
2018-11-28 20:45陈明明
英语世界 2018年9期



1. 坚定不移“打虎”“拍蝇”“猎狐”。

We have taken firm action to “take out tigers,” “swat flies” and “hunt down foxes.”(请注意动词使用,很生动。“狐”指外逃分子。)

2. 巡视利剑作用彰显。

Disciplinary inspections have cut like a blade through corruption and misconduct.(翻译形象到位)

3. 坚持无禁区、全覆盖、零容忍。

We will continue to see that there are no no-go zones, no ground is left unturned, and no tolerance is shown for corruption.

4. 强化不敢腐的震慑,扎牢不能腐的笼子,增强不想腐的自觉。

We will strengthen deterrence so of ficials daren’t be corrupt, strengthen the cage of institutions so they’re unable to be corrupt, and strengthen their vigilance so that they have no desire to commit corruption.(此译法准确,对应性很强)

5. 抓早抓小、防微杜渐

identify problems early and correct them while they are nascent

6. 让党员、干部知敬畏、存戒惧、守底线,习惯在受监督和约束的环境中工作生活

demand that Party members and of ficials hold discipline in awe and respect,do not cross the line, and become used to working and living under oversight and constraints

7. 保证干部清正、政府清廉、政治清明

make sure that of ficials are honest, government is clean, and political affairs are handled with integrity

8. 照镜子、正衣冠、洗洗澡、治治病

examining ourselves in the mirror, tidying our attire, taking a bath, and treating our ailments(译文完整形象,体现中国特色)

9. 加大整治群众身边腐败问题力度

intensify effort to address corruption that occurs on the people’s doorsteps

10. 跳出历史周期率

avoid history’s cycle of rise and fall

11. 不管腐败分子逃到哪里,都要缉拿归案、绳之以法。

Wherever offenders may flee, they will be brought back and brought to justice.

12. 通过不懈努力换来海晏河清、朗朗乾坤。

Our political environment will, through tireless efforts, like seas fallen calm and rivers running clear, be clean and free of corruption.(完整把中文原意译出)

13. 让人民监督权力,让权力在阳光下运行,把权力关进制度的笼子

ensure that power is exercised under public oversight, in broad daylight, and in an institutional cage

14. 反腐败斗争压倒性态势已经形成。

The anti-corruption campaign has built into a crushing tide.(或“has built an overwhelming momentum”,但译成“unstoppable/irresistible momentum”不太合适)

15. 夺取反腐败斗争压倒性胜利

secure a sweeping victory in the fight against corruption (前句态势指的是取得的成果,此句胜利指的是今后的目标,有区别)

16. 当前,反腐败斗争形势依然严峻复杂,巩固压倒性态势、夺取压倒性胜利的决心必须坚如磐石。

Currently, the fight against corruption remains grave and complex; we must remain as firm as a rock in our resolve to build on the overwhelming momentum and secure a sweeping victory.
