
2018-10-23 06:28贺煜
重庆与世界 2018年10期

□ 文/本刊记者 贺煜







除展览外,文化互动项目也是亮点。由“华本汉服”带来的汉服秀惊艳巴黎街头,中国古装与法国古建筑交相辉映,引来当地民众驻足欣赏。“井杨子”茶艺表演展现中国传统文化魅力,在舌尖上传播中国味道。工艺美术大师单大琼手把手教学,让法国人在一针一线间感受蜀绣艺术。法兰西学院通讯院士高立昂先生对刺绣很有兴趣,高度评价:“刺绣用了中国传统工艺和现代艺术结合,既有中国的水墨之韵,又有西方的抽象艺术特点。”并竖起大拇指赞叹“very good”。















A tour in Chongqing’s culture can offer you a gain in appreciating the beauty of Chongqing. Jointly hosted by Chongqing Culture Commission, Management Committee of Chongqing Xiyong Comprehensive Bonded Zone, Chongqing Cultural Exchange Center and Chongqing Hongyi Jiuzhou International Culture and Art Development Co., Ltd, “The Impressions of China – Beauty of Chongqing” International Cultural and Art Exhibition was held from August 28th to 31st at the 10th Arrondissement Government of Paris. More than 200 guests including Alexandra Cordebard, mayor of the 10th arrondissement of Paris, Counsellor Lu Qingjiang, the Consul General of the Embassy of P.R.C. in France, Cultural Counsellor Li Shaoping, and the leaders of the local overseas Chinese in France, attended the opening ceremony on August 28th and the Cultural Tourism Promotion Show.

The event started in Paris, France, and will be gradually held in Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand and other places to promote cultural exchanges and cultural trade between Chongqing and the local ones from the above countries. The activity has been successfully declared as one of the 40 key projects of the National “Belt and Road” cultural trade and investment in 2018 by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, and it is also the only project selected on behalf of Chongqing.

The Feast of Chongqing Culture was Well Received by Different Circles in France

Nearly 20 cultural and tourism enterprises in Chongqing worked in group for the popularization of the Chongqing culture in France, with nearly 500 works of more than 40 kinds of works including Chongqing butterfly paintings, bamboo curtain paintings, Chinese paintings, stone carving, silk, summer cloth,wood carving and lacquer, etc.

In addition to the exhibition, cultural interaction projects also worth mentioning. The traditional Han clothing show brought by “Huaben Han Clothing” causes a stunning sensation on the streets of Paris. Local people are attracted to stop and enjoy the beautiful combination and complement of the Chinese costumes and French ancient architecture. The tea show made by “Jing Yangzi” shows the charm of Chinese traditional culture and actively publicized the taste of Chinese flavor. Shan Daqiong, a crafts and artisan master, helps the French people experience the art of embroidery hand by hand in her stitch works. M. Jean-François Collignon, correspondent academician of the L’Institut de France, is very interested in embroidery. He highly praised embroidery as a combination of traditional Chinese craftsmanship and modern art for it features the charm of Chinese ink and wash painting as well as the artistic characteristics of western abstract art.

Alexandra Cordebard, mayor of the 10th arrondissement of Paris, stated that she is very appreciative of the ingenious art of Chongqing. These exhibits fully demonstrate the profoundness of Chinese culture. The 10th arrondissement government will continue to build a platform for Sino-French non-governmental exchanges in order to deepen friendship between the people of the two countries. Councilor Lu Qingjiang, the Consul General of the Chinese Embassy in France, believes that the event promotes and deepens the understanding of the French people about Chongqing and will promote better cooperation and exchanges between Sino-French culture and art.

These “drastic measures” of the Chongqing cultural delegation in Paris caused widespread concern in the local media. More than ten media outlets such as the European Times,Chinese TV, Eurovision Radio, and the French branch of People’s Daily all reported on the event. Its role in cultural promotion and effectiveness are affirmed.

Overseas Chinese in France Welcome the Idea of “Telling a Better Story of Chongqing”

During the event, the Chongqing Cultural Delegation had a friendly discussion with the leaders of the overseas Chinese in France in order to explore how to use the overseas Chinese as a bridge to tell the story of Chongqing and present the culture of the Chongqing so that it can encourage the communication of public opinions between China and France. More than 100 overseas Chinese community members attended the meeting.

Ren Limin, chairman of the Association of Chinese Residents in France, remarked that “The overseas Chinese community is both a platform and a bridge, and the best way to showcase Chinese culture. It is also the responsibility and obligation for the overseas Chinese community to promote Chinese culture.”He believes that cultural communication is the foundation of concerted public opinion. Real understanding and acceptance of Chinese culture will enable the relations between the two countries to be stable and far-reaching. The overseas Chinese community is willing to work together with Chongqing to talk about a better story of Chongqing.

Hou Yuxia, president of the Sino-French Art Exchange Association, said that he will find a cooperation point with Chongqing cultural enterprises to achieve a win-win situation in culture and economy. Hu Ren’ai, president of the China-France Clothing Industry Chamber of Commerce,said that in his view, the important significance of the integration of Chinese culture and French culture lies in the fact that it drives and influences France’s second generation of Chinese to continue to inherit and learn Chinese traditional culture. By doing so, the Chinese culture can be passed down and continue to flourish in new times.

A Number of Sino-French Cooperation Agreements were Signed

At the “The Impressions of China – Beauty of Chongqing” Urban Art and Travel Promotion Conference, short televised films, cultural exhibitions of the intangible cultural heritage, host promotion and other forms of promotions were applied to present the unique urban charm and cultural heritage of Chongqing which is with a history of 3,000 years of urban development to the overseas Chinese communities.

Chongqing Hongyi Jiuzhou International Culture and Art Development Co., Ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the China-France Clothing Industry Chamber of Commerce and the Sino-French Art Exchange Association, striving to promote the annual trade volume of 10 million US dollars in the import and export of traditional costumes, arts and crafts as well as artworks.Chongqing Black Valley Tourism Investment Co.,Ltd. reached a strategic cooperation agreement with Sino-French Travel Agency and actively introduced French tourists, which laid the foundation for the joint development and expansion of the cultural and tourism industries in the future.

Zhang Hang, chairman of Hongyi Jiuzhou,showed that as the third innovation culture platform in China based on the bonded zone, the company will give full play to its policy advantages and international cultural resources advantages. What is more, the company will constantly explore new modes of international cultural exchange activities and pay attention to timeliness as well. By cultural communication and market linkage through multiple activities, the company is actively paving the way for the development of Chongqing’s foreign cultural trade.

Photos were provided by Chongqing Hongyi Jiuzhou International Culture and Art Development Co., Ltd.

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