By Lao She
Being truly busy means occupying yourself in things that really delight you, like writing love letters, tilling the land, discovering a nine-tail comet, composing poems and drawing with spontaneous inspiration. These sorts of activities won’t tire you when you engage in them, even if you have been working ceaselessly day and night, forgetting to eat and sleep. It is this truest kind of work that makes great things happen, which in turn may help form a good culture. When you are truly busy doing something, what you keep in your heart, in your gaze, and even in your dreams is that which busies you. You don’t have time to worry over trivialities, material benefits, or the like. You are fully occupied and absorbed in the work itself. So, the busier you are, the more comfortable you feel, and you will be more likely to become a saintly man. This is the reason why love letters can easily become great literature.
Being blindly busy, on the other hand, looks harried and raucous, ostensibly, but as time goes by, it makes you numb, and the culture around you suffers. If it proves to be meaningless, nobody would be willing to undertake the work. And even if you are forced to do it, it would be only because that’s your means to earn the bread. You labor mechanically, eat until you are full and sleep soundly, or only half-full and half-asleep. You become a working slave instead of a free man. It is hard for slaves to form a good culture. This kind of hustle ruins your hope and health. It incurs resentment, for which you’ll try every possible way to escape from it.
(From A Collection of Laoshe’s Prose and Humor, Wenhui Press. Translation: Joseph Ma)