The Value of Luxury Goods

2019-01-05 06:23ByHeFeipeng
Special Focus 2018年12期

By He Feipeng

For quite a long time, I could only understand the price of an item—but not the value of it. Once I received a bottle of red wine, which was said to be a rare vintage of a particular year from a famous wine region.Although it commanded a high price, I felt that it tasted similar to those cheap ones sold in an ordinary supermarket. I also once received a box of highgrade Cuban cigars. However,regardless of the price, I was repulsed by its choking smoke.Thus, I felt deeply ashamed of my poor taste.

My trouble goes far beyond this. Once I published a book by the well-known Japanese artist Takashi Murakami, and I invited him to deliver a speech in Taiwan. A doll designed by him was sold at several million dollars. Although I was clear about the price tag, I didn't know anything about its value. I tried to read his books attentively,listen to his speech, and even consult him in person to try to straighten out my question, yet I was still confused—so I had to put it down to my ignorance. On New York's famous Fifth Avenue and Tokyo's Omotesandou, young folks are constantly rushing for the designer clothes and bags with a whopping price. From their obvious enthusiasm, I think they must understand the value of those items.

Although I understand their price tag, I am totally clueless about their value—so I would definitely not buy them. But what puzzles me is why all of these young boys and girls appreciate“value” better than I do?

And how come wealthy people suddenly have a high appreciation level of the arts? Not only do they collect expensive works of art,they also seem to know a thing or two about their value.

I suppose it is attributed to the fact that they have both money and time, so they can seek guidance from experts and quickly learn to appreciate the value of artwork, and they can with a delicate and acute insight.If I have a pleasant feeling, and want to experience it again, I'd regard the ability to give me this feeling as “value.” The stronger afford the price tag as well.

Facing the problem, I'd try not to be trapped in my own lie forever by pretending to get the point, as I would be exposed easily, and could end up in an awkward position. To put things right once and for all, I must truly understand both the price and value.

So, I started to appreciate expensive items in my own way.

Whatever I eat, drink, wear,use, and see, I try to express how I feel and to understand everything

the pleasant feeling is, the higher the value. For example, I have worn suits from big brands, and,in my eyes, their tailored and stylish designs are the value. I have also tried tuna belly from fresh tuna caught from coastal waters of Taiwan in early May—it was so tender and smooth that it melted immediately in my mouth,which is also “value.” However,the pleasant feeling is limited to the first three pieces, and if you eat more than three, the value of the tuna is compromised, no matter how costly it is.

After such personal exploration, I have begun to understand the difference between price and value—that is, price is merely a number in a business deal, but value originates from the unique feeling of each individual.

Two people see the same thing differently. Everyone should decide the value of a thing according to his or her own preferences and feelings, rather than by the price tag or some social trend. I'm no longer baffled by those expensive items, but if I cannot feel the beauty of them with my delicate sensations,or describe them with my own words, or accept them with my heart and soul, then they mean nothing to me, and I don't need to pretend to understand or accept them.

Moreover, I know that we should not be restrained by the trends of society, and never spend money on anything that is useless to ourselves.

(From Community, April 2013.Translation: Zhu Yaguang)















注重桃的品质,早中晚熟品各搭配 科学种桃 卖出高价