The article in Time on May 14th 2018,Military Spending Has Doubled but the World Is No Safer mentions that excessive spending on military hardware cannot address challenges such as climate change, mass refugee flows and extreme poverty. In the absence of an urgent global response, these challenges will fuel tomorrow’s conflicts and make each of us less safe. Now is the time to consider alternatives to excessive militarization,options that can provide true peace and security.
The article with the title saying The U.S is Mortgaging Its Future in Washingtonpost on May 1st, 2018, mentioned that the IMF projected that the US is the only advanced economy in the world expected to have its debt burden get worse over the next five years.Every other rich country, including perennial fiscal basket cases such as Greece and Italy, is projected to lower its debt as a share of its economy. That is thanks in large part to the global economic recovery, which is bringing in more tax revenue and reducing the need for unemployment benefits. With unemployment at an 18-year low and the country enjoying one of the longest recoveries on record,it is difficult to explain why we’ve spilled so much red ink.