
2018-12-11 01:14胡先福唐纲杨云霞
重庆与世界 2018年11期

□ 文/胡先福 唐纲 杨云霞


Located in Baixiang Street, The Southwest Industrial Mansion reopened on May 19, 2016 and became another patriotic education base in Chongqing. Therefore, what has happened here in the history? Today, let’s take a look.




① 位于渝中区白象街的西南实业大厦—中国民主建国会成立旧址陈列馆,现已成为重庆又一爱国主义教育基地。

② 1939年9月19日,中国西南实业协会代表大会在重庆交通银行召开。


Baixiang Street, where merchants meet

Located in the lower half of Yuzhong District, Baixiang Street starts from Wanglongmen in the east and ends at Taipingmen in the west. It is a back valley with a width of about 4 meters and a length of about 425 meters by the riverside. It used to be an important water terminal to the upper reaches of the Yangtze River from Chongqing. In March 1890, Chongqing was opened to the world as a trading port, and Baixiang Street since became a gathering place for merchants, including Lu Zuofu, the Chinese patriotic industrialist, Hu Zi’ang, the Thumb in Steel Industry, and Li Yaoting, the richest man in the southwest of the late Qing Dynasty.

In July 1937, the Anti-Japanese War broke out in full swing.In November, the National Government moved to Chongqing. In April 1938, various anti-Japanese parties, mass organizations,embassies in China, news media, and schools successively settled in Chongqing, and national industries in coastal areas also moved to Chongqing, Sichuan, Guizhou and other places. The westward movement of industries has become a patriotic feat in the China’s national industry, changing the industrial layout of China and heralding the beginning of modern industry in the Southwest.For example, the 24th factory of the Bureau of Ordnance (now“Chongqing Special Steel Co., Ltd.”) was rebuilt in Ciqikou,Chongqing in January 1937, the Steel Plant Relocation Committee(now “Chongqing Iron & Steel (Group) Co., Ltd.”) was rebuilt in Dadukou and Qijiang in March 1938, Xinmin Machine Factory and Cooperative Hardware Manufacturing Co., Ltd. were rebuilt in Xiaolongkan in 1938, China Chemical Industry Corporation was rebuilt in Lijiatuo in 1938, and China Pencil Factory Co., Ltd. was rebuilt in Caiyuanba Main Street in November 1938, as well as a number of other plants were successively rebuilt in Miaoershi and other places in 1938, including Tianyuan Chemical Plant, Tianli Nitrogen Plant and Tiansheng Pottery Plant.

From the beginning of 1938 to 1944, Japan conducted indiscriminate bombings in Chongqing and its surrounding areas for nearly seven years. In order to better support the war of resistance, revitalize the national industry, and develop the wartime economy, the national industrialists and merchants who moved to the inland have successively established the Federation of Factories Moved to Sichuan and the Southwest Industrial Association in Chongqing. Among them, the Federation of Factories Moved to Sichuan was established on April 17, 1938. By 1943, the number of members have reached 237, which were from industries like steel, electricity, machinery, as well as dyeing and weaving.







The Establishment of Southwest Industrial Association

The establishment of the Southwest Industrial Association encountered a bit of twists and turns. At the end of 1937, Wu Yunchu, the chairman of the National Industrial Association and the King of MSG, and Pan Yangyao, the president of the Chinese Vocational Education School, and other members of the“Friday Dinner Party” first set up the “China Southwest Industrial Association” in Shanghai to discuss about opening factories in the southwest.

The “Friday Dinner Party” mentioned here can be traced back to 1928. From 1928 to 1929, in the case of massive dumping of Japanese goods, slow sales of Chinese products, and difficulties in the turnover of manufacturers’ funds, the Shanghai Federation of Factories with Machines Produced National Commodities would hold a dinner on the last Friday of each month to discuss how to cooperate with each other to promote domestic products, which was participated by 25 people, including the Fang Yexian, the executive committee member and supervisor of the association and the general manager of the China Chemical Industry Factory,Cai Xingbai, the general manager of Meiya Silk Weaving Factory,Hu Juewen, the manager of Xinmin Machine Factory and chairman of Shanghai Machinery Industry Association. With the join of Zhang Gongquan, the general manager of the Bank of China,and Du Zhongyuan, the vice president of the General Chamber of Commerce in Fengtian Province (now Liaoning Province), the number of participants increased and the influence also enhanced.Hence, the name of the dinner was called “Friday Dinner Party”.

On September 19, 1939, after the coastal national industry moved westward, the representatives of the “China Southwest Industrial Association” across China held a congress in Chongqing Bank of Communications to formally establish the Southwest Industrial Association. Since then, the “Friday Dinner Party” has also become an important event in the Southwest Industrial Association. It was held in the Southwest Industrial Mansion since early 1945, and has been held more than 400 times till 1948. The“Friday Dinner Party” has several speakers each time, who will cover a wide range of topics, including economic information,economic theory, economic policy, industrial production, and international economic situation, or analyze the problems existing in the industry and put forward a lot of comments and suggestions.Apart from the national businessmen and industrialists, participants also include scholars and celebrities, Kuomintang party and government officials, prominent figures in the financial sectors and leaders of the Southern Bureau of the Communist Party.

On October 19, 1945, Zhou Enlai was invited to give a speech on the topic of “The Current Economic Trend” at the “Friday Dinner Party” in the Southwest Industrial Mansion. During the nearly three hours of speech, Zhou Enlai publicly and comprehensively explained the new democratic economic guidelines and policies of the Communist Party of China from five aspects: political environment, capital issues, development issues, taxation issues,labor and capital issues, clearly stated that “state capitals,cooperative capitals and private capitals should cooperate with each other under the principle of capital regulation, reiterated the Communist Party’s attitude of “opposing bureaucratic capitals, monopoly capitals, and aggressive capitals”, and demanding that “tariffs should protect national industries” and “the oppressed workers and national industries should make mutual exchanges and seek common development.” This speech has had a tremendous impact on national industrial and commercial circles by attracting them to participate in the new-democratic revolutions. During the period Republic of China, Hu Ziying, the Director-General of the National Salvation Federation of Shanghai,said in the Reminiscence of the Mountain City: “Members have all come, and all seats are occupied. Non-members also come in a large number, who are standing outside the window to watch.”





Minjian: A Participating Party Established in the Southwest Industrial Mansion

In the later period of the Anti-Japanese War, the Kuomintangcontrolled areas encountered continued inflation and rocketing prices, and the national industry and commerce were under pressure from regulation, price limit, heavy taxes, and oppression and blackmail from corrupt officials. After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, the Kuomintang Government allowed the dumping of US goods, canceled the order contract, and stopped the supply of raw materials, which made the national industry and commerce in trouble and led to a difficult development. In October 1945,the Federation of Factories Moved to Sichuan, the Southwest Industrial Association and other groups elected Hu Juewen, Hu Xiyuan and Wu Gengmei, who were very influential in the industry at the time, as representatives of the petition group, to meet with T. V. Soong and Chiang Kai-shek and state the industrial crisis and rescue plans. However, the requests made by the representatives have still not been acceded, and the national industry and commerce were thus extremely disappointed.

In the face of the two futures and two destinies for China,based on the influence of Communist Party policies and the understanding of the situation at the time, a group of patriotic national industrialists, merchants, and related intellectuals,including Huang Yanpei, the famous democrats, educators and national industrialists, Hu Juewen, the director of the Federation of Factories Moved to Sichuan, Zhang Naiqi, the economist, etc.,launched the Democratic National Construction Association for the sake of unity, self-help and bright future (During the Enlarged Meeting of Second General Meeting of Democratic National Construction Association held in July, 1952, the Democratic National Construction Association was renamed as China Democratic National Construction Association, shortened as Minjian). On December 16, 1945, the founding meeting of the China Democratic National Construction Association was held in the Southwest Industrial Mansion. The association clearly stated the political views that the world needs peace, the country needs democracy, the economy needs development, society needs to be fair, education needs to be popularized, and culture needs to be prosperous.

As a new political party appearing on the Chinese political stage, China Democratic National Construction Association joined with the Communist Party of China and people from all walks of life in the democratic struggle for peace and against civil war. On April 30th, 1948, the Communist Party of China issued a slogan in commemoration of the May 1st Labor Day, calling on “all democratic parties, various people’s organizations, and various social elites should quickly convene a political consultation meeting, discuss and realize the convening of the People’s Congress and establish a democracy coalition government”. This immediately received enthusiastic support and response from various democratic parties, various people’s organizations, nonpartisan democrats and patriotic overseas Chinese, including China Democratic National Construction Association. Since then,China Democratic National Construction Association has united and cooperated with the Communist Party of China and embarked on a political path of consciously accepting the leadership of the Communist Party of China. On October 1st, 1949, the People’s Republic of China was announced to be established. China Democratic National Construction Association has thus become a participating party in the multi-party cooperation and political consultation system under the leadership of the Communist Party of China so as to commit itself to the socialist cause in China.





Reconstruction Southwest Industrial Mansion Becomes the Testimony of History

“Let the historical building be revitalized and let the culture pass on.” At the end of 2015, the Southwest Industrial Mansion,which was rebuilt as it was, became a patriotic education base– the exhibition hall at the former site of the China Democratic National Construction Association. According to statistics, since the opening of the exhibition hall on May 19, 2016 to the end of September this year, 40,756 members of China Democratic National Construction Association and tourists from all over the country have visited it and brought the glory of the past to it again.

Today, the Southwest Industrial Mansion, which stands in the historical and cultural district of Baixiang Street, has become a permanent historical testimony of the close cooperation between the China Democratic National Construction Association and the Communist Party of China. It has become an important carrier for its 180,000 members across the country to commemorate the predecessors of the Association, keep watch the history of the Association, and promote the spirit of the Association.

薛济萍:坚守实业 彰显家国情怀
海创无锡 实业报国
心无旁骛做实业 扶贫助困为人民
Country Driving
白象 红烧牛肉面