
2018-11-10 13:49张广静王正想冯世军
中国当代医药 2018年19期

张广静 王正想 冯世军



[中图分类号] R318 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2018)7(a)-0028-04

[Abstract]Study on skin tissue engineering has developed rapidly in recent years,the basic principle is that of normal skin tissue in vitro by sufficient cell numbers,a certain amount of cells were seeded into scaffolds of biodegradable as skin model has certain morphological and functional differentiation.Tissue engineered skin substitutes contain epidermis substitutes,dermis substitutes,and full skin substitutes.The full layer skin model consists of three main aspects:seed cells,biodegradable dermis scaffolds and tissue engineered skin in vitro.However,skin necrosis caused by burns,such as large skin defects,tissue trauma,congenital giant nevus and other diseases,is an important clinical problem.Due to the lack of skin donor site,the external skin model is urgently needed to solve these difficult problems.One of the most important parts of tissue engineered skin is the seed cells,and the progress of their related research is reviewed.

[Key words]Tissue engineering;Skin;Seed cells;Review





1.2永生化的上皮角质形成细胞HaCaT[人用生化表皮细胞(immortalized human epidermal cells)]










3.2.1骨髓MSCs 在骨髓组织中含量最为丰富,来源于中胚层和外胚层。其为自体干细胞,取材方便,培养容易,增殖能力强,并且无排斥反应,外源基因转染表达稳定。其在适宜的微环境下可分化多种细胞,如成骨细胞、软骨细胞、神经星型胶质细胞等[22-23]。在皮肤出现大面积严重损伤的修复过程中,在创伤较大创面难愈合的创面加入骨髓MSCs,可加速创面的愈合[24]。近年来研究发现自体骨髓MSCs在一定条件下可转变为表皮细胞及皮肤附属器细胞[25],还能促进新生血管形成,加速创面愈合。

3.2.2脐带MSCs 起源于中胚层,其产生的微环境对造血干细胞的归巢及增殖分化意义重大。其主要存在于脐带沃顿胶和血管周围组织中[26]。人脐带MSCs能够向心肌和骨骼肌方向分化,还可以向成骨细胞和软骨细胞等方向分化,还具有支持造血干细胞的扩增。有研究表面组织来源不同的脐带血MSCs的免疫表型特征却非常相似[27]。由于人脐带血MSCs不受伦理和道德约束,排斥反应小,由于脐带胎盘的保护感染细菌和病毒风险很低,并且没有形成畸胎瘤的风险。因此,人脐带MSCs在血液病、老年痴呆、帕金森等疾病治疗等方面提供新的治疗方案。

3.2.3脂肪MSCs 在2001年由Eppley[28]离体培养得到,证实具有干细胞的功能,可以取材于不同部位的脂肪组织。其具有来源充足、易于在体外培养扩增、干细胞含量丰富、无致瘤性等优点。脂肪MSCs在一定的诱导条件下可以向成骨细胞[29]、干细胞[30-32]、神经细胞[33]、肌肉细胞[34]等定向分化。可表达CD11a、CD13、CD14、CD29[35-37],不表达CD40、CD80、CD86、MHCⅠ、MHCⅡ等生物学特性。因此,今后在自体脂肪移植及组织工程皮肤构建等方面有很大的研究及应用价值。






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(收稿日期:2018-02-11 本文編辑:崔建中)
