刘相驿 贾琪 李成平
摘 要 本文探讨了二元有界变差函数在平面正则曲线可求长问题,一元有界变差函数在斯蒂尔切斯积分这两个方面的应用,阐明了有界变差函数在数学各分支中应用的灵活性和广泛性。
关键词 有界变差函数 偏序 正则曲线 斯蒂尔切斯积分
中图分类号:O174.1 文献标识码:A DOI:10.16400/j.cnki.kjdkx.2018.07.014
Abstract In this paper, we discuss the application of the binary bounded variogram in the plane regular curve, and the application of the bounded variogram in the Stilce integral, and clarify the application flexibility and breadth of the bounded variogram in the branches of mathematics.
Keywords bounded variogram; partial order; regular curve; Stillches score
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