事务所简介 About TVS
Janet Simpson
Foster Lynn
Earle Craft
Becky Ward
Thompson、Ventulett、Stainback联合公司(TVS),最初凭借其设计的欧姆尼体育馆(1968-72年)而声名鹊起。欧姆尼体育馆位于亚特兰大,是可容纳16,500名观众的多功能竞技场。以姆尼体育馆等城市设计项目为基础,TVS联合设计师约翰·波特曼(John Portman),成为亚特兰大市首要设计公司,负责该城市内商贸及会议场所设计,而当时亚特兰大已发展为国际贸易中心。
截顶的十字架椎体和四个悬臂式桁架构成了欧姆尼体育馆的“正交四套桁架”体系。建筑外部是戈坦钢(Cor-Ten)耐候钢及玻璃构建的框架体,这里是各运动队的集合场地,包括亚特兰大老鹰队(篮球队)和亚特兰大火焰队(亚特兰大第一曲棍球队);是埃维斯·普里斯利(Elvis Presley)最后巡演音乐会的举办地;也是其它著名文化活动的举办地。此外,这里还曾召开了1988年民主党全国代表大会。
体育馆建造之时,TVS才刚刚成立不久,只有三个合伙人:Bill Thompson(负责业务),Ray Stainback(负责技术),和Tom Ventulett(负责设计)。Ventulett,1958年毕业于乔治亚理工学院建筑学专业,对其母校有着特殊情怀,他曾参与各项认证评估,针对自己的作品进行讲座,还聘用母校毕业生,并且对这些年轻人进行培训。此外,在公司、家人、及朋友的支持下,他还以自己的名义支持乔治亚第一名建筑学讲座教授——Thomas W. Ventulett III 任教乔治亚理工学院建筑设计专业的特约讲座教授。
乔治亚国际会议中心第一开发阶段时,与其相邻的是欧姆尼国际(后来的CNN中心;1976年),这是一个由风化钢和青铜色玻璃建成的多功能综合体,包括2栋14层的写字楼和1栋500个房间的酒店,形成一个全高度中厅。欧姆尼国际的设计初衷是建造一个家庭娱乐中心。因此这里还包括Sid and Marty Krofft 游乐园(世界上第一个室内游乐园)、1部8层电梯、以及一个奥林匹克级别的溜冰场。到20世纪90年代后期,欧姆尼竞技场被拆毁,取而代之的是菲利浦斯球馆。该球馆于1999年对外开放。
二十世纪80年代以来,TVS在城市设计方面的成就显著,尤其是亚特兰大市中心区第14至第7段街道中沿桃树路路段的设计。从AT&T中高层的地区总部(散步长廊1,1981年),到中心区桃树路1275号(1984年),桃树路1315号(1986年),钟楼(1987年),散步长廊2(1990年),Woodruff 艺术中心25周年改造(1993-1995年),到镜框式舞台(1999-2001年),TVS所创造的不只是一栋栋建筑物,更是一幅幅绝佳的城市设计画作。
无论人们是否注意到这些建筑之间的关联,不可否认的是,TVS已悄然改造了城市格局,明确了城市空间分布,建造了一个又一个历史性的中心地标。比较典型的建筑是中心区桃树路1275号建筑,成为亚特兰大仍举足轻重的基督教科学派第一教堂(1914年)的背景建筑。该教堂由 Edward E. Dougherty 以及 Arthur Neal Robinson Sr. 建造,作为安斯利公园的入口,是亚特兰大为数不多的具有历史意义的美学杰作。TVS的设计突出了教堂的庄严性,同时保证不会喧宾夺主,两个建筑在规模、宏伟和威严性、以及主导和特色性等方面交相辉映,相得益彰。
在对 Robert W. Woodruff 艺术中心的改造中,TVS通过独具时代风格的庙宇式细长柱廊,来体现艺术中心的魅力,突出显示建筑沿路的一面。与其相毗邻的是理查德·迈耶(Richard Meier)设计的标志性建筑——艺术博物馆(1983年)。搭配上具有都市韵味和活力的装饰品,建筑的沿街面很好地体现了亚特兰大最著名街道——桃树路上特有的韵律和活力。
1996年,TVS凭借其设计的亚特兰大都市停车场联合路,获得亚特兰大城市设计委员会颁布的奖项。该项目由TVS与亚特兰大 Love-Stanley 公司合作完成。
The firm of Thompson, Ventulett, Stainback, and Associates (TVS) first came into prominence with the building of Atlanta's Omni Coliseum (1968-72), a multipurpose arena seating 16,500 spectators. On the strength of this and other urban design projects, TVS joins architect John Portman as Atlanta's premier designers of trade and convention space, in a city that has become an international trading center.
The Omni featured an "ortho-quad truss" system of truncated rood pyramids and four cantilevered trusses. The building was sheathed in Cor-Ten weathering steel and glass, and it served as the venue for sports teams, including the Atlanta Hawks basketball team and the Atlanta Flames, the city's first hockey team; a concert on singer Elvis Presley's final tour; and other popular culture events. It was also the site of the 1988 Democratic National Convention.
When the Omni was built, TVS had just been established with three partners: Bill Thompson (business), Ray Stainback (technical), and Tom Ventulett (design).Ventulett, a 1958 graduate of the Georgia Institute of Technology College of Architecture, maintained a unique relationship with his alma mater, participating in accreditation evaluations, lecturing on his work, and hiring and training graduates.He also lent his name, sponsored by his firm, family, and friends, to the first endowed chair in architecture in Georgia, the Thomas W. Ventulett III Distinguished Chair in Architectural Design at Georgia Tech.
TVS continued to develop the site around the Omni during the early 1970s, opening the Georgia World Congress Center in 1976. By 2002 the center had developed in four phases to almost a million and a half square feet of exhibition space,ballrooms, meeting rooms, and large registration areas. These structures, as well as approximately six acres of landscaping, are collectively called the Georgia International Plaza (1996).
Contemporary with the first phase of this development, and adjacent to it, was Omni International (later CNN Center; 1976), a multiuse complex of two 14-story office buildings and a 500-room hotel, forming a full-height atrium of weathered steel and bronze glass. Conceived as a family entertainment center, the complex featured the Sid and Marty Krofft amusement park (the world's first indoor amusement park), an 8-story escalator (the longest in the world at the time), and an Olympic-sized skating rink. In the late 1990s the Omni arena was torn down and replaced by Philips Arena,which opened in 1999.
No doubt the Omni development and the World Congress Center influenced the selection of TVS to design convention and public assembly facilities in some thirtyfour cities nationally. The firm's Pennsylvania Convention Center (1990-93) in Philadelphia preserved the nine-story Reading Terminal Headhouse (1891-93)and adapted the Reading Terminal Trainshed; the complex was the largest public construction project in Pennsylvania. In 1996 the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, was a major project, and that same year TVS more than doubled McCormick Place in Chicago, Illinois (already doubled in 1986 from its 1971 original), to provide 900,000 square feet of additional exhibition space at the McCormick Place South Building.
TVS has notably changed the skyline of Atlanta, as well as the skylines of other cities in the United States. In 1976 the firm built the Mercantile Tower in St. Louis,Missouri, the state's tallest building at the time. The Concourse Corporate Center,built in three phases from 1983 to 1991, culminated in the famed "king and queen chess" towers of north suburban Atlanta.
In the early 1990s the firm became a leader in the movement calling for "green," or environmentally responsible, architecture. The United Parcel Service headquarters complex (1994) in Sandy Springs, in north Fulton County, employed unique construction methods to leave much of the thirty-six-acre forested site undisturbed while erecting two seven-story structures connected by a five-story atrium bridge,which spans a ravine. Architectural and environmental features of the complex were designed, moreover, to conserve energy.
Highly significant is TVS's commitment to urban design since the 1980s, especially evidenced in midtown Atlanta along Peachtree Street between Fourteenth and Seventh streets. Beginning with the mid-rise regional headquarters of AT&T(Promenade One, 1981) and continuing in building after building—1275 Peachtree at the Circle (1984), 1315 Peachtree (1986), the Campanile (1987), Promenade Two(1990), the twenty-fifth anniversary renovation of the Woodruff Arts Center (1993-95),and the Proscenium (1999-2001)—TVS has created a vision that moves beyond architecture to the best traditions of urban design.
Ever mindful of the relationships of building forms to one another, TVS has shaped urban space, defined scale, and accommodated landmark historic focal points. One notable example of this care is the building 1275 Peachtree at the Circle, which serves as a backdrop for the still-dominating First Church of Christ, Scientist, Atlanta(1914). Built by Edward E. Dougherty and Arthur Neal Robinson Sr. and forming the historic entry to Ansley Park, the church is a Beaux-Arts masterpiece, among the city's few remaining. The TVS building does not compete with but reinforces the church's monumentality and distinguishes between size and scale, bigness and power, dominance and character.
In reconfiguring the Robert W. Woodruff Arts Center, TVS brought pizzazz to a period-stylized and emaciated temple colonnade, upscaling the building's curbside face to take its place alongside Richard Meier's iconic High Museum of Art (1983).With the urbane and dynamic flare of its adornments, the new facade's accents mark the rhythms and energy of passing traffic on Atlanta's most prestigious avenue,Peachtree Street.
In 1996 TVS received an Atlanta Urban Design Commission award for the design of the United Way of Metropolitan Atlanta's parking deck, a collaborative project with the Atlanta firm Stanley, Love-Stanley.
With approximately 300 professionals, TVS and Associates is organized around a system of largely autonomous design studios, which are generally responsible for overseeing a project from conception through completion. This practice allows clients to have contact with the architects throughout the design process and has promoted repeated successes. This corporate structure also reflects a theme that informs the firm's work—that architecture, no matter the building type or size, is all about people. In 2002 the American Institute of Architects (AIA)named TVS a recipient of the AIA Architecture Firm Award, the highest honor the AIA confers on a firm.