
2019-02-19 15:55朱文一ZHUWenyi
城市设计 2019年5期

朱文一 / ZHU Wenyi


ZHU Wenyi, Tsinghua University, China

1 弥异所


2 千城万貌



这样的弥异所多了,千城一面就可能变成千城万貌。这是《城市设计》期刊[千城万貌](City Kaleido)栏目设置的初衷和目标。本期刊登了中国15个城市的弥异所(001—015)。

3 “弥异所”

今天,以弥异所命名的学术研究小组“弥异所”(英文为MiYiSuo Group)成立了。“弥异所”要做的事情:一是以城市设计为视角,整合建筑、规划、景观、艺术等不同专业领域,建立跨界的设计眼光及其平台;二是遵循“高手在民间”,从网络上成千上万个网红打卡地中发掘城市中自发形成的弥异所,所谓没有建筑师的建筑,填补城市设计领域的研究空白;三是结合网络空间,搭建专业与民众之间的桥梁,探索全民参与城市空间品质提升平台。


1 Miyisuo

Thirty years ago, when I was studying urban space, I read about Mozi’s discussion of space. “Space is consists of different places.” It means the East, the West, the South,the North around home. This is the concept of “place” in the context of Chinese culture.The place emphasizes the space of people,the so-called “poetic dwelling”. The Miyisuo also emphasizes the space of people, which is precisely the space of “home”. People in the Chinese cultural context are more embodied in the “home”. In the article “The Nature and Cultural Connotation of the Courtyard”,I expounded the similarities and differences between “Miyisuo” and “place”. The key to the word disparity is “extraordinary”, that is,space in different positions. Miyisuo emphasizes the difference, locality and identity of space; pays attention to the activities of different groups of people in space; reflects the matching relationship between activities and space. This is the interpretation of the concept of the Miyisuo.

2 City Kaleido

In recent years, there has been some places recognized by people on internet like online celebrity, so called as Online Celebrity Place. Every region and every city has its Online Celebrity Place, The Online Celebrity Place not only attract tourists from outside,but also fascinate local residents and become direct reflections of the city's richness,diversity and identity. In my opinion, such places like City Kaleido are good interpretation of the spirit of Miyisuo.

There are more lost spaces in the modern cities that people can not identify where they are. The Online Celebrity Place are changing and stimulating the lost spaces to active spaces where people love to go. This makes it possible to reinterpret the “Miyisuo”, which can be understood as this:first,places that give people a sense of shock, socalled unexpected and new presentations;second, places that give people a sense of substitution, so-called rationality, participation in it; third, places that bring people a"deja vu", so-called “already seen”.

The more such a place is, the more beautiful the city with its identity is. This is the original intention and goal of the column City Kaleido of the “Urban Design” journal.There are 15 MiYiSuo Places (001—015) in Chinese cities respectively in this issue of the journal.

3MiYiSuo Group

Today, the academic research group Mi-YiSuo Group is established. What should people do in MiYiSuo Group are like this:First,from the perspective of urban design, you should integrate different fields of architecture, planning, landscape, art, etc., and establish a cross-border design vision and its platform; second, from the thousands of Online Celebrity Place, you can discover the spontaneously formed disparity in the city, so-called buildings without architect. The third is to build a relationship between professionals and the public on internet. It explores the platform for quality improvement of urban space in which all people participate.

MiYiSuo will be a platform for data information, a platform for exchange and interaction, and a platform for sharing ideas.

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