
2018-12-31 18:29:03贾朋群编辑

贾朋群 编辑

“We’ve detected unexpected decreases in the lower part of the stratospheric ozone layer, and the consequence of this result is that it’s offsetting the recovery in ozone that we had expected to see.”


——一直以来,南极臭氧洞的逐步恢复被认为是现代环境治理(指1987年《蒙特利尔条约》的签订和实施)的成功案例,但是,近日一支由22位科学家组成的国际专家组对此提出了质疑,位于瑞士达沃斯物理气象观象台科学家William Ball如是说。他领导的这个国际专家组更多地关注人口众多的低纬地区,发现那里的臭氧含量发生了难以解释的下降。相关的研究论文已经在Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics上发表。

“The long-term temperature trend is far more important than the ranking of individual years, and that trend is an upward one.”


——据世界气象组织分析,2016年全球温度较工业化前升高了1.2℃,是最暖年;而2017年升高的幅度为1.1℃,是非厄尔尼诺年的最暖年,会提高全球年温度。针对这些数据记录和分析,世界气象组织秘书长Petteri Taalas发表了自己的看法。

“This is almost certainly a conservative estimate. Our extrapolation assumes that sea level continues to change in the future as it has over the last 25 years. Given the large changes we are seeing in the ice sheets today, that’s not likely.”


——美国学者在最新的研究中指出,全球海平面升高的速度在最近几十年里在加速而非保持平稳升高。研究借助NASA和欧洲卫星数据得出到2100年,全球海平面将升高65 cm。谈到这个结果,最新发表在PNAS上的相关研究论文的第一作者Nerem的话中不无更多的忧虑。

“Much of what we currently know about Southern Ocean cloud, aerosol, and precipitation properties comes from satellite-based estimates, which are uncertain and have undergone few comparisons against independent data. The data collected during SOCRATES will also enable us to evaluate current satellite data over the Southern Ocean, as well as potentially help in the design of better satellitebased techniques.”


——2018年伊始,南大洋云、辐射、气溶胶传输试验研究(Southern Ocean Clouds, Radiation, Aerosol Transport Experimental Study,SOCRATES)国际项目持续6周的外场试验如期开展,多方位获取的数据使此次外场试验被寄予很大希望,其意义如试验合作负责人,来自华盛顿大学的Roger Marchand所言,具有一定的开创意义。

“The Weather Channel is a great fit with our portfolio. We’re going to invest to provide weather news nationally and globally.”


——据媒体报道,1993年成立,总部位于洛杉矶的媒体公司Entertainment Studios出资3亿美元购得天气频道的母公司天气集团,这也是该集团历史上最大的一起收购。该媒体公司的拥有人Byron Allen先生用上述简约的语言诠释了这一收购。据悉,天气频道公司拥有400位雇员,Entertainment Studios一年来一直寻求收购该公司,并且在过去3~4个月着手实施。Byron Allen先生还表示,这一收购只是其在未来5年投资数十亿美元兼并媒体资产战略的一部分。不过,这笔并购并不包括天气集团流行的数字和移动销售部分,如Weather. com网站等,后者于2015年以大约25亿美元的价格被IBM购买。

“I’m super excited. I think, at the same time, really humbled. I’m a forecaster and meteorologist at heart. I’ve been telling everybody I’ve wanted to do this since I was 7 years old. We’re in the heart of preparedness season. So I’m going to really hit the ground running, talking to folks about preparedness for the hurricane season. It’s going to be a quick ramp-up.”


——美国媒体以《一名资深预报员被选中统领美国飓风中心》为题,报道了在新飓风季节来临前,美国飓风中心新主任到任的信息。面对媒体,这位预报员出身的美国气象局官员如是说。据悉,该中心前任主任是2012年到任的Rick Knabb,自2017年5月他又回到之前工作的天气频道公司。

“This process is similar to what happens when you put oil and water in a container, with the oil floating on top because it’s lighter and less dense. The same happens near Antarctica with fresh glacial meltwater, which stays above the warmer and saltier ocean water, insulating the warm water from the cold Antarctic atmosphere and allowing it to cause further glacial melting. We found that in this way increased glacial meltwater can cause a positive feedback, driving further melt of ice shelves and hence an increase in sea level rise.”


——澳大利亚和日本学者在最新的研究中,揭示了之前被忽视的冰川融化和海平面上升的过程,即冰川融化水使得海洋表面层盐度下降,浮力增加,避免了冬季与深层海水的混合,使得深层暖海水继续从下方融化冰川,研究论文的第一作者,博士生Alessandro Silvano解释了这一机制。


“Now more than ever, we need to be weather-ready, climate-smart and water-wise. This is because the ever-growing global population faces a wide range of hazards such as tropical cyclone storm surges, heavy rains, heat waves, droughts and many more. WMO is therefore working to establish a global and standardized multi-hazard alert system in collaboration with National Meteorological and Hydrological Services worldwide.”


——WMO秘书长Petteri Taalas阐述了2018年气象日主题的意义所在,表达了WMO体系将把工作的重点从天气如何预报转移到更加关注天气造成什么结果上来。

“[We] take our commitment to delivering life-saving information to people in need even further with AccuWeather Ready, to educate and inform people with new weather preparedness updates and tools when it matters the most, personalizing the weather so people can improve their lives.”


——美国天气企业之一AccuWeather气象学者和产品经理Becky DePodwin借气象日表达了该公司的理念和价值所在。

“Scientists are now worried that unless accelerated action is taken by 2020, the Paris goal may become unattainable. I am beginning to wonder how many more alarm bells must go off before the world rises to the challenge. Climate change is still moving much faster than we are. ”



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