❶Advantagesof teamsports

2018-09-10 05:59安徽胡发高
疯狂英语·新策略 2018年9期

安徽 胡发高



Nowadays,many teenagers in high school seldom join in team sports.They think doing so can only get them some dates or make them popular.But in fact,there are lots of other benefits to them,which they may not pay attention to.Here are some other valuable results that they will get when they take part in team sports.

With TV,movies,computers,and online games becoming more and more popular,many teenagers like to stay at home by themselves rather than go out with their friends.When they were younger,they used to go out,playing with other kids together.But now they just stay at home or at school.However,they should realize that joining in team sports may do them lots of good.Not only can they get more dates and become more popular,but also they can learn teamwork and make more friends.They’ll find it very useful in their future life.

One of the biggest problems in our society today is overweight,which is not just a problem with adults.More and more kids are becoming overweight.Playing with teammates will help them get some exercise without feeling pressured to lose weight or get in shape.Besides,if a teenager sees that his or her physical condition is causing him or her some trouble,they may be interested in doing other activities too.When they grow into adults,they will find that team sports have helped them to develop a healthy life style.

In a word,taking part in team sports is a great way for teenagers to get exercise,keep healthy,deal with overweight,learn teamwork,make new friends and develop a healthy life style.


get sb.some dates使某人有一些约会

pay attention to注意

take part in参加

used to过去常常;过去一直(有/是)

do sb.good对某人有好处/益处

get in shape保持体形

in a word总之;总的说来


1.With TV,movies,computers,and online games becoming more and more popular,many teenagers like to stay at home by themselves rather than go out with their friends.随着电视、电影、电脑和网络游戏的日益普及,许多青少年喜欢独自窝在家里而不是和朋友们一起出去运动。

by themselves属于“介词+反身代词”结构,用作方式状语,表示“独自地”;rather than是固定搭配,译为“而不是”,表示与前面的动作相反。

2.Not only can they get more dates and become more popular,but also they can learn teamwork and make more friends.他们不仅能得到更多约会、使自己更受欢迎,而且还能学到团队合作精神、结识更多的朋友。

这是一个倒装句。not only...but also...为并列连词,意为“不仅……而且……”。当not only...but also...连接的是句子的并列成分,且not only位于句首时,通常要用倒装语序。

3.One of the biggest problems in our society today is overweight,which is not just a problem with adults.当今社会中一个最大的问题是肥胖,这一点不仅仅是成年人才有的问题。




1.The underlined word“physical”means _________ in Chinese.

A.物理的 B.体育的

C.身体的 D.心里的

2.When teenagers were younger,they _________.

A.enjoyed themselves with their little friends

B.never preferred to go out with other kids

C.stayed at home or at school by themselves

D.were mostly overweight and unhealthy

3.What does the passage mainly want to tell us?

A.Doing sports can help teenagers keep healthy.

B.The biggest problem today is overweight.

C.Adults should help teenagers join in sports.

D.Team sports does lots of good to teenagers.




There__________________a tall tree in front of my house.


You should__________________the table manners there.


It will________________________to chat with your parents.


His old grandfather insisted on staying__________________.


He was late again,________________________very angry.

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