
2018-10-20 10:51孙盛楠
科技创新与应用 2018年24期


摘 要:中子星和白矮星組成的系统属于致密双星系统,是天文界中很重要的双星系统,本研究通过双星演化程序(BSE)演化探究了在Hubble时间内,白矮星伴星可以充满洛希瓣以及不能充满洛希瓣的情况,并探讨它们可能的性质。


中图分类号:P145.5 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-2945(2018)24-0034-02

Abstract: Neutron stars and white dwarfs are dense binary star systems, which are very important binary star systems in astronomy. In this study, the evolution of binary stars within the Hubble time has been studied by means of binary star evolution (BSE). White dwarf companion stars may or may not be filled with Roche lobes, and their possible properties are discussed.

Keywords: binary star system; evolution program; Roche lobe

1 理论概要

1.1 速度“踢”

1.2 非稳定的质量转移


2 方法


3 讨论




4 结束语






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