
2019-02-14 11:20:44张利ZHANGLi
世界建筑 2019年8期




在北京延庆举行的2019 世界园艺博览会从策划之初就把对这一共识的关注与诠释当成了一个基本的出发点。借助于国家正在积极倡导的新发展理念,北京世园会的建设自始至终贯穿了对绿色共同未来的广义思考。可以说,除了园艺博览必然呈现的姹紫嫣红外,延庆的世园场馆(既包括永久的,也包括临时的)本身也形成了耐人寻味的一个展示主体,集结了多元化的绿色启示。



对人与自然关系的再思考、以及对自身文化基因中可持续生存方式的再诠释是宏观层面上的绿色启示。在中国举行的世园会当然要传播东方的自然哲学,而在已经接近21 世纪第三个10 年的今天,东方传统的敬让(而非争夺)、共生(而非征服)与朴素(而非奢华)的人与自然关系显然是有突出的意义的。北京世园会选取妫河边的戍边、农垦与园艺传统的区域为会址已经蕴含了这种文化基因,空间规划上的山水格局、建设上的古家营小镇复建等也是在延续这一基因。而全园最主要的单体建筑——中国馆,更是把这种基因在建筑上的潜力发挥尽致。在这座其外部空间为一完整的微型生态圈的建筑中,从“四水归堂”“田”概念的使用,到“锦绣如意”的别名,都充盈着东方的田园理想。


Heatwaves hitting all the continents in the northern hemisphere is just another proof of the biggest challenge we are facing today: climate change and environment. Actually, if there should be one consensus in this turbulent and polarising world, it has to be the willingness for a greener common future.

Since its conceptualisation, 2019 Beijing International Horticultural Exhibition in Yanqing has taken the promoting of such a consensus as its underlying agenda. Vastly helped by the new national development objectives, the planning and construction of Yanqing 2019 has carried out this agenda quite well. Besides all the flamboyance of all horticultural or gardening shows, the architecture of Yanqing 2019, whether permanent or temporary,has become a display of its own right, collecting and disseminating green inspirations in various ways.

At the microcosm level, thoughts of renewables, energy and material, are the dominating inspirations. In the very near past, active building technologies were the default solutions to green buildings, particularly when the demand for everincreasing comfort in contemporary urban life was non-stoppable. Yanqing is claiming a different path. Passive buildings, renewable, or even organic building materials are the things that are being displayed as must-haves. The clock of global resource depletion is clicking after all. In buildings at Yanqing 2019, we see a trend of more natural materials, from degradable polymer to prefab rammed-earth blocks.They are the evidence that a modern"interaction"between the building material and the climate is gradually replacing the traditional "no-interaction"weather proof idea. A eccentric example is the INBAR Garden pavilion. Not only is everything in the pavilion built with bamboo, but also an international student competition for bamboo building is featured, where three student projects got built. We see clearly signs of architectural orthodoxies being dismantled by the use of organic materials, and all related debates and inquiries coming after.

B iomimc ism, and to a less er ex tent anthropomorphism, is still the main inspiration at the intermediate level. In the history of architecture,there has never been a lack of stimulation to mimic the physical or generative logic of a beloved creature. At certain periods this mimicism is purely about form, such as all kinds of good-looking animals and flowers. At certain periods it is more about metabolism, cycles of energy and materials.In Yanqing it is the latter, with the source of mimicking being mainly trees and forests. The entire International Pavilion is covered with the umbrella unit, which mimics a lotus or a deciduous tree with its structure not only supporting its weight but also creating a welcoming shade. The Botanic Garden is even more explicit. With the name "the wisdom of plants", and its radically redundant hanging vertical elements, the image of a layered forest is made.

At the macro level, the inspirations have much deeper culture roots. It is the rethinking of man and nature, and the reinterpretation of traditional cultural genes. Make no mistake that at a horticultural expo in China, you do expect some interpretation of oriental natural philosophies.You won't be disappointed. The oriental yielding(rather than competing), co-habiting (rather than conquering), and frugality (rather than luxury) have all been interpreted, all in a very demanding 3rddecade-of-the-21st-century context. The site of Yanqing 2019 used to be riverside strip for border farming and gardening. The masterplan of Yanqing 2019 meticulously implemented the Shanshui theories in full. The remake of gardening villages such as Gujiaying helps to revive the gardening tradition and life style. And above all, the most important building of the entire expo, the China Pavilion, also covers in great depth the issue of oriental natural philosophies. The master plan is inspired by a typical Chinese farming house. The use of terraced farmlands and the collection of rain waters are all new incarnations of very ancient ideas.Even the nickname, "the bountiful land" echoes some truly idyllic traditional ideals.

We have to admit that at a time of a plethora of expos every day, Yanqing 2019 is refreshing in the way it explores and informs about the green future. It is because of this that we make this special number of WA. Our sincere thanks to the Beijing Horticultural Exhibition Coordination Bureau, and Beijing Shiyuan Investment Co., Ltd., who have made this special number possible.

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