
2019-01-11 14:05杨俊宴
中国园林 2018年12期


章 飙

1 绿色城市设计的数字化新趋势








图1 多维需求的绿色城市设计数字化技术方法框架(作者绘)Fig.1 Digital technology system for green urban design with multidimensional demands


2 多维需求的绿色城市设计数字化技术



表1 多维度绿色城市设计数字化技术方法类别Tab.1 Multi-dimensional green urban design digital technology category

3 安全范式:保障城市环境安全发展基础



图2 多因子叠加模拟量化开发容量Fig.2 Multi-factor superposition simulation to quantify development capacity

图3 城市生境网络四要素规划对策Fig.3 Four elements planning countermeasures for urban habitat network


4 生态范式:构建城市环境友好发展格局



在水生态优化方面,通过对现状水体的数据采集,掌握水体水质状况,并结合水质保护目标,运用纳污能力与污染负荷计算分析、DHI MIKE模型模拟等相关技术手段,为水体周边区域的用地布局、水系规划等提供依据。如在南方某旅游度假区核心区及周边地段城市设计实践中,湖体作为旅游度假区的核心以及城市备用水源地保护区,是生态敏感性较高的城市片区,如何在保护水体的前提下进行城市开发建设?如何寻求生态保护与城市发展之间的平衡?首先通过对湖体及周边河道的水样进行现场采集、踏勘湖体生态与生物因子,掌握湖体及周边水体的现状水质,建构数字化分析平台与生态健康评价指标体系,分别从水质特征、水文特征、物理形态结构、生态系统指标和湖滨景观五大方面、17个评价指标对湖体进行赋权打分。其次结合现状采集结果,对标湖体规划控制目标,充分考虑未来周边城市建设带来的影响,运用DHI MIKE与ECO Lab软件对湖体流场与水质进行模拟分析,对湖体环境容量与区域污染负荷进行分析测算。并将分析结果反馈至城市设计方案中,对片区总体开发量控制、生态水处理设施空间布局、滨水岸线规划、雨污水收集处理,以及非点源污染处理等方面提出控制引导要求,以实现湖体水生态控制目标,提升片区物种多样性。

5 健康范式:提升城市环境美丽发展体系


图4 基于Ecotect软件的热环境分析Fig.4 Heat environment analysis based on Ecotect

图5 基于Phoenics软件的风环境分析Fig.5 Wind environment analysis based on Phoenics

图6 基于Cadna/A软件的声环境分析Fig.6 Sound environment analysis based on Cadna/A

图7 安全策略──钱塘江不同水位下淹没情况模拟分析Fig.7 Security strategy: simulation analysis of flooding situation at different water levels of Qiantang River

图8 生态策略──规划观鸟基地空间布局Fig.8 Ecological strategy: space layout planning the of the bird-watching base



6 生态城市设计样本实证:杭州钱塘江案例

在杭州钱塘江两岸景观提升工程规划实践中,通过多元绿色城市设计数字化技术方法的运用,全面分析了城市山水格局、生境网络、微气候环境、水岸生态、空间特色营造和风貌意向等内容,并在规划设计阶段有针对性地进行优化提升,实现了数字化技术方法簇群的聚合应用。作为滨江地区的城市设计实践,雨洪安全是须首要考虑的内容。研究表明,钱塘江水灾害风险与沿江两岸高程、降雨以及潮汐等情况有着密切联系。通过对降雨频率与月降雨量及钱塘江月水位变化情况等要素的叠加分析,采用计算机模拟技术对沿江两岸在3.8、5.0、6.0m 3种水位状况下的淹没情况(在不考虑江堤的前提下)进行模拟(图7),对可能受淹没区域进行重点设计与监控。




7 结语


图9 健康策略──钱塘江沿江地区风环境规划引导Fig.9 Health strategy: planning guide of wind environment for the surrounding areas of Qiantang River

图10 杭州钱塘江两岸景观提升工程规划设计总平面图Fig.10 General plan of the planning of the landscape optimization project on riversides of Qiantang River in Hangzhou


Safety, Ecology, Health: Digital Transformation of Green Urban Design

YANG Junyan, ZHANG Biao

1 New Trend of Digitalization in Green Urban Design

As one of the important means to guide the development of cities, urban design be divided into four generations of traditional urban design,modern urban design, green urban design and digital urban design, from the point of different dominant values.Green urban design, which is one of the four major practice trends in urban design in China, injects ecological theory and analysis methods on the basis of traditional urban design, in order to achieve the goal of sustainable urban development.

Since the 1980s, green urban design theory in China has evolved from the initial simple casebased study to the mid-1990s' comprehensive theory paradigm, and then to the 21stcentury's"4E" model and the flexible design.These concepts have greatly enriched the theoretical system and effectively guided the practical projects, but the corresponding analysis technology can't keep up with the theory.With the emergence of big data, digital technology provides not only effective technical support but also a new perspective on research.However,the current digital technology of green urban design still has some shortcomings.

Therefore, based on the theoretical thinking and the practical projects, the authors have applied and verified the digital technology of green urban design, accumulated a large amount of practical experience and effective data, summed up the practical feedback, trying to establish a digital green urban design technology system.

2 Green Urban Design Digital Technology with Multidimensional Demands

Digital technology enables designers to obtain diversified new data and new methods for rational analysis and judgment.It can improve the quality of urban public space, strengthen urban spatial characteristics and maximize the quality of the living environment.Guided by these objectives, the article constructs a multi-dimensional green urban design digital technology system, and divides it into three dimensions of safety, ecology and health.

Safety urban design, focusing on safety issues in the material space environment includes the content of psychological safety, behavioral safety,defense safety and disaster safety.Ecological urban design with the criteria of sustainable development,focuses on the elements of ecological environment,forming an ecological oriented strategy.Health urban design attaches a great importance on the design of organic urban form, active guidance of citizen behavior at the research level, and the establishment of a strong guarantee mechanism at the implementation strategy level.Therefore, it can be considered that the safety, ecology and health urban design are closely related but different in terms of theoretical basis, research content and technical methods, which together constitute the system of green urban design.

3 Safety Paradigm: Ensuring the Foundation of Urban Safety Development

With the advent of digital acquisition technology, automatic or semi-automatic capture of specific urban spatial data has become a reality,and through the capture of massive data, digital analysis platforms have been built.Based on these platforms the data is layered, and the multi-factors are weighted and superimposed according to the strength of influence, and finally the system of urban safety development is clarified.In general,the safety paradigm can be divided into three aspects: development boundary control, ecological capacity control and rainfall flood safety.

Firstly, through the clearing of urban landscape pattern, water and green network,animal and plant resources, the corresponding big data resources are collected, and the multiple elements are disassembled to construct a single impact factor community.Then, through the single factor analysis, the control boundary under the influence of the single factor is obtained.Finally, the GIS data analysis is used to weight and overlay the results of each single factor, and the final results of development boundary and ecological capacity control are obtained.

In terms of rainfall flood safety, the multiscenario simulation is used to seek the safety scene of urban development through the analysis of the surface runoff and submergence models in the area.Through SRTM data analysis and GIS spatial hydrology analysis for the collected digital data, the surface runoff is simulated, the drainage area is defined, and then the potential flood area is identified.Through the simulation analysis of the shoreline flooding conditions under different water levels, the multi-scenario safety pattern in the target area is judged, potential rainfall flood hazards are discovered.

4 Ecological Paradigm: Constructing the Pattern of Urban Friendly Development

The main technology of the ecological paradigm includes landscape pattern analysis,habitat network analysis and water ecological optimization.The landscape pattern analysis is beneficial to grasp the urban landscape framework from the whole and combine the analysis of urban framework and humanistic framework, refining the urban spatial characteristics, and implementing the space through multi-factor management.Habitat network analysis is a kind of technology for optimizing and adjusting greening open spaces.Water ecological optimization applies different technology to achieve the established goals of ensuring water ecology, and to form guidance and feedback on urban spatial layout.

Through the digital collection of animal and plant communities using literature review,data measurement and other methods to comprehensively study the current status, living environment, health status and migration path,problems can be identified and the habitat network can be optimized to improve the urban ecological environment and enhance urban biodiversity.

In the aspect of water ecological optimization, firstly, through the data collection of the current water body, the water quality status is grasped, and then combined with the protection target, the pollution control load calculation, DHI MIKE model simulation and other related technology is used to provide basis for land layout and water system planning.

5 Health Paradigm: Improving the System of Urban Beautiful Development

The health paradigm includes physical environment simulation and optimization, plant community optimization, green landscape view gallery construction, mountain and water perception analysis, and green space suitability optimization and other digital technology methods.The physical environment simulation and optimization is to optimize the urban spatial layout from the perspective of microclimate environment improvement; the green landscape view gallery and the mountain and water landscape perception are to guide the spatial layout of important urban landscape points and landmarks from the perspective of urban landscape construction;the optimization of plant community and green space suitability is to consider the spatial layout and plant configuration of urban green space from the perspectives of biodiversity, landscape improvement and green space service radius.

Physical environment simulation and optimization, combining simulation and measurement, uses satellite remote sensing technology, Phoenics fluid calculation software and SoundPlan software to perform a fullscale simulation of thermal environment, wind environment and acoustic environment.Then it analyzes the existing problems, proposes physical environment improvement strategies and spatial form control measures, and verifies and feeds back multiple scenarios in the program comparison phase.

Plant community optimization is firstly to obtain the basic data of plant community types,structures and characteristics.And then it finds the main problems of the current vegetation community by the method named horizontal and vertical matrix comparison analysis and afterwards the problem-oriented development of the corresponding ecological optimization and beautification strategies are carried out, which effectively guides the planning.

6 Ecological Urban Design Demonstration:Hangzhou Qiantang River

In the planning of landscape optimization project on riversides of Qiantang River in Hangzhou, through the aggregation application of digital technology in green urban design,the urban landscape pattern, habitat network,microclimate environment, waterfront ecology,spatial characteristics and style intentions were comprehensively analyzed and optimized.

As an urban design in the riverside area,rainfall flood safety is a top priority.Due to the fact that the risk of water disasters is closely related to elevations, rainfall, tidal and other conditions,the computer simulation technology is used to simulate the flooding situation under different water levels, in order to focus on the design and monitoring of areas that may be flooded.From the perspective of ecology, the "core,plaque, corridor and island" technology is used to research the habitat network and propose corresponding optimization strategies for the four major elements: enhance the core protection zone, open up habitat patches, continue the ecological corridor, and add springboard structure.According to the habits of birds, the planning sets up 14 bird-watching bases of four types to show regional species diversity.In the control system of physical environment, the wind,heat and noise environment were simulated and analyzed, and corresponding countermeasures were formulated to improve the microclimate environment.For instance, based on the wind environment analysis, the plan proposes targeted strategy to construct the multi-level ventilation corridors along the river.

In the project of Qiantang River, with the strategies of safety, ecology and health, the multidimensional analysis and aggregation application of digital technology strongly guide the final design in terms of the spatial structure, plan layout, functional group and landscape system,and finally form the space construction strategy as well as the overall spatial form.

7 Conclusion

With the continuous infiltration of information technology, the green urban design technology also shows a clear digital trend.The authors analyze and summarize the planning and design carried out in recent years, condense the three technical paradigms of safety, ecology and health, and elaborate the digital technology corresponding to each paradigm, aiming at perfecting the technology system of green urban design.Through the summary of digital technology, the paper tries to find out the trend and direction of digital technology development in the future, and provides some reference for the practical application.

(Editor / LIU Xinya)


YANG Junyan, male, born in 1976 in Wuji of Jiangsu Province, Ph.D., Professor, and Doctoral Supervisor of School of Architecture of Southeast University, Associate Dean of Smart City Research Institute of Southeast University, Member of the Urban Design Academic Committee of China Urban Planning Association, research area: digital urban design (Nanjing 210096)

ZHANG Biao, male, born in 1986 in Fuzhou of Jiangxi Province, Ph.D.candidate of School of Architecture of Southeast University,research area: ecological landscape oriented urban design (Nanjing 210096)

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