(吉林大学汽车工程学院,汽车仿真与控制国家重点实验室,长春 130022)
针对非公路用车的车桥实测位移谱统计分布建模中模型选择、参数识别的初值选取主观性大和计算效率低等难题,该文以实测的车桥位移信号为研究对象,分别进行时域分析、频域功率谱分析,对信号进行分组,统计频数,获得统计直方图和累计概率分布曲线。分别采用正态分布、双峰正态分布、威布尔分布和双峰威布尔分布模型对位移谱进行建模,提出分步参数识别方法。引入灰色关联度目标函数,以人工鱼群算法获得的参数作为模型参数的初始值,采用迭代非线性最小二乘法levenberg-marquardt(LM)算法进行精确参数识别,使用相关系数和kolmogorov-smirnov(KS)检验对各模型的拟合优度进行比较。结果表明,混合威布尔分布与统计直方图的相关系数为(0.9800,0.9908,0.9867,0.9665),混合正态分布为(0.9793,0.9904,0.9783,0.9661),威布尔模型为(0.8613,0.9113, 0.8618,0.8854),正态模型为(0.8611,0.9127,0.8624,0.8869),混合威布尔模型可以对车桥位移谱进行高精度拟合,而所提出的分步参数识别法可以高效、准确地进行模型的参数识别。研究结果可为车辆疲劳载荷谱的编制和台架试验提供参考。
模型; 参数识别;车桥位移谱;灰色关联;非线性最小二乘法;混合威布尔模型
为获取某矿用车辆的实际位移谱,在车辆的实际使用道路上进行车桥位移谱的采集,图1a所示是试验所用车辆和试验场地的具体情况。试验在某采矿区进行。试验车在山下装载,载货约40 t,然后运至山顶某卸料厂卸载,再空车原路返回装载处,往返距离约3 km,平均车速为10 km/h,完成1个完整的采集循环,1个周期的信号采集时间为1 200 s。试验路面为未铺装砂石路,平均坡度10%,最大坡度17%。试验中采用IMC多通道数据采集设备采集试验数据。图1b所示是车桥传感器的安装图,所使用的传感器为CELESCO拉绳式位移传感器,试验所测得的位移为轮胎与车架纵梁之间的垂向相对位移。试验时,数据采集频率为200 Hz。试验共采集5个循环的载荷数据。由于实测的试验数据存在干扰,应对其进行滤波、剔除奇异值和消除趋势项等预处理。最终选取1组稳定的数据作为后续处理的样本。
图1 试验车辆和传感器的安装
图2所示是采集到的位移信号的时间历程曲线,由图2可知,中桥、后桥上布置的4个测点的位移呈现同样的时程规律,即信号存在2个不同幅值,在200~800 s的时间内,位移幅值为200 mm左右,在900~1 150 s的时间内,位移幅值大于第一段时间内的幅值。
图2 实测位移谱时间历程
为观察位移信号的频域特性,对采集到的时域信号求自相关函数的傅里叶变换,获得功率谱密度(power spectral density,PSD),图3所示是4个位移测点获得信号的功率谱密度曲线,由图3可知,位移信号呈现低频聚集性,随着频率增加,功率谱密度减小,不存在明显的共振峰,说明路面的位移激励是宽频的随机信号。因此,为了定量分析位移信号的宏观规律,并进行高精度的可靠性仿真分析和台架试验研究,采用统计学方法对位移谱进行统计分布研究具有较大的理论意义和实际工程应用价值。
图3 位移信号的功率谱密度
人工鱼群算法(artificial fish school algorithm, AFSA)是一种基于动物行为的群体智能优化算法。该算法通过模拟鱼类的觅食、聚群、追尾、随机等行为在搜索域内进行迭代寻优,是集群思想的一个成功应用[28-30]。
表1 人工鱼群算法运行参数
3.3.1 目标函数
3.3.2 参数识别流程
图4 分步参数识别流程
4.2.1 相关系数
表2 4种不同模型的参数识别结果
Tabel 2 Parameter estimation results of 4 models
模型 Model中桥左侧 Left side of middle bridge中桥右侧 Right side of middle bridge后桥左侧 Left side of rear bridge后桥右侧 Right side of rear bridge 正态分布 Normal distribution 混合正态分布 Mixed normal distribution 威布尔分布 Weibull distribution 混合威布尔分布 Mixed Weibull distribution
Note:is the positional parameter of normal distribution;is the shape parameter of normal distribution;is the scale parameter of Weibull distribution;is the shape parameter of Weibull distribution;is the positional parameter of Weibull distribution;is the weight ratio of the sub-distributions.
图5 中桥左侧位移谱分布曲线
图6 中桥右侧位移谱分布曲线
图7 后桥左侧位移谱分布曲线
图8 后桥右侧位移谱分布曲线
4.2.2 KS检验
4.2.3 拟合优度检验结果
表3 4种不同模型的拟合优度对比
Note:is the correlation coefficient andis the KS value.
1)所采集到的车桥位移谱呈现出双峰规律,采用混合威布尔模型可以较好的进行描述,且混合威布尔分布的各项拟合优度指标均优于正态模型、威布尔模型和混合正态模型, 混合分布的相关系数均在0.95以上,最大KS值不大于0.25;
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Statistical distribution modeling and two-step parameter identification of vehicle bridge displacement spectrum
Liu Qiaobin, Shi Wenku, Chen Zhiyong※, Shang Guoxu
The study of the statistical distribution is the basis for further loading spectrum and fatigue reliability platform test. Normal distribution and weibull distribution are 2 kinds of probability statistical distribution models widely used in reliability engineering. The idea of weighted superposition is used to approximate the actual distribution by so-called mixed model, and it has a strong practical application value, so it has been paid increasing attention by many scholars. The introduction of mixed distribution model brings many challenges in model parameter identification. Finding a simple, efficient and accurate mixed distribution model parameter estimation method has become a focus in the field of reliability research. The traditional reliability model parameter identification methods include graphic method, nonlinear least square method, maximum likelihood estimation and bias estimation, and so on. The main disadvantages of these algorithms are as follows: (1) The calculation efficiency needs to be improved, and the traditional algorithms mostly rely on iterative solution. Requirement to improve the accuracy of parameter estimation distinct increases the time cost. (2) The selection of parameter identification and optimization targets is improper. Most of the existing studies have defined the objective function of parameter identification as the square sum of the model and the measured data, which inevitably ignores the simulation error of the transverse coordinates between the sample points and the simulation points, that only considers the simulation error of the ordinate. (3) The empirical dependence of parameter identification is high, and the initial value of parameter identification has a great influence on the results. However, the intelligent algorithm shows great potential in the problem of parameter identification of the model with multidimensional nonlinearity and uneasy initial value. In view of this, the measured vehicle bridge displacement signal was taken as the research object in this paper, the time domain analysis and frequency domain power spectrum analysis were carried out respectively. In order to further study the statistical law of the displacement signals, the signal was grouped and the frequency was counted, the statistical histogram and the cumulative probability distribution curve were obtained. The normal distribution, mixed normal distribution, weibull distribution and mixed weibull distribution were employed respectively. A novel two-step parameter identification method was proposed, and the grey correlation degree objective function was introduced. The grey correlation coefficient objective function could ensure the maximum geometric similarity between the fitting curve and the original curve. By doing this, the inherent malpractice of the optimization process with the square sum of error as the fitness was overcome to some extent. The proposed parameter estimation method's tep was as following: Firstly, the parameters obtained by the artificial fish swarm algorithm were applied as the initial values of the model parameters. Secondly, the iterative nonlinear least square method, namely, levenberg-marquardt (LM) algorithm was used to identify the parameters accurately. Thirdly, the goodness of fit for each model were calculated by using the kolmogorov-smirnov test index and correlation coefficient. The result showed that the mixed weibull model could be used to describe the tested displacement signal best. The correlation coefficient between the mixed Weibull distribution and the statistical histogram was (0.9800, 0.9908,0.9867,0.9665), whereas, the mixed normal distribution was (0.9793,0.9904,0.9783,0.9661), the weibull model was (0.8613,0.9113,0.8618,0.8854), and the normal model was (0.8611,0.9127,0.8624,0.8869). The proposed two-step parameter identification method combined the advantages of the artificial fish swarm optimization algorithm and the traditional iterative algorithm, and used the artificial fish swarm optimization result as the initial value of the LM algorithm. It solved the problem of the difficulty in selecting the initial value of the nonlinear least square method and improved the efficiency of the parameter identification. This study can provide reference for the fatigue load spectrum and the bench test of off-road vehicles.
model; parameter identification; rehicle bridge displacement spectrum; grey relation; nonlinear least square method; mixed Weibull model
刘巧斌,史文库,陈志勇,商国旭. 工程车辆车桥位移谱统计分布建模及分步参数识别[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(23):67-75. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.23.008 http://www.tcsae.org
Liu Qiaobin, Shi Wenku, Chen Zhiyong, Shang Guoxu.Statistical distribution modeling and two-step parameter identification of vehicle bridge displacement spectrum[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(23): 67-75. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.23.008 http://www.tcsae.org