Give you a seed,can you plant the rose

2019-01-12 07:40:14西安外国语大学程佳雯
疯狂英语·新悦读 2019年1期

西安外国语大学 程佳雯

在中国的植物文化中,玫瑰因其枝茎带刺,被认为是“刺客、侠客”的象征。而西方则把玫瑰当作严守秘密的象征,短语under the rose在英语中就是“守口如瓶”的意思。不过,玫瑰可不是那么好种的,养起来也颇费一番力气。







In this section,you will hear a passage.After you hear the passage,decide whether each of the statement is correct(A),incorrect(B)or not mentioned(C).

Question 1~5



How to grow beautiful roses


1.Roses grow in many parts of the world,such as ________,northwest Africa,_______and the United States.

2.The United States regards roses as the_____________.


3.Choose a place to plant your roses where they can get sunshine for about______________.

4.There are different kinds of roses to choose from,such as potted _______and bare-root_______.

5.Watering should be done_______________________and be careful not to__________________________________.



Most kinds of rose plants are native to Asia.But roses also grow in other parts of the world including northwest Africa,Europe and the United States.In 1986,Congressand President Ronald Reagan declared the rose as America's“national floral(花的)emblem(徽章)”.They proclaimed(宣布)it the national flower,in other words.But whatever the name,the choice of the rose did not smell very sweetto supporters of other popular flowers.

Some say roses are difficult to grow.But you have a better chance of success if you start with a few suggestions from experts.First,choose a place to plant your roses where they can get sunshine for about six hours on bright days.You can buy roses from a garden center or by mail order.You can buy potted roses(盆栽玫瑰),also known as container roses,or bare-root plants.Each kind has its fans.

Some gardeners say potted roses are easier to plant.They say the roots develop better if you start with potted roses.But others point out that bare-root roses come without soil,so they weigh less totransportand that can save money.The University of Illinois Extension advises getting bare-root roses as close to planting time as you can.If they arrive before you are ready to plant them,make sure the packing material is moist(湿润的).Keep the plants in a cool,dark place.

You plant the roses while they aredormant.The resting plants have no leaves but still need water.When growing roses,the soil should feel moist deep down.Watering should be done in the morning.You can avoid problems like black spot and mildew(霉菌)that way.Be careful not to water roses too much.Too much water can cause unhealthy spot on the leaves.After heavy rains or too much watering, trytemporarilypulling away mulch(护根物)from around the roots,this will help dry the soil.Placing mulch around rose plants isnormallya good idea.Mulchsuppressesweeds and holds moisture in the soil.You can use mulch made from bark,pine needles,cottonseed or oak(橡树)leaves.If the soil is very dry,you can add peat(泥煤)or compost(混合肥料)to help condition it.If aphids(蛀牙),thrips(牧草虫)or other insects invade your rose bushes,you may be able to force them off with just a strong spray of water.

Language Study

Difficult sentences


【点石成金】短语be native to意为“原产于”。

2.But whatever the name,the choice of the rose did not smell very sweet to supporters of other popular flowers.


【点石成金】whatever引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter what。


1.________(Whatever/However) hedidis wrong.

2.You can take _______(whatever/however)you like.

3.She always goes swimming,_______(whatever/however)cold it is.

Using Language

Ⅰ.Important vocabulary in the text

1.transport n.运输;运输机 v.运输;流放

2.dormant adj.蛰伏的;休眠的

3.temporarily adv.临时地

4.normally adv.正常情况下;通常

5.suppress v.(政府、统治者等)镇压;压制

Ⅱ.Complete the following sentences in correct forms with the vocabulary given above.

1.I was only relieved to have my burden removed,if only _______.

2.It's _______much warmer than this in July.

3.The rebellion was _______.

4.The seeds remain _______until the spring.

5.The seeds are _______by the wind.

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