
2019-03-01 07:20张琳于舒婷张苗苗
中国美容医学 2019年1期

张琳 于舒婷 张苗苗

[摘要]目的:比较三维及二维头影测量差异,并初步建立Ricketts分析法测量项目的正常值范围。方法:样本由30名正常牙合成人组成,同时拍摄锥形束CT(CBCT)和头颅侧位片,对Rickitts分析法的16个项目进行测量。CBCT图像导入Simplant O&O软件进行三维头影测量。头颅侧位片用硫酸纸描图定点进行二维头影测量。用组内相关系数(ICC)评价操作者的测量信度,采用配对t检验对两组间的差异进行比较。结果:10个测量项目的测量结果具有统计学意义,包括软组织测量项目:Ls-EP,Em-OP;角度:FH-NPog,MP-NPog,FH/NA,PP-FH,FH-MP,BaN-FH;线距:L1-APog,L1-OP。CBCT组ICC均值为0.871,2D组为0.935。结论:CBCT的测量与头颅侧位片的测量结果中,10个测量项目的测量结果比较有显著性差异,CBCT的可靠度和精确性较好。初步推断出哈尔滨地区Ricketts分析法部分参数的CBCT三维头影测量正常牙合参考值范围。


[中图分类号]R783.5 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2019)01-0115-04

Study on CBCT of Normal Occlusion in Harbin Area by Rickitts Method

ZHANG Lin,YU Shu-ting, ZHANG Miao-miao

(Department of Orthodontics,College of Stomatology,Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150000,Heilongjiang,China)

Abstract: Objective To compare the differences between the three-dimensional and two-dimensional cephalometric measurements and to establish the normal value range of the project. Methods The samples were composed of 30 normal tooth synthesizers, and the CBCT and Lateral cephalometric radiograph were taken to measure the 16 items of Rickitts analysis. The CBCT image was imported into Simplant O& O software for 3D cephalometric measurement. The Lateral cephalometric radiograph was measured with the point of the sulfate paper. The correlation coefficient (ICC) was used to evaluate the measurement reliability in the operator, and the difference between the two groups was compared by the paired t test. Results The measurement results of 10 measurement items were statistically significant, including the soft tissue measurement project: Ls-EP, Em-OP; Angle: FH-NPog, MP-NPog, FH/NA, PP-FH, FH-MP, BaN-FH; Line distance: L1-APog, L1-OP. The ICC mean of CBCT group is 0.871, and the 2D group is 0.935. Conclusion The measurement results of CBCT and Lateral cephalometric radiograph were significantly different in 10 measurement items, and the reliability and accuracy of CBCT group were better than that of 2D group. It is inferred that the three-dimensional cephalometric of the CBCT of partial parameters of the Ricketts analysis method in the Harbin region is used to measure the normal tooth conjoint reference range.

Key words: CBCT; lateral cephalometric radiograph; cephalometric; normal teeth; the three dimensional


1 材料和方法

1.1 研究对象:选择30名哈尔滨地区正常牙合成人志愿者为研究对象,其中男16名,女14名。在拍摄前,已获得研究对象的知情同意。


1.2 数据采集:应用口腔全景X线机(Sinora)拍摄头颅侧位片,取自然头位。采用CBCT(KaVo)机对30名志愿者进行扫描,拍摄时取坐位,FH平面与地面平行,嘴唇自然闭合,上下牙保持牙尖交错牙合,曝光条件为电压120kv,电流5mA,层厚0.3mm。以DICOM格式将图片输出。

1.3 影像测量:用硫酸纸描图定点、0.3mm铅笔对2D组进行头影测量。CBCT组拍摄后数据导入SimplantO&O软件,进行三维测量,采用MPR法(轴向,矢状向,冠状向)联合定点,对Rickitts 分析法的16个测量项目进行测量。每组16个项目测量3次,每次间隔10d,均由同一人完成。见图1,表1。

1.4 统计学处理:研究采用SPSS 17.0软件进行统计分析,用组内相关系数(ICC)评价这些测量的重复性,计算各参数的均值和标准差,采用配对t检验对两组间的差异进行比较,P<0.05表示差异有统计学意义。

2 结果


3 讨论


本研究的目的是通过对Ricketts分析法的部分测量项目的测量,来评估三维头影测量方法的可靠性。本实验使用的是Simplant O&O软件。用2D方法对三维结构进行评估会造成信息丢失[20],像所有传统的X线拍摄技术一样,头颅侧位片只是将三维结构折叠到二维平面上。由此产生的解剖结构叠加使图像解释和标志点复杂化,这种扭曲和放大可能导致测量精度降低。如:下颌骨下缘往往会产生双重图像,这是由于患者左右两侧的放大率不同,与图像感受器的接近程度不同。本实验所用下颌平面为颏下点与两侧下颌角下缘点所组成的平面,避免了二维的投影误差,结果显示关于FH-MP,MP-NPog有统计学意义。



本文还对Rickitts分析法中的软组织测量项目进行测量,如ANS-Em 、Ls-EP、Em-OP,结果显示Ls-EP、Em-OP有统计学意义,之前很多学者都只是对硬组织进行测量,传统X线软硬组织界限不清。但是有些标志点还无法确定,如下颌支中心点(Xi),对于这种需要其他多个标志点定义的点,无法在该软件中定点,所以ANS-Xi-pm无法测量,软件对于复杂的标志点还无法完成。



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[收稿日期]2018-02-28 [修回日期]2018-05-12



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