Between 1911 and 1926 Mucha’s energy was taken up with the creation of theSlav Epic.For this project he rented a studio and an apartment in Zbiroh Castle in Western Bohemia to benefit from the spacious studio enabling him to work on enormous canvases.In the series, he depicted twenty key episodes from the Slavic past, ancient to modern, ten of which depict episodes from Czech history and ten on historical episodes from other Slavonic regions.
[2]Although the subject is one of the most contemporaneous to Mucha’s lifetime,The Abolition of Serfdom in Russia(egg tempera on canvas, 610cm × 810cm,1914) was one of the first of theSlav Epiccanvases to be completed.Mucha visited Russia in 1913 and discovered that the great Slavic nation and ally that he so revered was in fact besieged with poverty and suffering and significantly less advanced than the rest of Europe.
[3]When Tsar Alexander II came to the throne in 1855, he instigated a number of reforms, including the Emancipation Edict1解放法令,又称“二一九法令”,指1861年3月3日(俄历2月19日)由沙皇亚历山大二世签署的有关废除农奴制、解放农奴的法令。法令由《1861年2月19日宣言》《关于脱离农奴依附关系的农民的一般法令》等17个文件组成,规定农奴在法律上享有人身自由和一般公民权,地主不能买卖农奴;规定土地仍归地主所有,农奴可以得到一定数量份地,但须出钱向地主赎买。法令的颁布使农奴的人身得到解放,为资本主义发展提供了大量自由劳动力,收取的巨额份地赎金为资本主义发展积累了大量资金,但改革并没有满足农民的土地要求,“解放”后的农民其实已变得一贫如洗。in 1861 which gave Russian serfs personal freedom.For Mucha, this reform was too long overdue to be of any virtue.
[4]Uncertain of how the reform will improve their condition, Mucha’s subdued crowd of Russian peasants looks on anxiously as the official reads the edict.St Basil’s cathedral and the Kremlin beyond are barely discernible through the thick shroud of fog which captures the uncertainty of the moment.The distant sun is just palpable through the cloud and offers a faint flicker of hope for a brighter future.Again, Mucha includes the figure of a mother and child to express both the fear and hope associated with future generations.