By Sabine Holzer
Titanic is celebrating its 20thanniversary by coming back to movie theaters.(Yes,Titanic is 20 years old,and you are ancient.)The movie will be shown in Dolby Cinemas and Dolby 3D at select AMC movie theaters for one week,starting December 1.It’s the second time the movie has been re-released;the first time,in 2012,it was released in 3D in movie theaters.
According to Fortune,the movie will be shown in either 2-or 3-D,and has been remastered in Dolby Vi sion’s ultra-high-definition format.It’ll be shown in more than 85 AMC locations that have Dolby Vision capabilities,and 20 of those will also offer 3-D viewings.
据美国杂志《财富》(Fortune)报道,再上映的《泰坦尼克号》可能是2D版本,也可能是3D版本,但是肯定会以杜比视界(Dolby Vision)超高清形式呈现。超过85个美国经典电影频道拥有杜比视界功能,且都会播映《泰坦尼克号》,其中20个频道将以3D形式呈现。
“We mastered a few minutes of Titanic in Dolby Vision and I was stunned.It was like seeing it for the first time.Now that the entire film has been mastered,I’m excited to share it with audi encesacrossthe U.S.,” directorJames Cameron said in a press release.“This is beyond 3-D,beyond 70mm,it’s beyond anything you’ve seen before.The image leaps off the screen as bright and vibrant as life itself.This is the way all movies should be seen and without a doubt,Titanic has never looked better.”
“Usually you shoot from fairly far away,but we wanted to get really close to the actors.We made an effort to create a feeling of intimacy.I pushed into them,shooting to the left and then the right,coming in as tight as I could.”