中图分类号:G623.31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-9129(2018)07-0203-02
Abstract: in the context of globalization, the traditional English teaching has failed to keep pace with the development of the era, how to put the learning initiative to students, gradually train students watch word will be read, listening ability to write and accumulate vocabulary? First, we should start with the reform of teaching phonetic symbols. Start from grade three natural spell penetration method, use interesting picture books stories of phonetic teaching, and cooperate with the rich body movements, improve the efficiency of the teacher's classroom, students happy, at the same time help students learning and memory word, for the students lay a solid foundation for future English learning, the teaching effect of get twice the result with half the effort.
Key words: natural spelling, picture book, body language
1 自然拼讀法的课堂引入
其次,自然拼读法的教学还辅以身体的语言。小学生好动,就让学生在活动中学。歌曲、游戏、故事表演等方式都能让学生动起来。 如在复习字母发音时,还可设计游戏与歌曲,游戏参与的人数多,同时优美的音乐又愉悦了师生的身心,这比单纯拼读音标效果要好得多。
2 绘本故事的音标辅助教学功能
3 以教学Unit 4 Lets spell&Story为例
3.1 Warm-up
(1)Dairy expression
T:How are you?Whos that boy?How many letters do you know?
S:I know all the letters.
T:Wow,wonderful.Lets sing a song about letters.
S:Sing ABC songs.(一次)
3.2 Lead-in.
(1)T:You know all the letters.But do you know the sounds of the letters?
(2)Game:I say,you come here.
(3)Game:London Bridge is falling down.(when music stop, read the words)
T:Ah-oh,why there is no “O”here?(教师展示字母o,并板书发音在黑板上)
3.3 Learn the story.
(1)T:F-O-X,fox,Look,its a fox.(教师戴上fox的头饰)b--o--x,please come here.(教师再读fox的字母卡,引出fox单词,并展示实物fox,教师站在box上面,演示Hungry fox sits on a box.Whats happening?)
(2)T:Lets listen a story:Fox on a box.Whats the fox looking for?
T:Yes,Its looking for the food.
The teacher teach the ppt about the story one by one.(教师一张张教PPT的内容,再用思维导图总结。(10mins)
(3)Read the story by eight groups ,one is narrator,the other five read the story.(3mins)
(4)Act the story.(2mins)
3.4 Practise.
T:Now ,you know the sound of letter o,can you read Page 40?(完成课件的相应练习及自然拼读内容)
Sing the song of phonics.
3.5 Homework:Copy the words on Page40 and finish the story.