and point to the target area where the ball is to go .击球前瞬间,腿部、髋部、膝盖、肩膀和头/眼(如有必要的话)跟着向来球的方向转动。

The CF is always the closest to the net if theattackis generated from the left or the right side.如果对方从左右两侧进攻,前排中路队员应尽最大可能接近网前。


Back-row players may spike if theirtake-offis from behind the 3-meter attack line.后排队员也可以扣球,但必需是从3米线后起跳。

Lower extremity injuries are often seen in sports which require repetitivejump-landsequences such as volleyball.下肢损伤经常发生在排球这样的运动中,这些运动需要运动员反复地起跳落地。

4.常用搭配或习语中的主体名词转译成汉语的动词。Rally or point-per-play scoring is nowinplace,which means the defense can also score,with a pointatstakein every rally.现在施行的回合得分制或每球得分制,意味着防守方也可以得分,每个回合都要为一分而争夺。at stake得分

The sand provides a soft landing,making it easy for players toss themselves around the courtinpursuitof the ball.沙子的落地感柔软,运动员可以在场上身轻如燕,高高跃起,飞身救球。

5.后缀为-or,-ist -er,-ee,等的名词。一般以这些后缀构成的名词,表示职业、身份或事物等。有时依照其动作意味强的特点,转译成汉语的动词。

William G.Morgan has gone down in history as theinventorof the game of volleyball,to which he originally gave the name of“Mintonette”.威廉·G·摩根的名字之所以能载入史册,是因为他发明了最初称其为“小网子”的排球运动。

One of the new rules is the addition of a“libero”,aspecialistbackcourt position whose purpose is to produce longer rallies and heighten defensive play.新规则之一是增加“自由人”, 专门负责后场的组织与防守,其目的是让每个回合争夺地更激烈,防守更强。



Adjusting the body’s position relative to the attacker’s position is critical to blockingeffectiveness.为能进行有效的拦网,调整好自己与进攻队员的位置是个关键。

Back court players always havepriorityif they have a better opportunity to play the ball in body line.接发球时,如果后排队员身体正好对准来球,那么优先的机会就应该让给后排。



The overhead pass is generally employed to redirect the ball with the mostaccuracyoffered by any skill in volleyball.一般情况下,上手传球是排球技术动作中最能准确地调整传球方向一项技术。

Traditionally,judgment of setting is tighter on the beach but each year the move is to let players have moreflexibilitywith hand sets.按惯例,沙滩排球对传球的判罚比较严格,但每年的判罚尺度都会允许队员更为宽松地用手处理来球。



Six players possessing theabilityto play a spiking role,two of whom can also function as setters,are necessary to execute the 6-2 offensive system.6-2进攻体系要求6名队员都能够担当主攻的角色(担当扣球的角色),其中有两名还能够充当二传。




One of the most appealing aspects of the sport is that it can be played indoors and outdoors,bytheyoungandtheold,by males and females,and by both the able bodied and those with physical impairments.这项运动最吸引人的一面是,它可以在室内和室外进行,年轻人、老年人、男人、女人,健全人、残疾人都可以参加。

Consequently,the dynamic stabilisers of the scapula and the humeral head arecriticalto maintaining the functional integrity of the glenohumeral joint,and to the ability to successfully serve and spike a volleyball.因此,维持肩胛骨与肱骨头间的动态稳定,是维持肩关节功能完整以及排球发球和扣球成功的关键。



Elbows arestiff,but wrists are relaxed to ball contact so the blocker can better react to the attacker’s last-second adjustments and redirect the ball at contact.拦网队员触球时,肘部固定,腕部放松,以便更好地对进攻队员最后一秒的球路调整和变向作出反应。

The fingertips of the hands are angled downward toward the floor,while the thumbs areadjacentand parallel to one another.手指倾斜朝下,指向地面,俩手大拇指相互平行,彼此靠拢。

2.句子中做表语或做定语,或是固定搭配如be responsible for,be familiar with,be proportional to,be superior to ,be different from等中的形容词。按汉语习惯,常常将其转译成汉语的动词。

The setter is the player that takes the majority of tactical decisions as he or she isresponsiblefor deciding where the ball is to be passed.二传掌握着场上绝大多数战术的决定权,由他或她负责球的进攻方向。

In today’s volleyball,the back-row spike plays animportantrole for winning the game.而今,后排扣球对排球比赛的胜败,起着至关重要的作用。

There are no published data to prove that shoulder orthoses to control scapular mechanics ishelpfulin the prevention (or long term treatment) of shoulder pain syndromes for volleyball players.目前还没有发表的资料证明,控制肩胛骨机械运动的肩关节矫形器,能有助于预防(或长期治疗)排球运动员的肩痛综合征。


It also started a great era of domination for the eventual winners,the USSR,which is still felt today.同时开启了一个前苏联男排最终横扫世界排坛的时代,人们至今都能感受到他们当时的辉煌。

Californians are doubtful whether California can host a beach volleyball circuit in the 1950s.加州人怀疑他们是否能在20世纪50年代举办沙滩排球巡回赛。


The more quickly both hands get to the overhead passing position,the more time there will beavailableto make good attack decisions.双手做出上手传球时动作越快,能够做出正确进攻决策的时间就越多,


所搭配或所修饰的名词因译文表达需要,译成了动词,则与该名词搭配或所修饰的形容词相应地转译成汉语副词。下面两句中,reducing和 increase译成了动词,故将effective,gradual都相应地译为了副词。

This suggests that a rule limiting centre line penetration only within the ‘conflict zone’ may proveeffectivein reducing the incidence of ankle sprains without adversely affecting the flow of the game.研究表明,如果规则限制双方队员的脚在“冲突区”内越过中线,仅此一条便可能有效地减少踝关节扭伤的发生率,不仅如此,还不影响比赛的流畅性。

These graphs demonstrate agradualincrease in the spike speed of a 19-year-old player,stability throughout the season for a 22-year-old player,and agradualdecrease in the spike speed of a 27-year-old player.图表显示,19岁时,队员的扣球速度逐渐增加,22岁时,整个赛季趋于平稳,到了27岁,扣球速度逐渐降低。




The body should be in astaticallybalanced position just prior to ball contact.触球前,身体姿势应保持静态的平衡。

Despite the fact that the setting isgreatlylimited by the preceding actions,the setter is able to invert bad conditions of the setting.尽管二传受一传的影响很大,但却能通过调整挽回此前的不利局面。



This crosscourt serve isawayfrom the strong side attacker.It is more difficult to pass the ball to the strong side area.这种斜对角式发球迫使对方二传远离主攻,给二传将球传给主攻也带来更大困难。



One key to improving performance in volleyball is to be adequately preparedphysically.提高排球运动员竞技状态的关键之一就是要让运动员在身体上准备充分。

Typically,the ace can be detected due to an inability to touch the served ball or a shanked pass by a player on the receiving team.发球得分的典型例子便是接发球队员未能接到球或接球失误。



The old rule which allowed only the team serving to earn points isgone.只允许发球方得分的旧规则已经成了历史。

The 5-1 is perhaps the most complicated volleyball formation in volleyball torun,however,used correctly it can be a very effective formation which can cause confusion for opponents.五一配备也许是排球战法中最为复杂的一种阵形,然而,正确的使用却能有效地打乱对手的场上布署。


与具有动词含义的词搭配,如下句子中succeed in passing,或本身具修饰动词作用的动词enriched by,当passing和by分别译成动词“传”“ 揭开”时,相应地转换成汉语的副词。

If a player don’tsucceedin passing the service,the“U’ pattern can be adjusted to eliminate him or her from the reception pattern.如果哪位队员不能成功地当好一传,那么“U”型站位时,应做出相应调整,避免让他或她来接一发。

Such a volleyball history,peppered with hardship and glory,will be furtherenrichedby another thrilling chapter in the future.这样一部充满艰辛和荣誉的排球史,它将会在未来丰富多彩地向人们进一步揭示感人至深的篇章。

If a player don’tsucceedin passing the service,the“U’ pattern can be adjusted to eliminate him or her from the reception pattern.如果哪位队员不能成功地接好一传,那么“U”型站位时,应做出相应调整,避免让他或她来接一发。



The world Grand Prix was created by FIBV in 1993asa professional women’s sporting entertainment for spectators to watch live andontelevision.世界女排大奖赛由国际排球联合会1993年创办,作为一项专业的女子体育娱乐项目,供观众现场观看和收看电视转播。

Indoors,ankle sprains occur most often at the net,as the result of contact between the attacker and the opposing blocker(s)acrossthe centre line.室内排球脚踝扭伤最常发生在球网附近,这是由于进攻队员和对方拦网队员均越过中线踩踏所致。



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