By Sara
“The time has come when man can no longer continue using the land,sea and air as his ‘trash basket’,” a New York Times article said in 1966.“He must find ways to cycle his wastes,both solid and liquid,back into the economy.”
It was one of our first front-page articles to address the urgent need to deal with household waste.
The report was based on a National Academy of Sciences study sent to Lyndon B.Johnson’s White House.It came as cheap,plastic goods were entering the daily lives of Americans and leaving as garbage.
We have come a long way.Today is the 20thAmerica Recycles Day,a nonprofit initiative.
Last year,1.9 million Americans participated,organizers said,and more than 61 million pounds of recyclables were collected.
But there’s much work still to be done.A third of U.S.household waste still ends up in landfills.
Sweden could show the way.In 1975,its recycling rate was about on par with America’s now,but last year,only 0.7 percent of its waste ended up in landfills.Sweden even imports waste to use as a source of energy.