文/凯蒂·史密斯 译/葛娇娇
Hip-hop was born out of the Bronx during the 1970s. Artists such as Grandmaster Flash1本名约瑟夫·桑德勒(Joseph Saddler),嘻哈乐的先驱,创新并完善了搓碟(scratching)、快速混音(backspin technique / beat juggling)等技术,并加入了操作杆、均滑转换器等装置,使DJ正式成为一门学问。他和五位说唱歌手组成的团体“闪耀大师与狂暴五人”(Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five)2007年成为入选摇滚乐名人堂的第一支嘻哈乐队。, DJ Kool Herc2原名克莱夫·坎贝尔(Clive Campbell),嘻哈DJ和说唱的发明者,被尊称为“嘻哈之父”。他独创了使用两台唱机重复播放相同唱片中精彩的间奏(break)手法,用以营造派对氛围。and Afrika Bambaata3来自南布朗克斯的美国著名传奇DJ,发行过大量专辑,录制了有史以来最出名的嘻哈乐曲《行星摇滚》(Planet Rock)。mixed funk4由非裔美国音乐家融合了灵魂乐、灵魂爵士乐和节奏蓝调而形成的一种有节奏、适合跳舞的音乐新形式,起源于1960年代中期至晚期。, soul51950年代发源于美国的一种结合了节奏蓝调和福音音乐的音乐流派。灵魂乐独唱与伴唱之间的交流对唱、紧扣节奏、拍掌、即兴的形体动作是其主要特色。and Jamaican “toasting” (chanting over music) to create the genre. Since its early formation, hip-hop has become one of the world’s biggest-selling musical genres. Its in fluence on Western society is far reaching and hip-hop is often referred to as a “culture”. It has had a notable in fluence on fashion, art, language and the politics of mainstream Western society.
Style and fashion has always been at the heart of hip-hop culture. Breakdancers (or B-boys6B-boy跳霹雳舞的男孩,B代表Breaking。跳霹雳舞的女孩叫B-girl。) inspired by hiphop wore clothes that were functional for dancing such as loose fitting jeans or tracksuits. Baggy7baggy宽松的。jeans, tracksuits,oversized jewelry and sneakers are all iconic items of clothing that have been absorbed by mainstream fashion.Brands including Adidas, Nike and Tommy Hil figer8美国经典服饰品牌。have been instrumental in bringing hip-hop fashion to the masses. Designers including Chanel, Gucci and Louis Vuitton have all brought elements of hiphop fashion on the catwalk.
The lexicon of hip-hop has in filtrated mainstream culture. Words such as“phat” (cool), “hood” (neighborhood)and “chill” (relax) have all entered everyday vernacular9vernacular口语,日常语。. The language of hip-hop—or more specially its sub genre rap—has also proved to be controversial. In particular, the word “nigga” used frequently by rappers is widely considered to be an offensive term but is commonly used in the rap genre.
Since its formation in the early 1970s, hip-hop has been a vehicle for socially-aware messages. The Last Poets10脱胎于1960年代末期黑人民权运动的说唱团体,其说唱带有政治色彩,节奏紧凑,致力于唤醒非裔美国人的意识。, Afrika Bambaata and DJ Kool Herc were outspoken black activists.Records such as Grandmaster Flash’s The Message11“闪耀大师和狂暴五人组”1982年发行的第一张唱片,因其第一次将尖锐的社会问题引入说唱音乐,被乐迷及评论奉为“良知嘻哈”的开山经典以及黑人说唱里程碑式的作品。and Keith LeBlanc12来自美国的鼓手, Little Axe and Tackhead的乐队成员。’s No Sell Out13基思·勒布朗于1983年发行的唱片,全名《马尔科姆·X:没有背叛》(Malcolm X: No Sell Out),是第一批用采样编曲的方式发行的唱片之一。作品采用美国黑人民权运动领导人物之一马尔科姆·X的演讲录音片段加上鼓点和节奏编曲而成。歌曲中多次重复“Malcolm X-no sell out”。are drenched14drench浸透;使充满。in messages outlining the struggle of the poor black American. KRS One15美国说唱歌手,原名劳伦斯·“克里斯”·帕克(Lawrence “Kris” Parker)。KRS One取的是knowledge reigns supreme over nearly everyone中每个单词的首字母。and A Tribe Called Quest16嘻哈史上最棒的团体之一,成立于1988年。他们将另类说唱(Alternative Rap)提升到一个前所未有的高度,让嘻哈变得更有内涵,在硬核朋克(Hardcore Punk)和匪帮说唱(Gangsta Rap)主导的嘻哈阵营中占有了重要一席。have maintained the social message purveyed17purvey供给。by earlier hip-hop artists. Such artists have acted as positive role models promoting the importance of education, cultural awareness and a peaceful philosophy.
自1970年代早期形成以来,嘻哈乐就成了传播社会意识信息的媒介。最后的诗人、阿弗里卡·巴姆巴塔和DJ酷赫克都是直言不讳的黑人活动家。闪耀大师的《启示》和基思·勒布朗的《没有背叛》等唱片都对贫苦美国黑人的艰难挣扎做了浓墨重彩的描绘。KRS One和探索部落等艺术家都保留了早期嘻哈音乐家所传播的社会信息。这些艺术家作为积极的榜样倡导教育的重要性、文化意识及和平理念。
A sub-genre of hip-hop, gangsta rap18匪帮说唱,嘻哈乐的一个重要分支,表现城市年轻人的暴力生活。Gangsta是gangster的非辅音(non-rhotic)读法。, has often been criticized for its misogynous19misogynous厌恶女人的。and homophobic20homophobic憎恶同性恋者(尤指男同性恋者)的;同性恋恐惧症的。lyrics and the glorification of violence and drug use. Sexual images of women,guns and a gang lifestyle have marred21mar毁损,弄坏。the genre. Artists such as Snoop Dogg22美国说唱歌手、演员、音乐制作人,原名小卡尔文·科多扎尔·布罗德斯(Calvin Cordozar Broadus Jr.),1992年与死囚唱片(Death Row Records)签约,以其西岸帮派式的匪帮说唱,掀起了一股新兴的G-Funk风潮,也正式让东西岸音乐开始有了分歧。,Eminem23美国说唱歌手,原名马歇尔·布鲁斯·马瑟斯三世(Marshall Bruce Mathers III)。and Death Row Records24该唱片公司曾发行多张重量级匪帮说唱唱片,并推出图派克(2Pac)、德瑞博士(Dr. Dre)、史努比·狗狗、奈特·道格(Nate Dogg)等说唱传奇。founder Marion Suge Knight have all been criticized for promoting a culture of violence. Rivalry between West Coast and East Coast rappers came to a head25come to a head(使)事情达到紧要关头,需要当机立断。in 1990s with the death of Biggie Smalls26美国东海岸嘻哈音乐人,原名克里斯托弗·华莱士(Christopher Wallace),亦有外号The Notorious B.I.G.(声名狼藉先生),他的歌曲以轻松流畅、半自传性的歌词及绝佳的叙事能力闻名。and Tupac Shakur27艺名2Pac,美国已故说唱巨星、演员和诗人,其歌曲围绕暴力、黑人贫民区、种族主义、社会问题及与其他说唱歌手间的争吵,反映政治上、经济上、社会上及种族上的不平等,并且充满了激进的革命反抗意识。. Gangsta rap artists are considered to be highly negative role models for young black males. Images and lyrics promoting violence and sexism are also acknowledged to have had a negative effect on the perception of the young black male by the white community.
Graffiti is strongly associated with hip-hop culture. The practice of graf fiti gathered momentum in the Bronx during the late 1960s and early 1970s. It was often used by political activists to send messages or make statements or by gangs marking territory. Since the 1990s, graf fiti has become more widely accepted as a recognized art form worldwide with the success of Britishborn artist Banksy28匿名的英国涂鸦艺术家、社会运动活跃分子、电影导演及画家,1974年出生于英国布里斯托。and French duo 123Klan29由来自法国的涂鸦夫妇Scien和 Klor于1992年创建的涂鸦团体。1994年该团队也逐渐涉足平面图案设计,其客户包括耐克、阿迪达斯、兰博基尼、纳斯达克等世界著名品牌。. Commercially, large corporations such as Sony have used graf fiti in marketing campaigns. Graffiti has also in filtrated the gaming community with games like SEGA’s Jet Set Radio30日本游戏厂商Smilebit为世嘉(SEGA)DC游戏机设计、并于2000年11月1日发布的一款街头涂鸦电子游戏。. ■
涂鸦与嘻哈文化密切相关。在1960年代末期和1970年代早期,涂鸦行为在布朗克斯区发展势头强劲,常被政治活动家用来传递信息或发表言论,或被匪帮用于标注势力范围。1990年代以来,随着英国艺术家班克西和法国夫妇涂鸦团体123Klan的成功,涂鸦作为一种艺术形式已在世界范围内获得更广泛的认可。在商业方面,索尼等大公司已经把涂鸦用在市场推广活动中。涂鸦也已渗透进游戏社区,出现了世嘉游戏机上的“街头涂鸦”这样的游戏。 □