Jaroslava, Mucha’s first child, was born in 1909 in New York, during the family’s stay in America. She appears in numerous pictures and designs, including Czechoslovak banknotes.
[2] In this half-length frontal portrait(oil on canvas, 73cm × 60cm, c.1927-1935), Jaroslava sits in an elaborate white headscarf with her chin in her hands.
[3] When Mucha was working on The Slav Epic at Zbiroh, Western Bohemia,Jaroslava not only posed for the paintings, but also worked as her father’s technical assistant. This early training may have helped her pursue her career as a conservator of fi ne art. ■
[3]穆夏在西波西米亚兹比罗赫绘制《斯拉夫史诗》系列组画时,雅罗斯拉娃不仅为父亲的创作充当模特,还是父亲的技术助理。这种早期的训练可能对她后来一直从事艺术保护工作很有帮助。 □