周青 傅雅丽 张瑞金 刘帅妹 林宁 吴玉璘 许豪勤
[摘要] 目的 了解江苏部分地区人群对出生缺陷预防知识知晓情况及其态度与获取途径,为出生缺陷一级预防宣传教育提供依据。 方法 采用问卷调查的形式,从2016年11月~2017年6月对江苏镇江、泰兴、睢宁和连云港4个地区人群进行问卷调查,内容包括个人特征、出生缺陷预防知识及知识来源等。 结果 本次调查共发放2143份问卷,其中有效问卷2057份,有效率为96.0%。调查结果显示,调查对象的出生缺陷预防知识知晓率6.6%~96.7%,其中男性知晓率为4.9%~96.3%,女性知晓率为7.3%~96.9%;不同文化程度,家庭人均年收入以及不同职业对知识的知晓情况存在差异,部分问题的知晓率随着文化程度的增高而增加(P < 0.05);不同职业中干部、教师和医生的知晓率高于工人、农民和商人等其他职业(P < 0.05);知晓率随家庭人均年收入增高而增加(P < 0.05)。预防知识获取主要途径为报纸、广播电视和宣传资料,90.2%的调查对象希望得到出生缺陷预防相关知识。 结论 需加大出生缺陷预防知识的宣传,提供因人而异的宣传教育,提供便捷有效的知识获取途径,提高群众出生缺陷预防知识的认知水平。
[关键词] 出生缺陷;一级预防;知晓率;文化水平
[中图分类号] R169.1 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1673-7210(2018)06(c)-0040-05
[Abstract] Objective To understand the status of knowledge, attitude and demands of birth defect prevention among the responds in Jiangsu Province in order to provide the bases for the service modes of primary prevention work of birth defect. Methods A survey was made among the responds from Zhenjiang, Taixing, Suining and Lianyungang from November 2016 to June 2017, and the contents of questionnaire contained personal characteristics, the knowledge of birth defect prevention and sources of knowledge. Results A total of 2143 questionnaires were collected and the valid questionnaires were 2057, with an effective rate of 96.0%. The survey indicated that the levels of the knowledge of birth defect prevention were 6.6%-96.7%. The male awareness rates were 4.9%-96.3% and the female awareness rates were 7.3%-96.9%. The levels of knowledge of birth defect prevention varied in different education level, per capita annual income of the family and careers. The awareness rates of the some items were increased with the education level (P < 0.05). The awareness rates of some items of cadres, teachers and doctors were higher than that of labors, farmers, businessmen and the other careers (P < 0.05). The awareness rates of some items were increased with per capita annual income of the family (P < 0.05). The responds understood the knowledge mainly through newspapers, radio and television and publicity materials and 90.2% of them wanted to get knowledge of birth defect prevention. Conclusion It is important to increase the publicity of birth defects prevention knowledge and provide the education varying from person to person, and a convenient and effective way of knowledge acquisition to improve the levels of the knowledge of birth defect prevention.
[Key words] Birth defect; Primary prevention; Awareness rate; Education level